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Forces in Earth’s Crust

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Presentation on theme: "Forces in Earth’s Crust"— Presentation transcript:

1 Forces in Earth’s Crust

2 Stress A force that acts on an area of rock to change its shape or volume.

3 There are 3 types of stress
Tension stretches rocks Compression pushes rock together Shearing pushes the rock in two opposite directions

4 Questions What type of landforms results from tension?
What type of landform results from compression?

5 Faults When enough stress builds up in rock, the rock breaks, creating a fault. Most faults occur along plate boundaries

6 There are 3 kinds of faults
Normal Faults - Tension in crust pulls rock apart. Reverse Faults - Compression pushes rock together Strike-Slip Faults – Shearing causes rocks to slip past each other

7 Mrs. Brown’s Fault Movie

8 Hanging Wall – The block of rock that is above the fault plane
Footwall – The block of rock that is below the fault plane.

9 In a normal fault, the hanging wall slips down relative to the footwall

10 In a reverse fault, the hanging wall moves up relative to the footwall

11 San Andreas fault is a strike-slip fault with little up or down motion

12 The forces of plate movement can change a flat plain into anticlines, synclines, folded mountains, fault-block mountains, and plateau.

13 Fault Block Mountain When two normal faults cut through a block of rock, a fault block mountain forms.

14 Q: Where in California are there fault-block mountains?
A: The Sierra Nevada and Mojave Desert regions.

15 Plateau A large area of flat land elevated high above sea level without much folding or faulting.

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