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Singular Nouns: Gender and Articles Identifying People, Places, and Things Singular Nouns: Gender and Articles Masculine NounsFeminine Nouns Definiteel.

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Presentation on theme: "Singular Nouns: Gender and Articles Identifying People, Places, and Things Singular Nouns: Gender and Articles Masculine NounsFeminine Nouns Definiteel."— Presentation transcript:

1 Singular Nouns: Gender and Articles Identifying People, Places, and Things Singular Nouns: Gender and Articles Masculine NounsFeminine Nouns Definiteel hombrethe manla mujerthe woman Articlesel librothe bookla mesathe table Indefiniteun hombrea (one) manuna mujera (one) woman Articlesun libroa (one) bookuna mesaa (one) table 1

2 Nouns and Articles: Plural Forms Identifying People, Places, and Things Nouns and Articles: Plural Forms SingularPlural el librolos librosthe books Nouns Ending la mesalas mesasthe tables in a Vowel un librounos librossome books una mesaunas mesassome tables Nouns Endingla universidadlas universidadesthe universities in a Consonantun papelunos papelessome papers 2

3 nosotros/nosotras we vosotros/vosotras you (fam. Sp.) ustedes (Uds.)you (form.) ellos/ellasthey Subject Pronouns Expressing Actions Subject Pronouns yoI túyou (fam.) usted (Ud.)you (form.) élhe ellashe SingularPlural 3

4 Present Tense of -ar Verbs Expressing Actions Present Tense of -ar Verbs hablar (to speak) : habl- SingularPlural (yo)habloI speak(nosotros)hablamoswe speak (nosotras) (tú)hablasyou speak(vosotros) (vosotras) habláis you speak (Ud.)you speak(Uds.) (él)habla he/she speaks (ellos) hablan you/they speak (ella)(ellas) 3

5 Negation Expressing Actions Negation In Spanish the word no is placed before the conjugated verb to make a negative sentence. Its English equivalent is not. El estudiante no habla español. The student does not speak Spanish. No, no necesito dinero. No, I don’t need money. 3

6 Asking Yes/No Questions (Part 1) Getting Information Asking Yes/No Questions (Part 1) A common way to form yes/no questions in Spanish is simply to make your voice rise at the end of the question. STATEMENT: Ud. trabaja aquí todos los días. You work here every day. Arturo regresa a casa hoy. Arturo is returning home today. QUESTION: ¿Ud. trabaja aquí todos los días? Do you work here every day? ¿Arturo regresa a casa hoy? Is Arturo returning home today? There is no Spanish equivalent to English do or does in questions. Note also the use of an inverted question mark (¿) at the beginning of a question. OJOOJO Rising Intonation 4

7 Asking Yes/No Questions (Part 2) Getting Information Asking Yes/No Questions (Part 2) Another way to form yes/no questions is to invert the order of the subject and verb, in addition to making your voice rise at the end of the question. STATEMENT: Ud. trabaja aquí todos los días. QUESTION: ¿Trabaja Ud. aquí todos los días? STATEMENT: Arturo regresa a casa hoy. QUESTION: ¿Regresa Arturo a casa hoy? Inversion 4

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