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Published byAaron Moxham Modified over 10 years ago
Emerging Technologies for the Treatment of Organic and Aqueous Waste Streams: International and U.S. Department of Energy Case Studies Dennis Kelley, Pacific Nuclear Solutions
Objectives of Presentation
Examine several case studies that describe polymer solidification technology for use on complex liquid waste streams: STMI-Areva, France British Nuclear Group, Sellafield, U.K. Cernavoda, Romania; Krsko, Slovenia & OPG Canada Khlopin Radium Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia China Institute of Atomic Energy, Beijing, China U.S. DOE Rocky Flats, Colorado U.S. DOE Mound, Ohio
Nochar Polymer Technology
ABsorbent, mechanical process; not an ADsorbent material (surface collector) Not an encapsulation technology Minimal volumetric increase: 5% or less No leaching / no liquid release Solidification time: 1 hour to 48 hours depending on waste stream composition Mechanical / chemical reaction; no heat build-up, no heat release Polymers reduce the risk of fire; suppress vapor
Polymer Technology Stability of Solidification: Cobalt 60 gamma
270 million rad on organic / acid waste 90 million rad on organic waste – TBP 75 million rad on aqueous waste – 14.2 pH Helps to immobilizes heavy metals Safe / simple process: mixing or no mixing, depends on composition of waste stream Final product for short, intermediate or final storage / burial Incineration: less than .02% ash Combined with grout / cement for monolithic matrix possible
Polymers N910: styrene block co-polymer
styrene-ethylene/butylenes-styrene N960: 100% cross linked, co-polymer of acrylamide
France Partner: STMI (Areva Group)
2003, analyzed 20 year old tank waste 4 phase complex organic / aqueous waste stream, with alcohol and solid material Good characterization made testing easy Polymer formulas created according to each phase 2 : 1 bonding ratio for each phase Encapsulation of polymer waste in cement
France Cementation tests – passed ANDRA requirement, but not cost effective ANDRA does not accept sorbent (organic) materials Incineration at Centraco 2007 project at AREVA – Marcoule Complex aqueous waste stream with low pH 2010 project at AREVA SICN Veurey DU, oils & solvents + low amount of water, classified as “liquid muds”
U.K. Contacts Sellafield NNL, Workington AWE, Aldermaston
UKAEA, Harwell LLWR / NDA Magnox stations, Berkeley British Energy AMEC NSG Environmental
United Kingdom - Sellafield
Oil immobilization program initiated by British Nuclear Group: 2006 Waste oil, non-standard waste stream, treatment and disposal issues on site Waste Characterization & Clearance group and PNS conducted 3 experimental campaigns Small scale test program: 90+ oil types
Experimental Methodology
Polymers: N910, N935, N960 1.5 : 1 ratio (liquid to polymer by weight) Light mixing applied if “pooling” occurred on surface, due to quick solidification Curing period: 24 – 48 hours Polymers blended, depending on waste composition Compositions unknown
I024-A Sample at 24 Hours
I048-A Sample at 24 Hours
Oil Solidification at Different Ratios
Results of Experiments: British Nuclear Group Analysis
Polymer systems proved effective in immobilization of waste oil into a solid product No leaching of liquid on compression Need to test for compatibility of polymers to waste and assess ratios on case by case basis 2 : 1 ratio is optimum for economic and security reasons
Cementation Test Program
UK Conditions for Acceptance for LLW disposal call for compressive strength minimum Consider cement encapsulation of polymer solidification to be suitable for final disposal Tests demonstrated oil solidification + grout can form a safe, non-compactable matrix suitable for final disposal
U.S. Department of Energy’s Initiatives for Proliferation Prevention in Russia: Results of Radioactive Liquid Waste Treatment Project, Year 1 Y. Pokhitonov, V. Kamachev V.G. Khlopin Radium Institute, Russia D. Kelley Pacific Nuclear Solutions, USA
Russia since 2002 Partner: Khlopin Radium Institute, St. Petersburg
Over 60 tests conducted on complex liquid waste streams: Gatchyna and RADON – Sosnvoy Bor NPP Sludge types from decontaminating solutions Several forms of TBP from extraction facility for spent fuel reprocessing Spent extractant solutions with heavy metal content
Nitric Acid with Plutonium
Oil Sludge Nitric Acid with Plutonium
Purpose of Project Program sponsored by DOE to engage Russian weapons scientists in peaceful use of existing and newly developed technologies DOE’s IPP program is a mechanism for U.S. private sector companies to enter Russian market: radwaste treatment Introduce USA environmental technology to weapons sector and seek joint technologies Investigate solutions for Russia & USA liquid radwaste problems resulting from Cold War DOE compensates scientists to participate in program Long-term, commercialize project, employ scientists
Project Participants Russia USA
Russian State Atomic Energy Corporation (ROSATOM) VG Khlopin Radium Institute (project manager) Seversk (SCC ), Zheleznogorsk (MCC), Ozersk (MAYAK), Gatchyna 90+ participants, 68 weapons scientists USA Department of Energy (GIPP) Argonne National Lab Pacific Nuclear Solutions (project manager) International Science & Technology Center (ISTC) Project administrator, Moscow
Experiments Stability (Differential Thermal Analysis) Irradiation
Gas generation * Polymer solidification /capacity / evaporation * Leaching / water contact * Encapsulation in cement * Represents test data / results published in paper
Differential Thermal Analysis
Polymers: N910, N930, N960 Solidified samples with nitric acid and sodium nitrate possess high thermal stability
Irradiation Tests / Results
Extensive irradiation testing conducted, required for ROSATOM certification All high dose rates Cobalt 60 gamma irradiator One example: nitric / organic solution 30 rad per second 30 days = 77 M Rad + 73 days = 270 M Rad Brittle, size reduction, no degradation / leaching Conducted for gas generation tests
Stability and Irradiation
Cobalt 60, gamma installation, dose rate 3.9·10⁶ gray N960 polymer, HNO₃, 1M, after irradiation N910 polymer, oil + TBP, after irradiation
Irradiation Tests
Gas Generation Tests Preliminary tests, more testing and analysis is required Tests required to determine fire and explosion safety conditions Tests carried out under static conditions in sealed glass ampoules N960 polymer + nitric solution: no changes in the solidification and no gas release N910 polymer + TBP / oil: variable results Preliminary judgment: polymers are not gas generators
Rate of gas release during irradiation of sample: N910 polymer + 50%-TBP / 50%-oil
Characteristic (composition) of wastes Conditions of solidification
Characteristic (composition) of wastes Conditions of solidification Results Volume of waste used, ml Amount of # 960 used, g Amount of # 910 used, g 4232 Sludge residue from the bottom of the apparatus (aqueous phase). U-80g., NaNO₃~200g, HNO₃-0,8 M/I 6 8 0,5 Successfully solidified 4231 Sludge residue from the top of the apparatus (occurrence of organic phase is probable). U-80g., NaNO₃~200g, HNO₃-0,8 M/I. Very thick black liquid. 4237 LL decontaminationg solution with low amounts of organic substances, U-153 g/l, NaNO₃~ g, HNO₃2,5 M/I 12 4238 LL decontaminating solution with low amounts of organic substances. U-153 g/l, NaNO₃~ g, HNO₃2,5 M/I 20 4 2 4125 U-20 g, NaNO₃40g, HNO₃1,2 M/I. There was a precipitate in the solution. 15 16 4283 Uranium re-extracts. U-70g, HNO₃0,07 M/I. 1
Solidified sample after addition of water Solution: HNO₃ 1,0M
No volumetric increase
Polymer Solidification/ Capacity / Evaporation: Conclusions
Polymer technology is irreversible, liquid permanently immobilized in polymer matrix Advantage: direct application of polymer to waste without conditioning / additives Little or no volumetric increase in the process Appreciable volume reduction through evaporation; no measurement of water vapor Polymers slow evaporation process Polymers are versatile, solidify aqueous / organic waste of varying acidities, specific activities, suspensions and sludge types & salts
Chemical Stability – Leach Test
Various leach tests conducted samples with cesium and water contact samples mixed with cement Aqueous polymer has capacity limits, water contact will cause leaching Cementation may be required by regulators Cementation tests not conducted properly; precise bonding ratios are necessary Results: Immediate contact with water after solidification caused leaching Better results when sample had aged 1 month
Encapsulation of Polymer Solidification
Cementation tests at AREVA & Sellafield successfully completed, with 90% organic / 10% aqueous streams When aqueous is above 10%, new technique for encapsulation is required Encapsulation research underway: additives to solidification additives to cement tests with inorganic materials encouraging
Applications Waste in above ground & underground tanks
Small containers / drums / self-contained generator (Yttrium -90) Direct application to closed vessels to prevent leakage Emergency spills at NPPs Decommissioning sites, legacy waste
Markets Weapons production sites Nuclear power plants
Submarine decommissioning Toxic chemical industrial complexes Research institutes Uranium mining Medical waste Land & water remediation projects
Year 2: Work Plan Polymer certification Commence sub-site test work
Required to import & sell polymer in Russia Licenses required for health / safety, fire / explosion, irradiation / stability Final certification issued by ROSATOM Commence sub-site test work Active solutions Problematic waste streams Continuation of experiments
Cernavoda, Romania Cernavoda NPP approval – 2005
CNCAN approval – early, 2007 Waste streams to be solidified: mineral oil with tritium / cesium, 200+ drums completed machine oil with tritium scintillation fluid Interim storage on-site (20+ years), plan to incinerate at Studsvik, Sweden
Krsko, Slovenia First Nochar user in Europe, 2002
Oil with tritium / solvents Waste transported to Studsvik Nuclear, Sweden for incineration Incineration with excellent results Safety booms in power plant for emergency spills
Ontario Power Generation - Canada
2010 test program FRF, Fire Resistant fluid for turbine governing system Paint, latex (used N930) Glycol (used N935) Kodak developer (used N960) Solvents, machine oil
China China Institute of Atomic Energy, Beijing Test program 2004-2005
Formal paper published Waste treatment regulations to be changed Repository conditions, similar as WIPP-DOE, desert conditions 1st large scale project underway
Waste Streams Six simulant waste streams tested:
Tri-butyl phosphate: 30% TBP / 70% kerosene Acidic (nitric) solution: less than 0 pH Alkaline solution: more than 14 pH Ion exchange resin: anion to cation – 2:1 Sodium type-beads, chlorine type-beads & 50% water Vacuum pump oil Scintillation fluid
Solidification of TBP/OK
Test number Liquid waste (g) Polymer (g) Remarks Stir After 6 weeks 1-1 8g N910 Waste added to the polymer. Rapid reaction, about 20 seconds Polymer Not fully consumed no No significant variance 1-2 24g 8g N910 Waste added to the polymer. Rapid reaction. Not fully consumed - small amount of dry polymer at bottom of beaker Become translucent like glass; elasticity increase 1-3 8g N910 + N960 Waste + water added to the polymer. Rapid reaction Polymer not fully consumed yes
1:1 Ratio after 6 weeks 3:1 Ratio after 6 weeks
Sodium Cation Exchange Resin Solidification
Test number Liquid Waste (g) Polymer (g) Remarks Stir After 6 weeks 5-1 100g (about 50% water) 20g N960 Resin particles are embedded in the polymer mass yes No significant variance
Irradiation Tests Objectives of irradiation tests of solidified waste streams: Evaluate degradation of waste form and polymers Leaching Durability Waste sealed in individual ampoules Cobalt-60, gamma source irradiator Dose rate: 28 rad per second / 70 million rad All samples exposed to same dose rate Loose polymers also irradiated at same dose rate
Irradiation of Vacuum Pump Oil 70 Million Rad
IR Spectra-graph Tests/Results
Objective: check for degradation of polymers resulting from irradiation 100,000 rad for 100 hours = 10,000,000 rad Conclusion: Little or no degradation of polymer
IR Spectra-graph of N910 Red represents after irradiation
Blue represents before irradiation
IR Spectra-graph of N960 Red represents after irradiation
Blue represents before irradiation
U.S. Department of Energy – Rocky Flats,Colorado
One of DOE’s first major nuclear weapons sites declared a full closure site Objective: treat and remove all “orphan” waste streams Polymers evaluated and approved for solidification of transuranic (TRU) waste with leach tests (EPA # 1311), hydrogen gas tests Replaced cementation as treatment method TRU oil with plutonium waste streams solidified: - methanol with organic contaminants such as cyclohexane - mixed organic waste consisting of freon, carbon tetrachloride and trichloroethylene - contaminated used pump oil TRU acid (cerium nitrate) with plutonium
TRU Oil Solidification with N990
DOE – Rocky Flats Create layering process, 10 kgs per layer to avoid mixing Packaging: 55 gallon steel drums Final disposal at Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP), DOE’s ILW repository All waste moved and stored at WIPP Estimated DOE cost savings exceeded $10 million
U.S. Department of Energy – Mound, Ohio
In 2000, full scale solidification of vacuum pump oil with tritium under EM-50 program 8,000 liters of oil DOE required bonding ratio: 1 : 1 (liquid:polymer by weight) N990 formula – to solidify oil and water, includes catalyst for aged, low volatile oil 50,000 curies of oil waste solidified over 3 year period 2,200 curie per liter solidified / shipped to NTS
DOE – Mound Extensive leach testing conducted
Extensive bench testing to determine solidification production methodology Final process - No mixing Packaging: polyethylene liner / drum overpack DOE estimated cost savings: $ 1 million + Final storage / burial at Nevada Test Site (NTS) – DOE’s LLW site
Lawrence Livermore Project
Depleted uranium tailings in oil 48 drums – completed N910 polymer (90%) metalbond (10%) formula 2 Step Process Oil + polymer, cure then Add cement to create a monolith Final storage at Nevada Test Site
Conclusions Accurate characterization of waste stream is critical to ensure good solidification Conduct bench test on each and every waste stream; eliminate surprises Packaging: must meet each country’s final disposal requirements; liners, drums, boxes, encapsulation in cement / other matrix, incineration Mixing: keep process simple / small batches
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