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Fri. 3/15 and Mon. 3/18 Test and INB Check today!!!! Friday—Last day to make up MI work.

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Presentation on theme: "Fri. 3/15 and Mon. 3/18 Test and INB Check today!!!! Friday—Last day to make up MI work."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fri. 3/15 and Mon. 3/18 Test and INB Check today!!!! Friday—Last day to make up MI work.

2 Pg. 42 Chapter overview Chapter 11 Overview 1.What is the title of section 1? 2.List all of the objectives for section 1. 3.What is the title of section2? 4.List all of the objectives for section 2.

3 Title Page-pg. 43 Chapter 11 Deformation of the Crust 3 pictures 3 keyword 3 colors

4 Tues Wed If you were absent last class you missed a test and INB check.

5 Which type of fault motion best matches the general pattern of crustal movement at California’s San Andreas Fault? A.Diagram 1 B.Diagram 2 C.Diagram 3 D.Diagram 4

6 In: pg. 44 Deformation means to change shape, to go away from the normal What are 3 examples of deformation of the Earth’s crust?

7 Ch 11 Deformation of the Earth’s Crust Cornell notes Thru1: pg.45

8 Isostasy Isostasy-The balance between the downward pull of gravity on the lithosphere and the upward push of the asthenosphere. If the mass of the crust increases, it sinks. – New mountains, glaciers, sediment deposition If the mass of the crust decreases, it rises. – Erosion of mountains, melting of glaciers

9 a.The weight of the crust pushes down on the asthenosphere. b.As the mountain erodes away, the crust gets lighter and rises. The deposition of sediments causes the crust to sink.

10 Stress Stress-The squeezing, stretching and twisting of the Earth’s crust. Types of stress: Compression-Pushing together   Tension-Pulling apart   Shear stress- sliding in opposite directions  

11 Folds Fold-bend in rock layers. Happen below the earth’s surface where it is warmer Anticline-folds upwards Syncline-folds downwards



14 Faults Fault-a break in rock in which there is movement. Hanging wall-The rock above the fault Foot wall-The rock below the fault

15 Types of Faults Normal Fault-hanging wall move down, footwall moves up. – Caused by tension stress Reverse Fault-hanging wall moves up, footwall move down. – Caused by compression stress Strike Slip Fault-rock on either side of the fault slides horizontally past each other in opposite directions. – Caused by shearing stress


17 How Mountains Form Mountain Range-A group of mountains that are close together and formed together. example: Cascade Range, Great Smokey Mountains, Rocky Mountains Mountain System-A group of mountain ranges that are close to each other. Example: The Appalachian Mountain system.



20 Thru 2 Pg. 46 Ch. 11 3 Column Vocab 1.Deformation 2.Isostasy 3.Stress 4.Compression 5.Tension 6.Shear stress 7.Fold Pg. 47 8. Anticline 9. Syncline 10. Fault 11. Footwall 12. Hanging wall 13. Mountain range 14. Mountain system **Not all words are in glossary, some are italicized in the chapter or in notes.

21 Out Less than five million years ago, the range that we now know as the Sierra Nevada began to rise. Through a combination of uplift of the Sierran block and down- dropping of the area to the east, the Sierra rose upward. The entire Sierra Nevada can be thought of as an enormous tilted fault block mountain with a long, gentle slope westward to California's Central Valley and steep eastern slope towards Nevada. 1.When did the Sierra Nevadas start to uplift? 2.Where are the Sierra Nevadas located? 3.What type of mountains are the Sierra Nevada Mountains?

22 Thurs. 3/21 and Fri 3/22 I need your extra credit passes today.

23 The Basin and Range topography of Nevada is recognized for A.volcanoes and rivers. B.valleys and mountains. C.volcanoes and earthquakes. D.alleys and earthquakes.



26 In: Pg 48 Use your notes on pg. 45 to answer these questions. 1._______ is the balance between the crust and the asthenosphere. 2.If a mountain is eroded away, will the crust move up or down? 3.What are the 3 types of stress? 4._______ stress results in rock being pushed together. 5.What are the 2 types of folds? 6.A _______ fault is caused by compression stress. 7.In a _______fault, the rock on either side of the fault slides horizontally in opposite directions. 8.The Rocky Mountains are an example of a mountain_______. 9.What are the 4 types of mountains? 10.Which type of mountain forms from compression stress?

27 Thru 1: Pg. 49 Movie: Shaping the Planet

28 Out Below is a diagram depicting Nevada’s Basin and Range topography. What type of faults(normal, reverse or strike-slip) result in the Basin and Range topography?


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