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Achieving Diabetes Action and Collaborative Change (ADACC) Study.

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Presentation on theme: "Achieving Diabetes Action and Collaborative Change (ADACC) Study."— Presentation transcript:

1 Achieving Diabetes Action and Collaborative Change (ADACC) Study

2 The Research Team Prof Sandra Eades, University of Sydney Prof Rob Sanson-Fisher, University of Newcastle A/Prof Christine Paul, University of Newcastle Prof Paul Zimmet, Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute Prof Jonathan Shaw, Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute Dr Mark Wenitong, Senior Medical Officer, Apunipima Cape York Health Council Dr Claudia Koller, University of Newcastle Dr Heidi Turon, University of Newcastle Ms Kristy Forshaw, University of Newcastle

3 Presentation Overview Background and impact of type 2 diabetes on Indigenous Australians The evidence practice gap in type 2 diabetes care for Indigenous populations Aims of the project Overview of project plan, data collection and the proposed intervention Expected benefits and significance of the project


5 List of References 1. State Government of Victoria, 2008. Aboriginal Health Issues-Diabetes Facts. Retrieved from bhcarticles.nsf/ pages/Aboriginal_health_issues_diabetes?open bhcarticles.nsf/ pages/ 2. Australian Indigenous Health InfoNet 2010. Retrieved from 3. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2008. Retrieved from 4. UK Prospective Diabetes Study, 1998. The UK Prospective diabetes study 33. Lancet, 352, 837-853. 5. Colagiuri et al., 2000. Is early detection of Type 2 Diabetes worthwhile? Australian Diabetes Society Annual Scientific Meeting. Cairns. 6. Personal communication. 7. Thomas et al., 2007. The management of diabetes in indigenous Australians from primary care. BMC Public Health, 7, 303-312.

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