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Ud. And Uds. Commands Formal Commands. ¿Recuerdan?  Commands are used when ordering, or telling someone to do something. Shut the door. Open the window.

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Presentation on theme: "Ud. And Uds. Commands Formal Commands. ¿Recuerdan?  Commands are used when ordering, or telling someone to do something. Shut the door. Open the window."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ud. And Uds. Commands Formal Commands

2 ¿Recuerdan?  Commands are used when ordering, or telling someone to do something. Shut the door. Open the window. Eat the chicken.

3 Tú Commands Ud. & Uds. Commands ¿Qué es la diferencia? ♥ Informal ♥ Used with family and friends ♥ Formal ♥ Used to be polite and show respect

4 3 steps to make a formal command: 1.2.3. go to the YO form of the verb drop the -o add the opposite Ud. & Uds. endings: -ar verbs: -er/-ir verbs: -e (Ud.); -en (Uds.) -a(Ud.); -an (Uds.)

5 EJEMPLOS 1. Eat the chicken. (Usted)(Ustedes) 2. Open the door. (Usted)(Ustedes) Coma (Ud.) el pollo. Coman (Uds.) el pollo. Abra (Ud.) la puerta. Abran (Uds.) la puerta.

6 -CAR, -GAR, -ZAR  Any verbs that end in –car, -gar, - zar will have changes: -car:c  qu Ex:sacar  Ex:sacar  -gar:g  gu Ex:llegar  Ex:llegar  -zar:z  c Ex:cazar  Ex:cazar  saque; saquen llegue;lleguen cace; cacen

7 YO-GO verbs If the verb is a yo-go verb, go to the yo form and add the appropriate ending. If the verb is a yo-go verb, go to the yo form and add the appropriate ending. Ej 1: Ej 1: Ej 2: Ej 2: Ej 3: Ej 3: Venir  vengo  venga;vengan Tener  tengo  tenga;tengan Traer  traigo  traiga;traigan

8 Aff. & Negative are the SAME!!! When you make a formal command negative by placing “NO” in front of the command, it still has the same conjugation. When you make a formal command negative by placing “NO” in front of the command, it still has the same conjugation. Ex 1: Ex 1: Ex 2: Ex 2: Coma (Ud.) el pollo. No coma (Ud.) el pollo. Abran (Uds.) la puerta. No abran (Uds.) la puerta.

9 IRREGULARES VerbDefinitionUd.Uds. dar to give déden ir to go vayavayan estar to be estéestén ser seasean saber to know sepasepan

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