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Plate Tectonic Test Review Next The Outermost layer of the Earth is called the Inner Core Crust Outer Core Mantle.

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2 Plate Tectonic Test Review Next

3 The Outermost layer of the Earth is called the Inner Core Crust Outer Core Mantle

4 The dense, solid, metallic layer of the Earth Mantle Inner Core Crust Outer Core

5 Convection currents in this layer cause plates to move. Mantle Inner Core Crust Outer Core

6 True or False The Inner core is molten metal TrueFalse

7 About how fast do tectonic plates move? A few centimeters per year A few meters per year A few kilometers per year A few miles per year

8 The San Andreas Fault occurs along which type of plate boundary? Convergent Divergent Transform Shear

9 Which of the following is NOT evidence for Plate Tectonics? Fit of continents Fossils Ancient climate zones Northern lights

10 Plates move apart at this type of boundary? Convergent Divergent Transform Shear

11 Which tectonic plate do we live on? North AmericanPacific

12 One plate sinks beneath another at… The Mid-ocean ridge Subduction zones The San Andreas Fault Normal faults

13 True or False Scientists accepted Wegener’s Theory of Continental Drift. TrueFalse

14 Plates of the lithosphere float on the _________________. Crust Mantle Asthenosphere Outer Core

15 Woohoo! You finished the review. Good job!

16 Crust Is the thin (5-40km), rocky outer layer of Earth Ocean crust is thin and dense compared to continental crust. 2.3 Earth’s Interior Return to Quiz

17 Core Is the dense metallic center of Earth Outer core (2250km) is molten metal due to extremely high temperature Inner core (1200km) is solid due to extremely high pressure. 2.3 Earth’s Interior Return to Quiz

18 What controls plate movement? Some scientists believe that convection in the mantle controls the movement of plates. 4.3 Theory of Plate Tectonics Return to Quiz

19 Core Is the dense metallic center of Earth Outer core (2250km) is molten metal due to extremely high temperature Inner core (1200km) is solid due to extremely high pressure. 2.3 Earth’s Interior Return to Quiz

20 Earth’s Plates Lithospheric plates are large brittle pieces of Earth’s outer shell that move at a rate of centimeters per year. The theory of plate tectonics explains the movement of lithospheric plates. 4.3 Theory of Plate Tectonics Return to Quiz

21 Transform Plate Boundary The San Andreas Fault is a transform plate boundary between the North American and Pacific Plates. This boundary switches to an oceanic transform boundary when it goes out to sea. 5.2 California Geology Return to Quiz

22 Evidence for Continental Drift Four major pieces of evidence: Next

23 1. Fit of the Continents Africa and South America fit together like a puzzle. Next

24 2. Fossil Evidence Wegener used fossil evidence from a fossil of a fern called Glossopteris. Fern seed was too heavy to be carried by the wind. Oceans were too wide to allow the seed to float across the waters. Conclusion: When Glossopteris was alive, the continents must have been connected. Next

25 3. Rock Types and Mountain Ranges Ancient rocks on the continents match up when you assemble the continents as Pangaea. Next

26 Rock Types and Mountain Ranges (cont.) Some mountain ranges appear as if they were once connected. Next

27 4. Climate Evidence Sedimentary rocks record clues about climate. The ancient climate of certain locations was very different from the present-day climate. –Tropical plants in Greenland, glaciers in Africa (p.166) Return to Quiz

28 1. Divergent Plate Boundaries occurs when two lithospheric plates move apart. Mid-ocean ridges occur along divergent plate boundaries. Next

29 2. Convergent Plate Boundaries form when two lithospheric plates move toward each other. Three possible interactions: –Ocean-to-ocean –Ocean-to-continent –Continent-to-continent Next

30 3. Transform Plate Boundaries A transform plate boundary exists when two plates slide horizontally past one another. Return to Quiz

31 Plate Tectonics in California A convergent plate boundary resides off the northern shore of California. We live on the west side of the boundary on the Pacific Plate. A continental transform plate boundary cuts across California. Return to Quiz

32 2. Convergent Plate Boundaries form when two lithospheric plates move toward each other. Subduction occurs when one plate sinks beneath another. Return to Quiz

33 Hypothesis Rejected Wegener proposed that the same forces of gravity that produced tides moved the continents. Scientists rejected this hypothesis because they did not accept Wegener’s explanation of how the continents moved. New technology gathered additional evidence that supported the continental drift theory. (p.172) Return to Quiz

34 Lithosphere Is the brittle, outer layer of Earth formed by the crust and uppermost mantle. Broken into pieces called plates. The plates of the lithosphere float on the asthenosphere. Return to Quiz

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