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BRGM presentation BRGM presentation > 2 Contents > BRGM overview > BRGM geothermal activities > BRGM & ENGINE.

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1 BRGM presentation

2 BRGM presentation > 2 Contents > BRGM overview > BRGM geothermal activities > BRGM & ENGINE

3 BRGM presentation > 3 BRGM: > Major public institution in the Geoscience field > Triple role of scientific research, public expertise and international cooperation > BRGM operates as the French Geological Survey > Objectives Understand geological phenomena, develop new methodologies and techniques, produce and disseminate pertinent, high-quality data Provide the necessary tools for public policies concerning surface, subsurface and natural-resource management, natural-risk and pollution prevention, and regional development and planning

4 BRGM presentation > 4 8 thematic areas > Mineral resources > Water > Development planning and natural risks > Contaminated land and waste management > Environmental metrology > Mapping and geoinformation > Geothermal energy and geological storage of CO2 > Digital information systems

5 BRGM presentation > 5 BRGM staff > 850 employees, including more than 600 scientists, engineers and technicians > 29 regional offices in metropolitan France and its Overseas Departments and Territories > Teams working in more than 40 countries > Turnover for 2005: 84.41 M€ > Legal status: A public institution with industrial and commercial interests under the joint supervision of the Ministry for Research, the Ministry for Industry and the Ministry for Environment

6 BRGM presentation > 6 Environment and Processes D. DARMENDRAIL Analysis and Mineral Characterisation A. M. FOUILLAC Regional Geological Surveys M. BEURRIER Development Planning and Natural Risks H. MODARESSI Mineral Resources J. TESTARD Water D. PENNEQUIN Geology and Geoinformation D. VASLET Operational Divisions Research C. FOUILLAC Public Service L. BEROUD International J.C. GUILLANEAU Production, Informatics and Quality F. LELANN Strategic Planning J. VARET General Secretary R. GUERILLON General Inspectorate P.L KIRCHER Human Resources M. BOUILLEAU Accounting J.P. RIBERT Communications and Publications G. LEHIDEUX-VERNIMMEN Information Systems and Technologies J.M. TROUILLARD Chairman Ph. VESSERON Managing Director D. Houssin

7 BRGM presentation > 7 Geological map of France at 1:50,000 1060 maps (92% published)

8 BRGM presentation > 8 BRGM main geothermal activities EGS Pilot Plant : Soultz 2005 2006 2007 High enthalpy project : DOM ENGINE (EGS) & I-GET ( Geophysical exploration ) Low geothermal energy projects Very low geothermal energy projects Europe, 6FP, Ademe Ademe, Feder, Régions Europe, 6FP Ademe, Arene, EDF, Régions Europe, Ademe Fundings

9 BRGM presentation > 9 Heat & vapor

10 BRGM presentation > 10 BRGM & ENGINE > BRGM leads the European ENGINE Coordination Action (P. Ledru) > 31 partners through 16 European countries > Total budget: 2 million € > From 01 st November 2005 to 30 th April 2008 > BRGM is involved in all the ENGINE workpackages

11 BRGM presentation > 11 ENGINE Contract N°019760 > Kick off meeting in Potsdam 11th Novembre 2005 > Contract signed by ENGINE partners sent to the European Commission on 23/12/05 > Contract signed by the European Commission on 06/02/06 > Pre-financing to the partners done in May 2006 > Administrative questions: A. Beauce

12 BRGM presentation > 12 WP1: Project management > Led by BRGM (P. Ledru) > Objectives preparation, start up and closure of the project administration and organisation reporting with the Authorities of the 6th Framework smooth and streamlined information flow within the consortium controlling duties of the project > Deliverables A project Manual, defining the guidelines of the Co-ordination Action, submitted for approval to the Executive Group, presentation at the Launching conference, Session 1 Six-months reports to the EU Commission

13 BRGM presentation > 13 WP2: Information and dissemination System > Led by BRGM (P. Calcagno) > Objectives The information system General information, Training and education, Publications, Data and metadata base, models, open-source software The publication system Scientific publications, Reports The dissemination system The Web site and the newsletter, Connection to scientific Web site, Participation to the national and international debates about sustainable development and renewable energy, General scientific dissemination, Public relation through press releases and media contacts > Deliverables A Web site and an electronic newsletter Proceedings of the conferences The bibliography of the Co-ordination Action

14 BRGM presentation > 14 WP3/WP6: Investigation of Unconventional Geothermal Resources and in particular Enhanced Geothermal Systems > Led by IGG (A. Manzella) & GeoWatt (Th. Kohl) > Integration of recent progress in knowledge concerning the European lithosphere > Mechanical behaviour of the upper crust and its response to stress, fluid circulation and heat-flow gradients > Exploring different types of geothermal reservoir High-energy geothermal fields (active/recent volcanism and peripheral zones) High-temperature / low-permeability reservoirs (hot dry rocks) New deep, and possibly supercritical, geothermal reservoirs Multipurpose geothermal reservoirs > Technological challenge of the investigation phase Improved exploration methods for deep geothermal resources Combined geological and geophysical imaging methods for defining and assessing reservoirs for potential heat exchange 3D modelling and imaging of permeable systems

15 BRGM presentation > 15 Fracture evaluation in EGS Isolated fracture Fracture zone

16 BRGM presentation > 16 WP4/WP7: Drilling, stimulation and reservoir assessment > Led by ISOR (S. Thorhallsson) & GFZ (E. Huenges) > Dynamics of the geothermal field, stimulation and reservoir assessment Stress pattern Stimulation and improvement of the permeability of a geothermal field Dynamics of the fissured horizons and induced microseismicity Reservoir physics and physical properties of rocks and hydro fracturing group Fluids, rock-fluid interaction, tracer and geochemistry, scaling factor > Drilling Drilling cost effectiveness and feasibility of high-temperature drilling Micro-drilling

17 BRGM presentation > 17 Thermal effect is neglected in a first step for two reasons : – we consider very short duration test – we are interested in what it could happen at some distance of the well (the Thermo-Hydro- Mechanical behavior of the near well is in progress with another and more appropriated numerical tool) Hydro-mechanical modeling approach > Conceptual model : The rock mass is considered as a blocks assembly which are separated by discontinuities Blocks are deformable and impermeable 400m 1000m 1 2 3 5 6 7 F Flow takes place in the fractures exclusively > Numerical tool : 3DEC code integrating a real HM coupling based on : Distinct Element method for the mechanical part Finite difference schema for the hydraulic part of the model in the discontinuities > Aim : to simulate the interaction between mechanical process (deformations, stresses,…) and hydraulic process (pressures, apertures,…)

18 BRGM presentation > 18 WP5/WP8: Exploitation, economic, environmental and social impacts > Led by IE (M. Kaltschmitt) & CRES (C. Karytsas) > Exploitation Unconventional exploitation systems Development of innovative tools for exploitation State-of-the-art of down-hole fluid treatments Plant and reservoir monitoring Re-injection > A global economic approach of geothermal energy Sustainability of geothermal energy Multiple integrated uses group Socio-economic benefits of geothermal exploitations > Environmental impacts Barriers to development Microseismicity and risk assessment related to stimulation and exploitation Conditions for a 100% clean exploitation of geothermal energy > Increasing policy makers awareness and public acceptance Building a network for political support Societal needs and public requirement Communication policy

19 BRGM presentation > 19 WP9: Risk evaluation for the development of geothermal energy > Led by TNO (A. Lockhorst) > Decision support systems enable an evaluation of the technical and socio-economic risk for the development of the geothermal energy

20 BRGM presentation > 20 BRGM / ENGINE main contacts > P. Ledru, project leader > A. Genter, project co-leader > P. Calcagno, Information System leader

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