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Shin-ichi Sobue CEOS-WGISS-13 Page 1 Tokyo February 2002 Network Subgroup Report Shin-ichi Sobue NS Chair CEOS WGISS-13 Tokyo, Japan February 2002.

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Presentation on theme: "Shin-ichi Sobue CEOS-WGISS-13 Page 1 Tokyo February 2002 Network Subgroup Report Shin-ichi Sobue NS Chair CEOS WGISS-13 Tokyo, Japan February 2002."— Presentation transcript:

1 Shin-ichi Sobue CEOS-WGISS-13 Page 1 Tokyo February 2002 Network Subgroup Report Shin-ichi Sobue NS Chair CEOS WGISS-13 Tokyo, Japan February 2002

2 Shin-ichi Sobue CEOS-WGISS-13 Page 2 Tokyo February 2002 Table of Contents Recommendation Kyoto CEOS Plenary Support and WTF Schedule Recommendation Kyoto CEOS Plenary Support and WTF Schedule

3 Shin-ichi Sobue CEOS-WGISS-13 Page 3 Tokyo February 2002 Recommendatio n NS requests WGISS to urge CEOS members and associates to provide the necessary representation to ensure effective participation in NS activities including network performance, etc. (At subgroup meeting in Darmstadt there was minimal attendance (1) from the European Space Agencies.) NASA (NS Vice Chairman) is becoming concerned about the level of support required for the network activities due to the lack of network support from the European Agencies and the end of the NS Chair’s (NASDA) term.

4 Shin-ichi Sobue CEOS-WGISS-13 Page 4 Tokyo February 2002 Kyoto Demo Sites September 2001 Kyoto Demo Sites September 2001 CEOS Demo Site CCRS NASDA ESRIN JRC GISTDA GSFC /UMD MSU EDC CNES? Demo Location NDGC MAFFIN Kyoto ·Successful support of Kyoto Plenary Demonstrations ·Successful support of Kyoto Plenary Demonstrations

5 Shin-ichi Sobue CEOS-WGISS-13 Page 5 Tokyo February 2002 Kyoto Int’l Conf. Center Demo Site WIDE AI3 ESRIN Frascati, IT EOLI NISN DANTE (TEN-155) NASA GSFC Greenbelt, MD IDN, DIAL Milan IMNet Chicago STAR TAP TransPac CA*NET3 CCRS Ottawa, CA OGC-WMT Abilene MD MAX UMD College Park, MD MOCHA vBNS+ EDC Sioux Falls, SD Earth Explorer MichNet Mich State E. Lansing, MI TRFIC DC Tokyo NY Osaka GISTDA Bangkok, TH ??? NASDA HEOC, EORC, JP IDN, DIAL MAFF/ FPPRI, JP ANDES UUNet Milan JRC Ispra, IT WFW OpenTransit CNES Toulouse, FR SPOT KDDNet LAX NGDC Boulder, CO ??? FRGP DEN GARR International Transit Netwok Renater Kyoto Demos: November 2001 Network Configuration

6 Shin-ichi Sobue CEOS-WGISS-13 Page 6 Tokyo February 2002 Network Performance Tests NS received email from Dave Clark (NGDC) inquiring about testing to World Data Center (WDC) mirror sites. NS is requesting preliminary site information to do an initial assessment of the networking connectivity.

7 Shin-ichi Sobue CEOS-WGISS-13 Page 7 Tokyo February 2002 Current Activities Wireless LAN Support for WGISS 13 NS is supporting GRID activities led by AS and DS? SRAMP’02 Demonstration, Boulder CO –Network support planned for this demonstration is limited to performance measurement and coordination of network connectivity. Wireless LAN Support for WGISS 13 NS is supporting GRID activities led by AS and DS? SRAMP’02 Demonstration, Boulder CO –Network support planned for this demonstration is limited to performance measurement and coordination of network connectivity.

8 Shin-ichi Sobue CEOS-WGISS-13 Page 8 Tokyo February 2002 Schedule (NS related) CEOS SGs and GRID Workshop ESA/ESRIN, May 2002 SRAMP, April 2002, Boulder US APAN Earth Monitoring and Disaster Warning WG TBD, Thailand, February/March SRAMP, June 2003, Boulder or Tokyo CEOS SGs and GRID Workshop ESA/ESRIN, May 2002 SRAMP, April 2002, Boulder US APAN Earth Monitoring and Disaster Warning WG TBD, Thailand, February/March SRAMP, June 2003, Boulder or Tokyo

9 Shin-ichi Sobue CEOS-WGISS-13 Page 9 Tokyo February 2002 NS Way Forward Support for WTF for GOFC Looking into the support for new WTF for Xs (CEOP, Ocean, …?) Supporting the investigation into GRID technologies Support for Solar Terrestrial Activity as a follow up of WGISS recommendation for GOIN ST (SRAMP; S-RAMP Meetings in April 2002 and June 2003) Support for WTF for GOFC Looking into the support for new WTF for Xs (CEOP, Ocean, …?) Supporting the investigation into GRID technologies Support for Solar Terrestrial Activity as a follow up of WGISS recommendation for GOIN ST (SRAMP; S-RAMP Meetings in April 2002 and June 2003)

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