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Circular Linked List. Agenda  What is a Circularly linked list  Why a Circular Linked List  Adding node in a new list  Adding node to list with nodes.

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Presentation on theme: "Circular Linked List. Agenda  What is a Circularly linked list  Why a Circular Linked List  Adding node in a new list  Adding node to list with nodes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Circular Linked List

2 Agenda  What is a Circularly linked list  Why a Circular Linked List  Adding node in a new list  Adding node to list with nodes  Deleting a node  Traversal of the Circular Linked List  Program 2

3 Circular linked list  Circular linked list is a linked list where the last node of the linked list is pointing to the first node of the linked list. 3 2 1 3 4

4 Contd..  We need two pointers A head pointer – pointing to the first node A rear pointer – pointing to the last node 4 2 1 3 4 Front Rear

5 When is a circular LL is used?  When we need to traverse from the last node to first node with out having to traverse backwards.  Overcome the limitation of Doubly Linked List. 5 4 2 1 3 Front Rear From rear, traverse to the first link

6 Implementation  Can be implemented using Singly linked list Doubly linked list 6 2 1 3 4 2 1 4

7 Adding node in a empty linked list  Create a node and allocate memory  Set the front, rear to the new node  Set the next part of the new node to the same node As there is only one node, the next pointer should point to the same node 7

8 Addition of a node in a empty list  Set front = NULL  Set rear=NULL  Allocate memory to a new node 8 A node

9 Contd..  front =NULL  Rear=NULL  Set pointer q to point to new node  Set a value in data part,Example 12 9 q 12

10 Contd..  Now, point front and rear to the new node  Set link part of the new node to the address of the new node 10 q front rear 12 q front rear 12

11 Add a node in a non-empty list  Create a new node and allocate memory  Make the last node point to the new node  Make the new node point to the first node  Make the rear pointer point to the new node 11

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22 Code class Link { public int iData; // data item (key) public Link next; // next link in list public Link(int dd) // constructor { iData = dd; // initialize data } public void displayLink() // display ourself { System.out.print("{" + iData + "} "); } } // end class Link 22

23 Contd.. private Link front; private Link rear; public LinkList() { front = null; rear = null; } public boolean isEmpty() // true if no links { return front==null; } 23

24 Insertion public void insert(int dd) { Link newLink = new Link(dd); // make new link if( isEmpty() ) // if empty list, { front = newLink; rear = newLink; // newLink <-- last = front; // newLink --> old first } else { = newLink; // rear  newnode rear = newLink; // set rear to newnode = front;// Using rear, point to the first node } 24

25 Deletion of a node – first node  Make the front pointer point to the second node  Free the memory allocated to the first node  Point the last node’s next to the second node 25

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32 Deletion of the first node public void deleteFirst() { if( == null) //if empty { front = null; rear = null; } else// if not empty { // move the front pointer to point to the next node front =; = front; // set the rear to point to the new node } 32

33 Traversal of the Circular Linked List  If the condition for ending the traversal is checking with null,Circular linked list goes to an infinite loop.  There are Conditions to be checked using front and rear pointers. 33

34 Conditions  If front and rear is null => Empty List  If front=rear => Only one node in List 34

35 public void displayList() { System.out.print("List (first-->last): "); Link current = front; // start at beginning if( front == null) { System.out.println("List is empty"); } else if(front == rear) { front.displayLink(); } else { while(current != rear) // until rear is reached { current.displayLink(); // print data current =; // move to next link } current.displayLink(); System.out.println(""); } 35

36 Applications of Circular LL  Round-Robin CPU Scheduling- operating system.  The OS must maintain a list of present tasks and must alternately allow each task to use a small slice of CPU time, one task at a time. 36


38 References  Data Structure by Yashwanth Kanethkar.  Data Structures and Algorithms in Java, Robert Lafore 38


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