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Director’s Review July 25-27, 2006 T. Shaw1 DES Review DES Front End Electronics WBS 1.3 T. Shaw.

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Presentation on theme: "Director’s Review July 25-27, 2006 T. Shaw1 DES Review DES Front End Electronics WBS 1.3 T. Shaw."— Presentation transcript:

1 Director’s Review July 25-27, 2006 T. Shaw1 DES Review DES Front End Electronics WBS 1.3 T. Shaw

2 Director’s Review July 25-27, 2006 T. Shaw2 DES FE Project Definition We must read out a large focal plane of CCDs 62 Science CCDs 8 Alignment CCDs 4 Guide CCDs The Science and Alignment CCDs are read out at the same rate with the same clocking patterns 250k-pixels/s @ 10e - rms noise The Guide CCDs will be readout at a faster rate; will not interfere with required “quiet” time of Science and Alignment CCDs

3 Director’s Review July 25-27, 2006 T. Shaw3 DES FE Electronics WBS structure

4 Director’s Review July 25-27, 2006 T. Shaw4 LBL CCD Vsub HI_UHI_L H2_UH2_L H3_UH3_L Vr_UVr_L RG_URG_L Video_UVideo_L Vdd_UVdd_L Vopg_UVopg_L SW_USW_L TG p+ guard FS1 FS2 FS3 V1 V2 V3 n+ guard Vsub CCD Bond Pads 2048 x 4096 15 µm pixel CCD Vertical clocking moves charge towards serial register Horizontal clocking moves charge along serial output register to video output amplifiers

5 Director’s Review July 25-27, 2006 T. Shaw5 Signal Count per CCD Each CCD will require control of the following signals: Horizontal clocking H1_U, H1_L, H2_U, H2_L, H3_U, H3_L, SW, RG Vertical clocking V1, V2, V3, TG Erase control n+ guard Bias voltages Vr_U, Vr_L, Vdd, Vopg, Vsub Totals: 13 clocks per CCD 5 bias levels per CCD “Tuning” of optimal CCD readout is accomplished by adjusting clock rail voltages and bias settings. We are assuming, relying on current test results, that production readout can group at least 3 CCDs together with like clock rail settings.

6 Director’s Review July 25-27, 2006 T. Shaw6 CCD Packaging – Picture Frame WBS 1.3.1 CCD is wire bonded to a polymide board

7 Director’s Review July 25-27, 2006 T. Shaw7 CCD Packaging – Pedestal Package WBS 1.3.2 CCD is wire bonded to an AlN board 37-pin Nanonics Dualobe connector

8 Director’s Review July 25-27, 2006 T. Shaw8 Monsoon Readout System WBS 1.3.6 Monsoon –Developed by NOAO –Crate based system (Eurocard format) –cPCI backplane used (no cPCI protocol) –Open Design Schematics available Firmware available Layout files available –Boards exist Master Control Board Clock and Bias Board 8 Channel Acquisition Board –Large software framework exists

9 Director’s Review July 25-27, 2006 T. Shaw9 Monsoon Block Diagram

10 Director’s Review July 25-27, 2006 T. Shaw10 Monsoon Crate MCBCBB8-Ch CCD Acq.

11 Director’s Review July 25-27, 2006 T. Shaw11 History of Monsoon at FNAL Mid 2004 DES group looks into the Leach and Monsoon Systems as possible readout solutions. Leach is an established proprietary readout system for CCDs. Monsoon offered some advantages – higher density (8 channel card vs 2 channel card of Leach); telemetry readout (readback of clock rail voltages and bias voltages); designed for large mosaics; open architecture; easy to customize. (Lots of manpower already expended by NOAO on Monsoon ~12 engineering years/~5 programmer years/~5 board layout years.) University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign began to purchase the initial Monsoon test stands. March 2005 FE workshop at FNAL; decision to continue to pursue Monsoon as readout platform. April 2005 Receive MCB, CBB and a blank prototype 8 ch CCD Acq Board to be hand assembled. Never able to achieve low noise. Nov 2005 Delivery of 2 complete Monsoon systems (MCB, CBB and production 8 ch CCD Acq Board). Fairly quickly began running with <10e - noise at ~12us/pixel. Jan 2006 FNAL takes delivery of Leach System. Leach performance quickly matches Monsoon performance. Feb 2006 FEE Panel formed to examine choice of design platform. Specifically, to look at Leach and Monsoon.

12 Director’s Review July 25-27, 2006 T. Shaw12 History of Monsoon at FNAL Feb 2006 Delivery of two additional complete Monsoon Systems. One was shipped to Barcelona Mar 2006 With “short” cable run, we are able to achieve ~6.5e - noise at ~6us/pixel April 2006 With a pre-amp (WBS 1.3.5) located outside of dewar wall, we are able to achieve ~6.5e - noise at ~6us/pixel with a long cable June 2006 FEE Panel tasked with examining choice of Monsoon vs Leach comes back with its findings. In summary Monsoon work seems to be progressing Keep an eye on 12 Channel Board design; fallback to use current 8 Channel Board Leach Controller remains a viable alternative in case of unforeseen problem with Monsoon. July 2006 Delivery of fourth Monsoon system for FNAL

13 Director’s Review July 25-27, 2006 T. Shaw13 Pre-amp Board (WBS 1.3.5) currently outside of dewar

14 Director’s Review July 25-27, 2006 T. Shaw14 Proposed Changes to Monsoon To use the Monsoon System for DES, we will customize the boards for our specific application: –Build a 12 channel CCD Acq Module which would provide customized bias voltages, RTD readout, and Vsubstrate ramp control. (WBS 1.3.8) –Build a customized Clock Board to better address our clocking needs; greater fanout ability to drive more clocks. (WBS 1.3.7) –Slight modification to the Master Control Board to allow for switch to S-Link as the fiber optic link. (WBS 1.3.9) Breakout session will cover these new board designs in more detail.

15 Director’s Review July 25-27, 2006 T. Shaw15 PF Packaging WBS 1.3.10 UIUC has worked with FNAL mechanical engineers and proposes to instrument the telescope using three FE crates. These crates would each contain two backplanes; one with 6 slots and one with 4 slots. A single 4-slot section would provide for readout of up to 9 guide CCDs The remaining backplane sections would provide readout of up to 72 science and alignment CCDs. UIUC is also providing engineering support for crate power supplies.

16 Director’s Review July 25-27, 2006 T. Shaw16 Vacuum Interface Board(VIB) WBS 1.3.4 Vacuum Interface Board will provide the connection between the Monsoon boards and the CCDs on the focal plane. Monsoon cables will plug into the VIB outside the vacuum. Kapton cables will be used to connect between Vacuum Interface Board and the CCDs inside the dewar.

17 Director’s Review July 25-27, 2006 T. Shaw17 Vacuum Interface Board WBS 1.3.4 Kapton Cable WBS 1.3.3 AlN Board WBS 1.3.2 Camera Vessel Instrumentation

18 Director’s Review July 25-27, 2006 T. Shaw18 DES FE Electronics L3 Milestones

19 19 Monsoon Electronics Schedule & Milestones

20 20 DES Electronics Schedule & Milestones

21 Director’s Review July 25-27, 2006 T. Shaw21 Engineering Teams/Responsibilities FNAL (T. Shaw, D. Huffman, M. Kozlovsky, Jamieson Olsen, Walter Stuermer) Instrumentation of CCD testing stations 12 Channel CCD Acq Module & Transition Vacuum Interface Board Cabling Pre-amps UIUC (T. Moore, V. Simaitis) Crate Power Supply Barcelona (Laia Cardiel, Miquel Barceló) Clock & Bias Board Fanout Transition Module Clock Board Transition Master Control Board Madrid (Gustavo Martinez, Javier Castilla, Juan De Vicente) Clock Board Groups in Spain will design and produce Clock Board and Master Control Board. FNAL will prototype 12 Channel CCD Acquisition Board; Spain will produce the board.

22 Director’s Review July 25-27, 2006 T. Shaw22 FE Electronics Costs

23 Director’s Review July 25-27, 2006 T. Shaw23 Conclusions FE Readout is based upon the Monsoon system. This is working for the readout of our small test dewars. New customized Monsoon modules are being designed to address specific DES requirements. Leach remains as a fallback to the Monsoon readout solution. Next plans: Readout an array of CCDs in the large test dewar. Optimize cable design; location of pre-amp.

24 Director’s Review July 25-27, 2006 T. Shaw24 Backup slide

25 Director’s Review July 25-27, 2006 T. Shaw25 Monsoon Quantity/Cost estimates

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