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Dozer Engulfment Case Study Jack Katlic Sr VP-Fuel Supply, AEP- Retired Mark Skiles Director of Technical Support, MSHA Phil Southern Bodygard Sunnie Southern.

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Presentation on theme: "Dozer Engulfment Case Study Jack Katlic Sr VP-Fuel Supply, AEP- Retired Mark Skiles Director of Technical Support, MSHA Phil Southern Bodygard Sunnie Southern."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dozer Engulfment Case Study Jack Katlic Sr VP-Fuel Supply, AEP- Retired Mark Skiles Director of Technical Support, MSHA Phil Southern Bodygard Sunnie Southern Bodygard

2 Dozer Engulfment Case Study Agenda –Surge Pile Hazards –Surge Pile Accidents –Solutions for Stronger Cab Windows –Demonstration –Conclusion –Panel Discussion

3 Dozer Engulfment Case Study Purpose –Share one method the coal industry has implemented to save lives

4 Surge Pile Hazards

5 Surge Pile Safety Directorate of Technical Support Mine Safety and Health Administration Slides with the MSHA logo were adapted from the MSHA website and can be found at:

6 Surge Pile Hazards Feeding material acts like “quicksand”

7 Surge Pile Hazards The edge of the drawhole is unstable

8 Surge Pile Hazards Poor visibility

9 Surge Pile Hazards Since 1980, 19 persons have died in coal mining related surge pile accidents Most of the accidents have involved a hidden cavity created when material “bridged” over a feeder

10 Causes of “Bridging” Over a Surge Pile Feeder Bridging can occur – When equipment transverses the material at the surface of the pile –Surface material compacts creating a false roadway –“Settling in” may occur in an idle pile and increase risk

11 Surge Pile Accidents

12 Note the thickness of the material that had been bridged over Dozer Buried in Cavity

13 A hidden cavity collapsed under the dozer while it was pushing coal on the pile Partially Buried Bulldozer in Fatal Accident in Pennsylvania

14 Most fatal accidents occurred when the dozer cab windows either broke, or were pushed into the cab, allowing coal to fill the cab

15 Cab Filled with Coal The coal has broken or pushed in the cab windows and filled the cab

16 Note: orange object under windshield is an self contained self rescuer (SCSR) Windshield pushed back into cab

17 Best Practices: Ways to Improve Surge Pile Safety

18 Best Practices: Surge Pile Safety Provide equipment cabs strong enough to resist burial pressures

19 Solutions for Stronger Cab Windows

20 Available Solutions for Stronger Cab Windows MSHA initiative –Use of very high-strength glass Massey approach –Add supports to the inside of the cab windows - combined with using somewhat stronger glass Use of polycarbonate windows –Adequate strength –Support around edges needs to allow for higher deflection –Issue of scratch-resistance Bodygard system –A customized polycarbonate system

21 Massey Subkit

22 The first system Most widely used Effective in saving lives System design –is comprised of metal bars attached to the inside of the cab – keep the cab and glass from collapsing on the operator

23 The Massey Approach Installed support bars on the inside of the cab windows The supports for the right-side door window are shown here

24 Horizontal support bars and additional edge support for the windshield are shown here The Massey Approach

25 Massey’s successful burial demonstration The glass cracked but it held the coal out of the cab The Massey Approach

26 Contrast this scene after the Massey demonstration - where coal was held out of the cab - with...

27 This scene from an accident, where coal has filled the cab...

28 Massey Subkit Advantages –Keeps cabs from collapsing –Least expensive –Saves lives Disadvantages –Obscures vision especially when backing up –Causes cycildelic affects that result in complaints of headache from operators –Metal bars rattle and increase noise level in the cabin –Metal bars loosen and crack door glass that must be replaced

29 PPG Preformed Pre-designed Product

30 Created as by request of MSHA to overcome the deficiencies of the subkit System design –A chemically hardened preformed pre-designed product –Installed by gluing the glass into a gasket is installed in same manor as standard glass packages

31 High-strength glass installed using urethane adhesive

32 Field Burial Demonstration Federal No. 2 Mine Near Morgantown, WV

33 High-strength glass installed in all cab windows of test dozer

34 Dozer with high-strength glass being buried in coal pile

35 Buried dozer being dug out

36 Checking windows after burial

37 High-strength glass intact after burial demonstration

38 PPG Advantages –Does not obstruct vision –Resists static pressure up to 40 psi Disadvantages –Preformed therefore application is limited to Caterpillar and Komatsu dozer’s* standard cab packages –Requires fixing of any deformation of the cab prior installation of the glass –Most expensive –May crack when impacted –May pop-out under stress PPG Preformed Pre-designed Product Pounds per square inch *Molds are only for dozers not for end loaders

39 Bodygard System

40 Custom engineered Custom installed Polycarbonate system –Outboard seat is created –Material is mechanically attach to the cab Inhibits internal collapse Unbreakable Noise insulator On site installation All manufacturers MSHA approved

41 Case Study History Massey conducted drop tests of 3 systems to determine the most effective system The following demonstration shows the results of the test

42 Dozer Drop Test Demonstration

43 Body Guard Advantages –Unbreakable –Does not obstruct vision –Can be made to fit anything (all makes and models of existing equipment) –Absorbs and insulates sound –Broad based system –Onsite customized installation on all cabs –Installed on site by drilling and attaching to cab –Cut to specs and attached to ensure stability Disadvantage* –Is less scratch resistant that regular glass therefore a protective covering is applied that is easy and inexpensive to replace Bodygard System *Protective replicable material is applied to improve the scratch resistance

44 Conclusion Based on the results of the drop test, Massey signed a national contract with Bodygard to perform their installations

45 BODYGARD 1 Lincoln Center, Shinnston, WV 26431 “The Safety Window People” 304-592-1980

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