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Musial University "Non-returning" Student Survey Results Conducted by Undergraduate Marketing Principles Honors Class.

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Presentation on theme: "Musial University "Non-returning" Student Survey Results Conducted by Undergraduate Marketing Principles Honors Class."— Presentation transcript:

1 Musial University "Non-returning" Student Survey Results Conducted by Undergraduate Marketing Principles Honors Class

2 Topics n Background (n = 146) n Headlines n Students’ past, present, and intentions n Importance of college attributes n Preference among regional colleges n Advising/social life n Multivariate statistical analysis

3 Background n Sample frame - last Fall semester’s students who did not enroll this semester n Survey - five-page telephone interview n Time - March 26th - April 6th n n = 146 n 7.4 % of population sampled n Finite population correction factor =.96

4 Headlines n Conservatively, 40 % plan to return to MU this year n Higher ratings for broad program of majors, and convenient location n Impersonal student experience reported

5 Q1 - Enrolled elsewhere now? n Yes - 33% n No - 67%

6 Q2 - Educational plans n Re-enroll at MU in 98 -48% n Transfer - 21% n Stay at current school -11% n No plan to enroll - 8% n Don’t know - 12%

7 Q3 - Did you transfer to MU? n Yes - 64% n No - 36%

8 Q4 - When you enrolled, did you intend to graduate from MU? n Yes - 82% n No - 18%

9 Q5.1 to Q5.28 n 1 - 10 scale for Disagree/Agree n All questions included in Table 1 of proceedings along with mean, standard deviation, and valid “n”.

10 Attribute Ratings - “The Highs” n Highest mean 8.19 - “Broad program of majors offered” n Means above 7.0 - “Convenient location” “Variety of extra-curriculars” “Professional treatment” “Good advising” “Flexible schedule of classes” “Would have enjoyed football very much”

11 Attribute Ratings - “The Lows” n Lowest Mean 2.74 - “Attended many MU sporting events” n Means under 5.0 - “Dorms are of good quality” “Price for dorms reasonable” “Enough parking spaces offered”

12 Simultaneous comparison of three group means n Grouping variable was rating of social environment - low/medium/high n Dependent variable of interest was “would have enjoyed football very much” n No relationship found

13 Who actually returned? n 21 % returned in the following Fall semester. These 30 students represent almost one-half who said they would return

14 Future Research n Inclusion of Summer 98 returns n Longitudinal panel study –Survival analysis n Quality comparison of retained vs. departing students n “PCP” (“parking lot – classroom – parking lot” students) segment investigation n Qualitative root-cause interviews

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