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Published bySelina Oliff Modified over 10 years ago
Draft Policy Overview Utilities & Renewable Energy Planning Study Presentation By: Tim Cane, The Jones Consulting Group Ltd. November 12, 2008 Township of East Garafraxa
Meeting Outline A.Purpose To present an overview of the proposed DRAFT Official Plan policies and obtain public comment as required under the Planning Act. Listen to comments from Council and the public. B.Overview of the proposed policies C.Issue response D.Next Steps & Questions
Work Plan
Objectives Provide opportunities for renewable energy. Balance with the social, economic, and environmental interest of the community. Maintain open landscape character. Responsible siting to balance land use impacts, maximize resource use and maintain consistency with other OP policies. Conserve cultural heritage landscapes and built heritage sites. Protect key resource and natural heritage areas. Prevent adverse effects to sensitive land uses. Ensure that renewable energy systems and supporting components (i.e. transformers, utility lines) are designed to minimize the use of land and interference with other land uses. Establish an approval process & standards.
General Renewable Policies Consider all existing policies of the County OP and establish new policies: Agency Approvals Amenity Agreements Applicability to Other Parts of this Plan Below Grade Infrastructure Conditional Zoning Consultation Cultural Heritage Landscapes & Built Heritage Resources Dispute Resolution Holding By-law Integration with the Ontario Environmental Assessment Process Management Areas Mineral, Aggregate and Petroleum Resources Monitoring and Township Review Natural Heritage Peer Reviews Processing of Planning Applications Provincial Greenbelt Plan Siting, Buffering, and Cumulative Impacts Site Plan Control Vacant Lots & Severances
Micro Scale (wind only) Micro: Maximum of 1 Kilowatt & 13.5 metres in height.
Small Scale Wind Not to exceed 50 kW or 36 m in height. Solar Building mounted or ground installed covering less than 1 ha or 10% of site area. Biomass Does not exceed 250 kilowatts and ancillary to a permitted principle use.
Medium Scale (wind only) Greater than 50 kW and less than 500 kW or greater than 100 m in height 250kw, 40m, 30m diameter 250kw, 51m
Large Scale Wind: Greater than 500 kW or greater than 100 m in height Solar: Ground installed systems covering greater than 1 ha or more than 10% of site area. Biomass: Exceeds 250 kilowatts. >500kW, 100m > 250 kilowatts >1 ha
Management Areas Management Area 1: Provincially significant natural heritage features, (wetlands, valleylands, woodlands, etc.), Significant areas of natural and scientific interest, Floodways and areas of flooding hazards, Grand River Valley, Settlement Areas, and Estate Residential designations. Management Area 2: 1 km from Settlement Areas and the Grand River valley (note correction). Management Area 3: All underlying areas of the Township.
Management Areas (Schedule E)
General Wind Policies Large, medium and small scale not permitted in Management Area 1. Large & medium scale permitted in Management Area 2 with OPA addressing specific tests. Small and Micro permitted with ZBA. All scales permitted in Management Area 3 subject to OPA, ZBA, and site plan approval. Permit wind testing facilities with temporary use by-law. Maximize use of resource and reduce neighbouring turbulence. Decommissioning (after 1 year non-operation). No advertising or logos on wind turbines. Limit shadow flicker to 30hours/30mins, astronomically worst case. Increased public notification requirements. Small scale generally not permitted on lots less than 0.6 ha. Technical requirements: Scoped EIA, noise, shadow flicker, Ice Throw and Risk Assessment, EMI, Wake Modeling, Visual Impact, Management Plan, Mineral Aggregate Resource Assessment, Archaeological, Cultural Heritage Impact Assessment, Agricultural Impact Assessment. Right-of-Way setbacks: 1.25 x height
Specific Wind Policies Micro Scale: Generally permitted in all Management Areas. Ancillary to a permitted use. Setback the equivalent of the turbine height from side and rear lot lines. Noise not to generally exceed 40 dBA at property boundary. Small Scale: Generally permitted in Management Areas 2 and 3. Setback equal to turbine height from side and rear lot lines. Noise not to generally exceed 40dBA at property line with exceptions consistent with MOE noise guidelines.
Specific Wind Policies continued… Medium Scale: Requires site specific Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments in Management Areas 2 and 3. General setback of 450 metres to Point of Reception/Sensitive Land Use. General setback of 500 metres to Rural Residential Cluster. General setback the equivalent of the turbine height from side and rear lot lines. Large Scale: Requires site specific Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments in Management Areas 2 and 3. General setback equal to turbine height from side and rear lot lines (0m for participating properties). General setback of 4 times turbine height or 450 metres to Point of Reception/Sensitive Land Use, whichever greater. General setback of 4.5 times turbine height to Rural Residential Cluster (Four 1 acre lots), whichever is greater.
General Solar Policies Large scale and small ground mounted not permitted in Management Area 1 but can go in Management Area 2 with an OPA. All scales permitted in Management Areas 2 and 3. OPA and ZBA required for large scale. ZBA for small scale only. Large scale not permitted in the Greenbelt. Large scale general maximum site coverage of 95%, with setbacks of 30m and 10m to right-of-ways and side/rear lot lines. Maximum height of 10.5m or 1m above existing building height. Technical requirements: Scoped EIA, Aggregate Assessment, Growth Management Assessment (Area 2), Noise Report, Agricultural Impact Study, Reflectivity Analysis, Stormwater Management Report, Management Plan.
General Biomass Policies No systems permitted in Management Area 1. Small scale permitted in Management Area 2 and 3 with ZBA, large scale requires OPA & ZBA. General siting provisions for systems and storage areas. Policies apply to biomass facilities principally for electrical generation and not heating. Protect sensitive land uses from dust, noise, contaminants, odour, water, wastewater, storm drainage and solid waste disposal. Minimize visual impacts. Outdoor storage adequately sited and managed to minimize impacts (i.e. fires, pests, odour and appearance). Technical requirements: Scoped EIA, Aggregate Assessment, Noise Report, Haul Route Analysis & Traffic Impact, Emissions Analysis, Agricultural Impact Assessment.
Transmission & Distribution Utilities Policies Co-locate future transmission lines or occupy same land area (excludes underground infrastructure requirements for renewable energy projects). Expectation of Hydro One to consider alternative routes. Requirement for visual impact assessment. Recognition and conservation of the Grand River Valley. Upgrades and new transmission facilities not to adversely effect sensitive receivers. Transformers to meet MOE C of A requirements. Transformers sited to maximize separation and match background noise levels. Noise mitigation to primarily rely on transformer design and not external mitigation measures.
Next Steps Questions & Comments. Review any comments from stakeholders and agencies and update proposed policies if required. Council consideration and adoption of proposed official plan policies. Submit adopted policies to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (MMAH) for their approval. Once a decision from MMAH there will be a 20 day appeal period before policies take effect.
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