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Accelerating Opportunity Arkansas Bidders Webinar March 7, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Accelerating Opportunity Arkansas Bidders Webinar March 7, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Accelerating Opportunity Arkansas Bidders Webinar March 7, 2013

2 Agenda Welcome & Webinar Goals Barbara Endel, JFF and Mike Leach, AATYC Setting the Stage – Why Arkansas is Joining AO Mike Leach, AATYC, Jim Smith, Arkansas Adult Education, and Karon Rosa, Arkansas Career Pathways Overview of Accelerating Opportunity Barbara Endel, JFF Expectations of Selected Colleges Barbara Endel, JFF and Mike Leach, AATYC Timeline Barbara Endel, JFF and Mike Leach, AATYC

3 Setting The Stage Why Accelerating Opportunity? To increase Arkansas’s economic prosperity by preparing more working-age adults to enter the labor market; As a strategic way to support PACE and other reform goals; and To increase the transition rate of adult education students into postsecondary programs.

4 About Accelerating Opportunity Our Goals: Fundamentally change the way Adult Education and Professional/Technical Education are structured and delivered Promote state and institution policies to increase the number of individuals completing credentials with labor market value. Help adults earn a GED at the same time as they are learning valuable technical skills. Improve the college experience for low-skilled adult learners

5 National Movement 5 RI HI

6 Improving Student Experiences and Outcomes What low-skilled, non-traditional students typically face: Emerging Solutions: Confusing array of career programsIntegrated instructional models, college prep & career pathways General education focus as the default for programs and services Programs and services specifically geared to career pathways Long remedial education sequencesAcceleration, compression and dual-enrollment strategies Inadequate or inaccessible support services Array of support services, including intrusive advising Programs not designed with career advancement in mind Programs designed around labor market opportunities and needs Career Pathways Accelerating Opportunity

7 Washington’s Integrated Basic Education and Skills Training (I-BEST) Model 7 Certified Vocational Skills At least 50% overlap Basic Academic Skills Support Services

8 The Arkansas Accelerating Opportunity Model 8 ADHE- Approved Educational Pathway At least 25% overlap Adult Education Career Pathways

9 Recruitment Target Population: Students with or without a High School diploma or GED TANF-eligible students (in order to use Career Pathways resources); others can be enrolled as well if there are resources available Target skill level: High Intermediate Basic Education through Adult Secondary Education (NRS levels 4-6/grade level 6 and above) High Intermediate ESL (NRS level 5 and above) Students can be referred to the program through Adult Education, Career Pathways, college admissions, or community partners

10 Implementing the Model To successfully implement this model, colleges must be willing and able to: Enroll students without a High School diploma or GED in ADHE-approved educational pathways Provide integrated instruction (team teaching) in courses that lead to a Certificate of Proficiency (or higher)

11 Integrated Instruction Team-teaching: Overlap in instructional time (can range from 25% to 100%) Shared planning time Joint learning outcomes Instructors are equal – the Adult Education instructor is not just a classroom aide Not the same as dual-enrollment – much more collaboration between the two instructors.

12 Integrated Instruction Additional Courses Leading to Technical Certificate Courses Leading To Certificate of Proficiency Additional Courses Leading to AA/AAS ADHE-Approved Educational Pathway All courses team-taughtSome courses may be team-taught Possible GED attainment

13 Selected Colleges Must Commit To: Demonstrating of support from college leadership as well as administrators of applicable CTE departments, ABE, academic affairs, and student services Developing at least two career pathways that adhere to the non- negotiable elements listed above, including career pathways targeting high-wage high-demand sectors and are ADHE approved Enrolling students in the target population (NRS levels 4-6, or testing at 6 th grade level and above) in ADHE-approved educational pathways Identifying co-instructors from basic skills and college-level professional-technical programs, with at least a 25 percent overlap of the instructional time to support both literacy and workforce skills gains. Instructors must be open and willing to engage in this innovative instructional model.

14 Selected Colleges Must Commit To: Developing integrated learning outcomes with joint faculty review of student progress and collective evaluation of program effectiveness by all faculty and administrators involved. Providing comprehensive support services, including using career pathways program infrastructure for eligible students. Adopting or adapting college policies and financing models to ensure that effective Accelerating Opportunity programs are sustained and expanded to assist many more adult learners in obtaining postsecondary credentials. Collecting data on participants, including employment outcomes Producing 750 credentials from across the four colleges over a three-year time period.

15 Timeline Application Deadline: March 22 nd, 2013,5 p.m. CDT Please email the completed proposal to Mike Leach ( Grantees Announced: Successful applicants will be notified by Monday, April 1 st, 2013 National Conference on Integrated Basic Skills Pathways: April 30 th -May 1 st 2013 in Seattle, WA. (Travel will be covered by AATYC.) Team Teaching Institute: Tuesday, May 21, 2013 from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. in Little Rock. (Location TBD)

16 Questions? You can type questions into the chat box (please send to everyone) or raise your hand to be unmuted. If you have questions after the webinar please contact Mike Leach (

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