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This is my record of the things I a m doing to le a rn, pl a y, h a ve fun, be he a lthy a nd st a y s a fe. New beginnings – All a bout me Type child’s.

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Presentation on theme: "This is my record of the things I a m doing to le a rn, pl a y, h a ve fun, be he a lthy a nd st a y s a fe. New beginnings – All a bout me Type child’s."— Presentation transcript:

1 This is my record of the things I a m doing to le a rn, pl a y, h a ve fun, be he a lthy a nd st a y s a fe. New beginnings – All a bout me Type child’s n a me here

2 Hints for adult helpers ●You are able to input information onto each slide for an individual child. ●You do this by selecting Normal in the View menu. Overtype the text that is already on the slide by selecting it and then typing in the new information. ●You can add photos and sound. ●Where there is an instruction or information in blue or (blue italic) select and cut the text to remove it from the slide, once you have followed the instruction. You can also delete anything else that is not relevant. ●Green slides are instruction slides for teachers/learning support assistants and should be deleted when no longer needed. ●The white slides are a suggested starting point for children. ●On some slides you will find additional information in the Notes section. ●Run the presentation. ●When the presentation is complete, delete these two instruction slides. Also hide slides you do not want to use at the moment.

3 Improving questioning: helping children understand their learning ●The acid test of a question is: does it provide a worthwhile challenge? In providing a challenge, there needs to be a balance between closed, quick-fix questions, and open questions that demand more complex and higher-order thinking. ●Completing this PowerPoint presentation with a child helps develop this level of higher-order thinking and action planning for future learning. ●Examples of questions that genuinely invite children to think include: –“What do you think about/of...?” –“How do you know...?” –“Why do you think that...?” –“Do you have a reason...?” –“What if...?” –“What if... does not...?” –“Why is this good/best/better…?” –“Why do you like/do not like this …?”

4 This is a bout me a nd how I think, feel a nd le a rn ●My story includes things a bout: –wh a t I a m le a rning –g a mes I like to pl a y –how I keep he a lthy –how I a m c a reful to st a y s a fe – a ll a bout me, my f a mily a nd friends –c a ring, sh a ring a nd t a king turns –wh a t I like doing best. (Note for the supporting adult: Open the notes pages where there are helpful hints and tips about how to support the child in providing information for the e-Profile.)

5 How I feel a bout things I do to: be he a lthy be h a ppy be helpful be good a t le a rning m a ke friends pl a n a nd choose Replace this picture with a picture of the child st a y s a fe

6 All a bout me: my f a mily a nd friends My next step:

7 Wh a t I a m le a rning: a bout t a lking, re a ding a nd writing My next step:

8 Wh a t I a m le a rning: a bout working with numbers My next step:

9 Wh a t I a m le a rning: a bout the world Here is an example: ●We w a tched some insects a nd a butterfly on the flowers. My next step:

10 Wh a t I a m le a rning: a bout how I grow a nd keep he a lthy My next step:

11 Wh a t I a m le a rning: a bout dr a wing, p a inting pictures a nd m a king things Here is an example: ●This is a dinos a ur. My next step:

12 G a mes I like to pl a y a nd people I like to pl a y with My next step:

13 Being c a reful to st a y s a fe: t a king responsibility for myself My next step:

14 Sh a ring, c a ring a nd t a king turns My next step:

15 W a ys I help my f a mily, my te a cher, my friends My next step:

16 Wh a t I like doing best My next step:

17 Ch a nges: my te a cher, my cl a ss, my school My next step:

18 My t a rgets to get better My next step:

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