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4 th May 2007 Kris Johnstone, Sacre Coeur A golden opportunity: A balancing act Repositioning the library in the light of VELS.

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Presentation on theme: "4 th May 2007 Kris Johnstone, Sacre Coeur A golden opportunity: A balancing act Repositioning the library in the light of VELS."— Presentation transcript:

1 4 th May 2007 Kris Johnstone, Sacre Coeur A golden opportunity: A balancing act Repositioning the library in the light of VELS

2 Kris Johnstone, Sacre Coeur4 th May 2007 “The extent to which a school library can effectively meet the needs of learners and educators within the school is determined by the levels of collaboration with the rest of the school community”. “The extent to which a school library can effectively meet the needs of learners and educators within the school is determined by the levels of collaboration with the rest of the school community”. Start with the Child. Charted Institute of Library and Information Professionals. Report 2002 Start with the Child. Charted Institute of Library and Information Professionals. Report 2002

3 Kris Johnstone, Sacre Coeur4 th May 2007 VELS driven Pedagogy Focus on process not content Focus on process not content Leads to greater emphasis on: Leads to greater emphasis on: Information Literacy Information Literacy Information Skills Information Skills Thinking Skills Thinking Skills Student engagement Student engagement Students controlling their own learning Students controlling their own learning

4 Kris Johnstone, Sacre Coeur4 th May 2007 Teacher-Librarian Role Validated New learning outcomes are how we have always talked about the library New learning outcomes are how we have always talked about the library Principles of Learning and Teaching /Life-Long Learning Principles of Learning and Teaching /Life-Long Learning Greater recognition of the cross curriculum skills which students require Greater recognition of the cross curriculum skills which students require Autonomous Learners who can apply their knowledge beyond the classroom Autonomous Learners who can apply their knowledge beyond the classroom Content knowledge used to foster deep understanding/intellectual quality Content knowledge used to foster deep understanding/intellectual quality Transformative: developing and transforming prior knowledge, skills, attitudes, values: conceptual change Transformative: developing and transforming prior knowledge, skills, attitudes, values: conceptual change

5 Kris Johnstone, Sacre Coeur4 th May 2007 Challenges Students controlling their own learning Students controlling their own learning Freeing up assignment design process to allow for much more student input Freeing up assignment design process to allow for much more student input Teaching thinking Teaching thinking Freeing up assessment to allow student ownership Freeing up assessment to allow student ownership Development of proforma to support above Development of proforma to support above Integrating ICTs Integrating ICTs What a PoLT classroom/library looks like What a PoLT classroom/library looks like

6 Kris Johnstone, Sacre Coeur4 th May 2007 Focus at Sacre Coeur Leadership in curriculum Leadership in curriculum Staff professional development Staff professional development Information Literacy/ A Thinking Environment Information Literacy/ A Thinking Environment Assignment Design Assignment Design ICTs ICTs Wide-reading programmes Wide-reading programmes

7 Kris Johnstone, Sacre Coeur4 th May 2007 Leadership in curriculum Expertise in Interdisciplinary (Thinking Processes, ICT), and Personal Learning Expertise in Interdisciplinary (Thinking Processes, ICT), and Personal Learning Implementing a Thinking Curriculum Implementing a Thinking Curriculum Course Auditing and Documentation Course Auditing and Documentation Course Curriculum support Curriculum support

8 4 th May 2007 Kris Johnstone, Sacre Coeur Desktop

9 4 th May 2007 Resource promotion

10 Kris Johnstone, Sacre Coeur4 th May 2007 VELS Specific Staff PD Whole staff VELS Introduction July 2005 Whole staff VELS Introduction July 2005 Catholic School Curriculum Co- ordinators Catholic School Curriculum Co- ordinators Catholic School Catholic School VELS and Assessment VELS and Assessment VELS and Assessment VELS and Assessment

11 Kris Johnstone, Sacre Coeur4 th May 2007 Skills Focus Staff PD New Websites and Search Engines New Websites and Search Engines New focus on sites that can readily be adapted to the requirements of VELS – Information Literacy, Thinking Skills, Rubrics etc focus on sites that can readily be adapted to the requirements of VELS – Information Literacy, Thinking Skills, Rubrics etc Creative Questions for Extended Brainstorming Creative Questions for Extended Brainstorming Creative Making A difference Making A difference Researching together Science 2007 Researching together Science 2007 Plagiarism SOSE Dec 2006 Plagiarism SOSE Dec 2006SOSE

12 Kris Johnstone, Sacre Coeur4 th May 2007 What Next? Learning Federation Learning Federation My Classes My Classes ICTs and Assessment – July 2007 ICTs and Assessment – July 2007

13 Kris Johnstone, Sacre Coeur4 th May 2007 Information Literacy Principles of learning and teaching Principles of learning and teaching Principles of learning teaching Principles of learning teaching Thinking processes Thinking processes Thinking about your thinking and learning Thinking about your thinking and learning Multiple intelligences and thinking skills charts displayed in every classroom – and the library Multiple intelligences and thinking skills charts displayed in every classroom – and the library A common language A common language Posters tailored to the class level Posters tailored to the class level Graphic Organizers Effective Questioning Teaching Strategies: Costa’s Habits of Mind, Thinkers Keys, PEEL, MI learner profile, teaching and assessment tools, etc Thinking Bibliography Thinking Bibliography in library catalogue Thinking Bibliography An insert in the student diary from the library which focuses on the information process An insert in the student diary from the library which focuses on the information process ICT ICT

14 Kris Johnstone, Sacre Coeur4 th May 2007 A Thinking Environment Thinking skills programmes Scope and Sequence Scope and Sequence Hawthorndene Primary School Hawthorndene Primary School Hawthorndene Primary School Hawthorndene Primary School Essex Heights Primary School Essex Heights Primary School Essex Heights Primary School Essex Heights Primary School ented_curriculum.htm ented_curriculum.htm ented_curriculum.htm ented_curriculum.htm Dalby South State School Dalby South State School Dalby South State School Dalby South State School king_continuum1.pdf king_continuum1.pdf king_continuum1.pdf king_continuum1.pdf

15 Kris Johnstone, Sacre Coeur4 th May 2007 Athena

16 Kris Johnstone, Sacre Coeur Syba Signs

17 Kris Johnstone, Sacre Coeur4 th May 2007

18 Kris Johnstone, Sacre Coeur4 th May 2007

19 Kris Johnstone, Sacre Coeur4 th May 2007 Assignment Design What needs to be included What needs to be included What needs to be included What needs to be included “Now my head hurts” “Now my head hurts” A thinking skills framework A thinking skills framework Rubrics and the whole assessment thing Rubrics and the whole assessment thing

20 Kris Johnstone, Sacre Coeur4 th May 2007 Student engagement Students retain: Students retain: 10% of what they read 10% of what they read 20% of what they hear 20% of what they hear 30% of what they see 30% of what they see 50% of what they see and hear [media/film] 50% of what they see and hear [media/film] 70% of what they say 70% of what they say 90% of what they say and do 90% of what they say and do Rief, Sandra F. 1993, p. 53.

21 Kris Johnstone, Sacre Coeur4 th May 2007 Student engagement Do-able assignments Do-able assignments Questioning is the key Questioning is the key Questioning “Smart questions are essential technology…It is this questioning process that holds the greatest promise for change and improvement” Jamie McKenzie “Smart questions are essential technology…It is this questioning process that holds the greatest promise for change and improvement” Jamie McKenzieJamie McKenzieJamie McKenzie All about students building understanding rather than content knowledge All about students building understanding rather than content knowledge

22 Kris Johnstone, Sacre Coeur4 th May 2007 Ancient Egypt Ancient Egypt redone Ancient Egypt Opening up the questions Opening up the questionsquestions From notetaking to rubrics From notetaking to rubrics Reflecting on their learning Reflecting on their learninglearning

23 Kris Johnstone, Sacre Coeur4 th May 2007 Rubrics/Assessment Group reflection Group reflection Group Archaeology Year Seven Archaeology Year Seven Archaeology Year Seven Archaeology Year Seven Research rubrics Research rubricsrubrics Rubric to assess your rubric Rubric to assess your rubric Link to Assessment PD Link to Assessment PD Link to Assessment Link to Assessment

24 Kris Johnstone, Sacre Coeur4 th May 2007 Digging Deeper with Self Assessment FEELINGSe.g.THOUGHTSe.g.ACTIONSe.g. CONTENT What were the fun bits in your learning? What would make you feel better about today’s work? What is your best hard work? Name two things that make you think harder. What new things can you do now? Who helped you the most (and how)? CONTENT+PROCESS Why were the fun bits fun? How do you feel when you solved a problem? How did you know that you had learnt something new? What wouold you change in doing a similar task that would improve your learning? (from Munns and Woodward, 2005), Hildebrand 06

25 Kris Johnstone, Sacre Coeur4 th May 2007 Inter- disciplinary Learning /ICT Ian Webb- Levels of effective use – culminating in Transforming when: Ian Webb- Levels of effective use – culminating in Transforming when: “ICT is not only integral to the teaching and learning process, but it is also a catalyst for the transformation of pedagogy, what and how students learn and the organization and structure itself”. (Australian Educational Computing, Vol20.No1.June 2005 p.3) “ICT is not only integral to the teaching and learning process, but it is also a catalyst for the transformation of pedagogy, what and how students learn and the organization and structure itself”. (Australian Educational Computing, Vol20.No1.June 2005 p.3) Challenge is :How best to encourage and support effective use? Challenge is :How best to encourage and support effective use?

26 Kris Johnstone, Sacre Coeur4 th May 2007 Webb’s four stages Emerging Emerging Adopting Adopting Infusing Infusing Transforming Transforming

27 Kris Johnstone, Sacre Coeur4 th May 2007 ICT in the classroom LFTF Matrix LFTF Matrix Blogs, Wikis etc Blogs, Wikis etc Ipods etc,etc,etc Ipods etc,etc,etc

28 Kris Johnstone, Sacre Coeur4 th May 2007 Technology Committee Interactive whiteboards Interactive whiteboards Hardware review Hardware review Forum for discussion Forum for discussion ICT and Information Literacy ICT and Information Literacy

29 Kris Johnstone, Sacre Coeur4 th May 2007 Wide-reading programmes ICT integration and Multimodal texts ICT integration and Multimodal texts THE Shakespeare quiz THE Shakespeare quiz Newspapers Newspapers The story of Tom Brennan – Video/newspapers The story of Tom Brennan – Video/newspapers Biography – Chrissie Amphlett Biography – Chrissie Amphlett Inside a dog Inside a dog

30 Kris Johnstone, Sacre Coeur4 th May 2007 Standards of Professional Excellence for Teacher Librarians 1.3 Knowledge of curriculum 1.3 Knowledge of curriculum have a comprehensive understanding of literacy, literature for children and young adults, curriculum and specific programs in their schools have a comprehensive understanding of literacy, literature for children and young adults, curriculum and specific programs in their schools have a sound understanding of current assessment theory and processes have a sound understanding of current assessment theory and processes 2.1 Learning environment 2.1 Learning environment create and nurture an information-rich learning environment which supports the needs of the school community create and nurture an information-rich learning environment which supports the needs of the school community

31 Kris Johnstone, Sacre Coeur4 th May 2007 Standards of Professional Excellence for Teacher Librarians 2.2 Learning and teaching collaborate with teachers to plan and implement information literacy and literature programs that result in positive student learning outcomes assist individual learners to develop independence in their learning teach the appropriate and relevant use of ICTs and information resources 3.1 Lifelong learning empower others in the school community to become lifelong learners create and foster library-related professional development opportunities for staff

32 Kris Johnstone, Sacre Coeur4 th May 2007 Advocacy

33 Kris Johnstone, Sacre Coeur4 th May 2007 Advocacy

34 Kris Johnstone, Sacre Coeur4 th May 2007 When…… Be there!

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