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Colorado Rail Passenger Association Spring Meeting June 1, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Colorado Rail Passenger Association Spring Meeting June 1, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Colorado Rail Passenger Association Spring Meeting June 1, 2013

2 2 FasTracks Background 122 miles of new light rail and commuter rail 18 miles of Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) service 31 new park-n-Rides; over 21,000 new spaces Enhanced Bus Network & Transit Hubs (FastConnects) Redevelopment of Denver Union Station

3 3 Northwest Rail Line 3 41-mile corridor Uses existing BNSF line from Pecos to Longmont Includes use of existing freight track and construction of new track. Double track operation will be shared by passenger and freight services

4 44 Northwest Rail Line - Segment 1 DUS to Westminster Station Included as part of Eagle P3 project Construction began in 2012 Project opening in 2016

5 5 Northwest Rail Line – Segment 2 5 Westminster to Longmont Shared commuter/ freight operations with BNSF –BNSF to construct track improvements –RTD to construct stations, platforms, traffic improvements, etc. Diesel Multiple Unit (DMU) technology

6 6 For stakeholders in North area, the Northwest Area Mobility Study (NAMS) will determine transit priorities in the region, taking into account new conditions Northwest Area Mobility Study

7 7 –Study Area North: Longmont East: I-25 West: SH 93/SH 119 South: SH 72/88 th Ave. General Study Area

8 8 1.Northwest Rail: –Service options –Construction phasing options: Westminster Center/ 88 th Ave. Church Ranch Broomfield/Flatiron Louisville Boulder Transit Village Downtown Longmont Five Key Study Elements

9 9 Five Key Study Elements (cont’d) 2. North Metro Extension Longmont: –Alternative A - Preferred Alignment from the North I-25 EIS –Alternative B - Utilize the Boulder Branch turning northward on US 287 Includes spur to Boulder –Alternative C - Utilize the CDOT North I-25 alignment from ICS Study to SH 119 Page 9

10 10 Five Key Study Elements (cont’d) 2. North Metro Extension Longmont: –Alternative A - Preferred Alignment from the North I-25 EIS –Alternative B - Utilize the Boulder Branch turning northward on US 287; includes spur to Boulder –Alternative C - Utilize the CDOT North I-25 alignment from ICS Study to SH 119 Page 10

11 11 Five Key Study Elements (cont’d) 3.US 36 Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Program Commitments –For Opening Day and 2035 Service Plan Capital Improvements FasTracks Costs and Funding Page 11

12 12 Five Key Study Elements (cont’d) 4.Arterial BRT Connections: –General Corridors Identified by RTD/Stakeholders: Table Mesa PnR; Foothills Pkwy; SH 119 Longmont US 287 Between Broomfield and Longmont /US 36 East/West Connections: Boulder, Louisville, Lafayette, and to Brighton –Others—TBD by Stakeholders and RTD Page 12

13 13 Five Key Study Elements (cont’d) 5.High Level Analysis of North I-25 Reverse-Commute Issues: Between Denver Union Station and US 36: –Identification of Travel Issues –Proposed Solutions Page 13

14 14 Schedule HNTB selected as project consultant Consultant team preparing background tech memos Telephone Town Hall meeting June 19 Public open houses to be scheduled in the fall. Study scheduled for completion by Feb 2014 Upon study completion, RTD will work with stakeholders to determine funding options to advance study’s preferred alternatives

15 15 Public Involvement Study will include public outreach efforts – currently developing detailed public involvement plan Will be soliciting public input on establishing priorities and determining study outcomes

16 16 Questions? Chris Quinn Planning Project Manager (303) 299-2439

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