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March SRSRB Meeting.  The purpose of this discussion is to provide early feedback to project sponsors  Five Application Submitted 1. South Touchet RM.

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Presentation on theme: "March SRSRB Meeting.  The purpose of this discussion is to provide early feedback to project sponsors  Five Application Submitted 1. South Touchet RM."— Presentation transcript:

1 March SRSRB Meeting

2  The purpose of this discussion is to provide early feedback to project sponsors  Five Application Submitted 1. South Touchet RM 8.5 Channel Realignment, Habitat Enhancement and Floodplain Connection 2. North Fork Touchet Dedloff Conservation Easement Acquisition 3. Zumwalt Water Association Waterline Replacement 4. Five Star Watershed Stewardship 5. Rattlesnake Creek SR 129 Culvert Replacement

3 Jerry Middel CTUIR 8.5 miles up the South Fork Touchet from Dayton Located near the lower end of the Rainwater in a priority area 2,500 ft floodplain and complexity restoration project Replace existing 40ft bridge with a 90ft span $200,000 SRFB request $316,000 Match Listed in the 3 Yr Work Plan

4 S. Touchet River (Continued)

5 9 miles upstream from Dayton At confluence of Jim Creek 37 acres on ½ mile of river Phase I is being completed including appraisal Phase II would include the CE and the removal of power line from the floodplain CE would disallow subdivision intensive grazing, timber harvest, stream channelization, flood control structure or other alterations to the stream channel $63,000 SRFB $11,000 Match Listed in the 3 Yr Work Plan

6 Proposed North Fork Conservation Easement Boundary (Green 37 acres & Pink 5 acres)

7  Located just downstream from Pomeroy in Pataha MSA  Propose replacing 9,100 ft of domestic waterline  The line services 12 property owners each individually metered  The existing PVC pipeline was installed in the 70s and now leaks (as much as 12 million gallons per year) culinary water to the shallow water table adjacent to Pataha Cr. (could leach through septic drain field or cattle operations.  Objective would be to stop leaks and reduce demand on Cities treatment facility and the surface and deep well withdrawal.  SRFB request = $270,725 with $47,775 match  Project is not listed in the 3 Yr Work Plan

8 Zumwalt Water Association Water Line Replacement

9 Five Star Watershed Stewardship Jason Selwitz, Agricultural Center of Excellence WWCC

10 Rattlesnake Creek SR 129 Culvert Replacement Asotin County Conservation District Fish passage on Rattlesnake Cr Grande Ronde MSA Rattlesnake protection reach

11 Rattlesnake Creek SR 129 Culvert Replacement Replace existing 4’x20’ barrier culvert at RM 1.39 with a 22’x36’ bottomless culvert Open 8.97 miles of habitat above barrier 2 additional culvert barriers have received FFFP funding up stream for removal this summer SRFB request = $600,000 with match = $620,000 WSDOT Project is listed in the 3 Yr Work Plan 35-00159

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