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Train the Trainer Series Combined Workshop – STAR, Ad-Hoc, and Destination Reports The SHARE Center Supporting Hotel-related Academic Research and Education.

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Presentation on theme: "Train the Trainer Series Combined Workshop – STAR, Ad-Hoc, and Destination Reports The SHARE Center Supporting Hotel-related Academic Research and Education."— Presentation transcript:

1 Train the Trainer Series Combined Workshop – STAR, Ad-Hoc, and Destination Reports The SHARE Center Supporting Hotel-related Academic Research and Education Steve Hood Senior VP of Research, Smith Travel Research

2 The Mission of the SHARE Center Provide thorough and timely data for academic research Provide comprehensive and relevant training materials for the classroom Help increase the connection between industry and the educational community

3 SHARE Center “in a nutshell” A partnership between Smith Travel Research and ICHRIE and beyond … Memberships available to schools around the world, reports and data tailored to location of university Provides training programs, sample reports, publications, reference information, and the ability to request user-defined reports/data

4 Who is Smith Travel Research? Recognized leader in hotel benchmarking Sample over 75% of total U.S. room supply (99% of chain hotels) and nearly 50% of total global room supply Provide monthly, weekly, and daily STAR reports to over 42,000 WW hotels Impartial, timely, confidential, and accurate

5 Benchmarking 101: my hotel vs. the competition Which manager gets the bonus? (first in a “data vacuum”, and then with comp set data)

6 Who does STR serve? Hotel Companies and Hotels (most GM’s bonuses) Convention & Visitor Bureaus, Tourism and travel organizations, Hotel associations (endorsed by AHLA) Developers, Consultants, Appraisers (most bank loans) Wall Street/Accounting firms, Financial institutions Media (Wall St Journal, USA Today, …) National & international hotel conferences (keynotes) Hotel vendors (HBO, Sealy, Starbucks, …) Educators (schools around the world) Government (GSA, FEMA, BLS, DOE/HS, NPS, Commerce, …) Main customers are hotel companies, enabling us to serve many third parties including universities

7 A Little History of STR 1985 – founded, started collecting hotel attribute info 1987 – started collecting monthly sales data 1992 – started collecting data outside US, NA then WW 1999 – started collecting daily data 2008 – launched STR Global (offices in London, Singapore, Tokyo, Beijing, Dubai, Australia, Italy, Brazil, …) 2008 – launched Hotel News Now – free electronic news service, great for current events (offices in Cleveland) 2009 – RRC and STR Analytics (offices in Boulder) 2009 – launched HDC/Hotel Data Conference 2011 – launched the SHARE Center & HDC Europe Just celebrated our 25 th anniversary

8 Hotel News Now Free electronic news service ( ) Focus on data/performance, latest issues, & conferences; global emphasis also Search capability for past articles Great for current events, staying connected to Industry Also Hotel Barometer, sales and valuation news

9 What data does STR track? Hotel census data –Attributes, geo. & non-geo. categorization, affiliations, & history –52K hotels in US, and 95K additional WW hotels Rooms sales data –Monthly & daily rooms available, rooms sold, & revenue –29K hotels in US with data back to 1987, and 13K WW hotels –Segmented sales data (Group/Transient) for 4K (95% of Lux/Up) HOST (Profit & Loss) data –6K hotels in US with data back to 1999 and 2K WW hotels Pipeline data –Hotels under construction and projects in planning

10 Included in the SHARE Center Training programs Train the Trainer sessions Sample reports Publications Ability to order ad-hoc reports Ability to generate Destination reports Access to articles and presentations STR Census database, hotel company info Help with research (data), reference info Campus visits, forums, communications I’ll go into more detail in each of these areas

11 1. Seven Training Programs: How to Use STAR Property Reports Hotel Math 101 How to Use a Trend Report and Other Ad- hoc Reports for Feasibility Studies How CVBs and Local Tourism Organizations Use Destination Reports US Lodging Industry and Local State and Market Overview (sample of TN and Nashville) STR Perspective on the Global Hotel Industry And more under construction

12 How does the training work? Training Programs are PowerPoint Presentations They include pages from live sample reports 75-100 slides 2-3 hours of training You can personalize We would like to get your improvements and make them available to others How to Use the STAR Reports SHARE Center Supporting Hotel-related Academic Research and Education Making improvements & additions now for this Fall

13 More Training Programs under construction: Advanced Use of STAR Reports Intro to Forecasting Intro to Distribution Channels/OTAs How to Choose a Competitive Set? Advanced Hotel Math with Excel component Use of STR Corporate Reports/Data Files Hotel Data Foundations and Methodologies Let me know if you have input or suggestions

14 2. Train the Trainer Sessions Four presentations: –STAR Property Reports, Hotel Math 101, and Corporate Reports –Trend Reports and Other Ad-hoc Reports for Feasibility Studies –How CVBs and DMOs Use Destination Reports, also Industry/Local Market Overviews –Overview of STR Data Available for Research We will be presenting these at the summer ICHRIE conventions and at regional locations in the Fall & Spring

15 3. Comprehensive Set of Sample Reports A. Property Reports Three different types of reports: –Monthly STAR Report –Weekly STAR Report –Annual HOST/P&L Report –(also Daily STAR Report and WW version) Six different sample hotels - one each of the STR scale groups (Luxury, … Economy) Actual data, also Group/Transient pages Creating a larger set (24 hotels), great for class demonstrations or student projects

16 B. Sample Ad-hoc Reports Trend Report Custom HOST Report Market Pipeline Report Forecast Report Census Database File Ad-hoc Industry Data File Property and Room Counts Actual data on the Nashville market Perfect for feasibility study projects or capstone courses

17 C. Sample Destination Reports Sample Monthly and Weekly Templates showing all the pages available to a CVB or Local Tourism Organization Live reports that are actually received by actual CVBs around the world: –Chicago -- Indianapolis –Dallas -- Seattle –Toronto -- St Louis –Charlotte -- Virginia Beach –Caribbean –International samples also See what kind of data major CVBs are looking at

18 D. Sample Corporate Reports and Data Files Examples of reports (index, summary, …) and data files (prop/comp set, industry, …) that are received by the headquarters of hotel companies around the world Creating a fictitious hotel parent company and a management company Demonstrate different practices and methodologies used by actual companies What kind of data hotel companies/HQs are looking at

19 4. Publications Actual subscriptions Three industry publications: –Monthly Hotel Review (each mon) –Weekly Hotel Review (each week) –Annual HOST Study (2009 & 10) Delivered each week or month Overview of industry performance (US, Scales, Locations, Regions, Top 25 Markets) Segmentation versions available Different publications for non-US universities

20 Sample WW Publications Global Hotel Reviews Overview of industry performance Versions for Americas, Europe, Asia/Pacific, and Mideast/Africa Country Reports Detailed performance within a country Available for 13 countries and groups including Canada, UK, Germany, China, India Great for Int’l Tourism, provide a non-US perspective

21 Additional Sample Pubs Pipeline Outlooks Overview of pipeline activity, supply changes, conversions, and closes Versions for US, Canada, Carib/Mexico, C/S America, Europe, Asia/Pac, Mideast/Africa Forecasts Estimates of future performance Available for 25 US and 44 WW markets Provide construction/development perspective, additional example of look into the future

22 5. Access to Articles and Presentations Hundreds of articles available on HNN, ( ) with a user- friendly search Any industry presentations that STR conducts (national, international, or local) available in the “Presentations” section Updates on new initiatives (Spa STAR, CasinoSTAR, Bandwidth) Keep up on current events and latest industry issues

23 6. Ability for professors to order ad-hoc reports Any reports: Trend, HOST, Pipeline, Census Database files, Ad-hoc Industry Data file, Prop/Room Counts, plus one-time runs of publications or Forecasts For use in class or research Students can order as part of feasibility or capstone project, great experience Order for feasibility studies, projects, or class examples

24 7. Ability for professors to create a personalized Destination Report Professor and class can view live reports from actual CVBs Then they can select a different destination, decide on various industry segments Then go through the setup process and start receiving regular reports Simulate CVB experience of reviewing performance over time, tracking events Great experience for Tourism classes, simulate a CVB

25 8. Census Database for all the hotels in your state 100 fields of information for each hotel in an Excel format Address, rooms, geographic and non-geographic categories, physical attributes, rack rates, dates, affiliations, historic, meeting space, restaurant, latitude/longitude, … Analyze hotel mix in a state or market, development use

26 9. Hotel Company Database Each school receives a comprehensive list of US and global hotel companies: parent companies, chains, management companies, owners, asset management companies, membership groups Excel file with multiple tabs for different types of information Includes stats on each company, offices, staff, properties, financial info, web site Review types of hotel companies, major players

27 10. Valuable Reference Information US & WW Chains & Scales Parent Companies & Brands Continents, Sub-continents, and Countries Regions, Markets, & Tracts Maps of Markets in your state Property & Room Counts: US by Brand, States by Markets STR Glossary and FAQs Lots more, all kept up to date

28 Additional SHARE Support: Help with research, including special requests and data needs, collaboration Regular communications and updates Campus visits and webinars Educator forums Faculty and industry interaction Exploring certification options

29 Welcome Package CD(s) with 14 folders full of resources: –Ad-hoc Reports-- Maps –Census Database-- Pipeline Outlooks –Destination Reports-- Property Reports –Forecasts-- Reference Documents –Global Hotel Reviews-- Train the Trainer –HOST-- Training –Hotel Company Database-- WW Country Reports

30 Welcome Package Explanation and Instructions: –Publications – weekly and monthly –How to request ad-hoc reports Marilyn 615-824-8664, –If you have questions or need help: Steve 615-824-8664, ext Maria 615-824-8664, ext –SHARE Center Rules

31 Projects/Simulation Exercises Use STAR Reports to review performance of sample hotels, have students present findings Use Excel and raw property data to manually calculate various metrics and reconcile data to STAR reports Forecast performance for local industry segments

32 Projects/Simulations continued Create a US/country Industry Overview or a Local Market Overview (city, state, county, or other area) using data from ad-hoc reports Use Excel and raw Trend data to manually calculate various metrics and reconcile data to key performance indicators on Trend reports Simulate a CVB and create a user-defined Destination Report

33 Projects/Simulations continued Use various ad-hoc reports to perform a sample feasibility study or impact analysis, professor can assign various scenarios Simulate small chain or management company with portfolio of sample properties, review sample data Brainstorming/feedback …

34 Research Possibilities STAR data for various industry segments or user-defined sets of hotels HOST data Pipeline data Collaboration and assistance Simulated property data – in the future

35 Additional Assistance Webinars and campus visits Regular Updates –Industry Performance –STR Presentations at national conferences –New developments (Booking Channel Study, Bandwidth reports, Casino STAR reports) STAR Certification for students –Demonstrate knowledge of hotel math –Demonstrate understanding of STAR reports

36 We look forward to working together! Steve Hood 615-824-8664, ext. 3315

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