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L EADERSHIP T HROUGH B RAINPOWER _________________________________ TRAINING & HR.

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Presentation on theme: "L EADERSHIP T HROUGH B RAINPOWER _________________________________ TRAINING & HR."— Presentation transcript:


2 L EADERSHIP T HROUGH B RAINPOWER _________________________________ TRAINING & HR

3 Welcome to the Interactive Session with Mr. S. Harsh Suhalka (Management Consultant, Trainer, Motivator & Editor) On Career & Success Mr. S. Harsh Suhalka L EADERSHIP T HROUGH B RAINPOWER

4 OUR STRONG BELIEFS “To become a Leader- Join the Leader”- BRAINPOWER GROUP “ Leaders don’t create followers, they create more Leaders ” -“ TOM PETERS ” JRD TATA 1904-93 Nothing worthwhile is ever achieved without deep thought and hard work. No Success or achievement in material terms is worthwhile unless it serves the needs or interests of the Country and its people. One must forever strive for excellence, or even Perfection, in any task however small, and never be satisfied with the second best. __________________________________________________________  “ A Leader has to be a blend of Manager & Visionary -Bhaskar Bhatt, MD, Titan

5 OUR KNOWLEDGE PARTNERS  A D V E R T I S I N G  B R A N D P R O M O T I O N S  E V E N T HWA Consulting Group Email- Email-

6 BE SERIOUS ABOUT YOUR CAREER- THE FACTS  No Organization is interested only in your Degree.  The value of only Degree is just 25% Major contributors in your success are (75%) Right Attitude – Right Skills – Right Knowledge

7 ABOUT BRAINPOWER BRAINPOWER TRAINING & HR is a part of Brainpower Media India Pvt. Ltd. The Company Founded in 1993 by Mr. S. Harsh Suhalka. Brainpower group is a Versatile Organization operating in the various Knowledge based Services, Solutions and Consulting with RESULT as the main outcome and Reference.

8 THE TRAINING PROGRAMME Professional and Personal Effectiveness- For Corporate Careers Training Focus Areas:  Domain Knowledge and Skills for Specific Careers.  Business English and Corporate Communications.  Personality Grooming for Successful Professional Career.  Right Attitude and Skills for Corporate Career.  Preparing for Job Specific Resume, Group Discussion, Brainstorming and Interview. (8 weeks)

9  Live Interaction with CEO/ Managers/ Entrepreneurs.  Industry/ Corporate tours (at cost) out of Bhopal to understand the Corporate Culture  Exclusive General Knowledge Sessions.

10 Exclusive Features of the Training Programme This Training Programme is backed by the Right Placement Or Money Back Guarantee. Six months Mentorship to discuss and equip you for any Career & Success related matters.(Once in a week) Industry/ Corporate tours (at cost) out of Bhopal to understand the Corporate Culture. Strong Relationship with Key Industries, Services Sectors- Marketing & Advertising, Media, Management Consulting, Financial & Banking, Education & Knowledge.

11 WHY THIS TRAINING PROGRAMME? Observations of Media-: ARTICLE Even 77% MBAs are not employable! Survey by Reputed Merit Track Skill Evaluation Agency

12 WHERE 88% MANAGEMENT STUDENTS ARE LACKING? Communication skills Right Personality required for successful Corporate career. Specific skills required for Specific Industry Lack of Career and Industry Information Group Discussion, Presentation, Interview Skills and Business etiquettes.

13 Communication skills:- 80% of the Success in the Corporate Sector depends on the Right Communication skills. Brainpower will help students to improve their communication skills.

14 Most of the Management/ Other students don’t have the right well groomed Corporate Personality. Brainpower will help students develop right well groomed Corporate personality. Personality Required for Successful Corporate Career?

15  Specific Skills Required for Specific Industry:- IT, Insurance, Banking, FMCG, Media and Entertainment- Skills differ from Industry to Industry. Brainpower will help Management students to develop skills required to get the job in particular Industry.

16 Lack of Career and Industry related Information:- Students don't have sufficient information about the requirement of the Corporate Sector and specific Career. Brainpower will help students to update their knowledge about these requirements.

17 Interview & Group Discussion skills:- 80% Management/ Other students get rejected due to lack of Interview & Group Discussion skills. Brainpower will help students to Polish their Interview & Group Discussion skills.

18 FOR CAREER COUNSELLING/ FURTHER DETAILS Corporate Office: Prime Plaza 3rd Floor, E-3/ 46 Arera Colony, 10 No Stop, Bhopal- 462016 Phone: 0755-4279181, 9893096880 Email- TRAINING & HR _________________ VISITING HOURS -: 06-08 PM (After Appointment)


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