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Thor as depicted in Modern Media. Vikings as portrayed by the History Channel. This is a more accurate depiction but not perfect.

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Presentation on theme: "Thor as depicted in Modern Media. Vikings as portrayed by the History Channel. This is a more accurate depiction but not perfect."— Presentation transcript:

1 Thor as depicted in Modern Media

2 Vikings as portrayed by the History Channel. This is a more accurate depiction but not perfect.

3 Vikings The “marines” of Norse culture. A small group of fighters who would sail to areas to raid pillage and steal Norsemen A person from Scandinavia (modern day Norway Sweden and Finland) during the medieval period. Literally means “northman”

4 A modern recreation of accurate Norse life held yearly in Sweden

5 Longship or Longboat A slong slender ship, shallow in the draft, with a large rectangular sail, rows of oars and a dragon figure head. These ships were able to travel on the sea or ocean, and rivers, giving them greater access to inland areas to raid.


7 A commonly held belief that Norsemen used boats to bury their dead. In reality boats were far too valuable to use as burial vessels for anyone except the most elite in Norse culture

8 A common burial ground in Scandinavia after Christianity is introduced to the Norse


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