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Principles of Management Learning Session # 41 Dr. A. Rashid Kausar.

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1 Principles of Management Learning Session # 41 Dr. A. Rashid Kausar

2 Re-cap of Session # 40

3 Stages of Group Development 1. Forming People join the group either because of a work assignment or for some other benefit. Define the group’s purpose, structure, and leadership.

4 Stages of Group Development 2. Storming Acceptance of the group’s existence. Conflict over who will control the group !

5 Stages of Group Development 3. Norming Relationships and a sense of group identity develops. Group assimilates a common set of expectations and defines correct member behavior.

6 Stages of Group Development 4. P erforming Group structure is functional and accepted! Group energy has moved to task performance!

7 Stages of Group Development 5. Adjourning Group prepares to disband! Attention devoted to wrapping up activities.

8 Group Development PrestageStage I Forming Stage II Storming Stage III Norming Stage V Adjourning Stage IV Performing

9 Turning Groups into Effective Teams

10 Teams versus Groups Work Group A group that interacts primarily to share information and to make decisions to help each other perform within his or her area of responsibility.

11 Teams versus Groups Work Team A group whose individual efforts result in a performance that is greater than the sum of those individual inputs.

12 What Is a Team? Work Team is a formal group made up of interdependent individuals who are responsible for the attainment of a goal work teams are popular in organizations

13 Why Have Teams Become So Popular? 1. Performance on complex tasks 2. Utilization of employee talents 3. Flexibility and responsiveness 4. Motivational properties

14 Share information Neutral (may be negative) Individual Random and varied Goal Synergy Accountability Skills Collective performance Positive Individual and mutual Complementary Work Groups Work Teams Comparing Work Groups/Work Teams

15 Developing And Managing Effective Teams

16 Characteristics of Effective Teams 1.Clear Goals - members understand and support the goals to be achieved. 2.Relevant Skills - members have the necessary technical and interpersonal skills.

17 Characteristics of Effective Teams 3. Mutual Trust - members are confident in each others’ ability, character, and integrity. 4. Unified Commitment - loyalty and dedication to the team. 5. Good Communication - messages are readily understood.

18 Traits of SuccessfulTeams Common Purpose Specific Goals Leadership and Structure Accountability Evaluation and Reward

19 Types of Teams 1. Problem Solving Team Comprises knowledge workers who gather to solve a specific problem, then disband. 2. Management Team Consists mainly of managers from various functions, who coordinate work among other teams.

20 Types of Teams 3. Work Team Responsible for the daily work of the organization and, when empowered, are self-managed teams. 4. Quality Circle Consists of workers and supervisors, who meet to discuss workplace problems.

21 Special Kinds of Teams Cross-Functional Teams Virtual Teams Project Teams

22 Cross-Functional Team Employees from different functional areas. Attack problems from multiple perspectives. Generate more ideas and alternative solutions.

23 Virtual Team Physically dispersed Work Group/Team using information technology as a means to interact, but rarely, if ever, meeting physically.

24 Project Teams Created to complete specific, one-time projects within a limited time. Often used to develop new products, improve existing products, roll out new information systems, or build new factories/offices.

25 Team Size Size Performance

26 Organizational Conflict Optimal level of conflict Performance High LowHigh Conflict

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