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Protection of Intellectual Property zPatents yFunctional and design inventions zTrademarks yID of origin of product or service zCopyrights yLiterary or.

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Presentation on theme: "Protection of Intellectual Property zPatents yFunctional and design inventions zTrademarks yID of origin of product or service zCopyrights yLiterary or."— Presentation transcript:

1 Protection of Intellectual Property zPatents yFunctional and design inventions zTrademarks yID of origin of product or service zCopyrights yLiterary or artistic expression zTrade secrets yAny aspect of a business (secrecy required) zTwo or more may overlap

2 Trademarks and Trade Dress Trademark Word, name, symbol or device to distinguish goods or services of a manufacturer Includes: Brand names, Service Marks, Collective Marks Trade Dress Unique decoration or imagery

3 Trademarks and Trade Dress zExclusive use in a particular line of commerce zTrademark  Tradename yBroad protection for trademark contrary to tradenames zRegistration not necessary zAssignment or license allowed zRemedies like patent Rights Protected

4 Trademarks on the NET zSesame Street y“…brought to you by the letter O” yGerman fashion-oriented erotic magazine suing Oprah Winfrey, alleging infringement, unfair competition, harm to reputation zWWF – (World Wildlife Fund vs. World Wrestling Federation) zMcDonald’s – prefix “Mc” (McMunchies)

5 Trademarks on the NET zMagnifies Global Reach of Courts zWWF and AntiNazi rulings zTechnical limits zMost restrictive legal system governs on NET

6 Trade Secrets zState Law zNo registration zPrincipal requirement yUseful and valuable business information, maintained secret The Volkswagen-General Motors Trade Secret Lawsuit

7 Patents Federal right to prevent others from making, using, selling What? Plant patents Design patents Utility patent

8 Patents zNew zUseful zMore than combination of prior work Basic requirements Microsoft’s patent

9 Patents zParker v. Flook yNot algorithm because law of nature zIn Re Diehr yComputer-driven Process vs. Program (not excluded) xProgram code not patentable zGottschalk v. Benson What can be patented? Patent Protection for Computer Programs

10 Patents zPreliminary search zFile application yDescription, illustration, claims zPatent in name of inventor zApplication examined zPatent protection exists only after patent is granted How to patent Obtaining a patent

11 Patents z“Patent pending” or “Patent applied for” zOnce granted, should contain “patent” + 7-digit number Notice of patent rights The Invention Registry

12 Patents zPersonal property (like car) zOwnership may be transferred by assignment zOwner may license Ownership of patents

13 Patents zInfringement yWhen someone makes, uses, or sells zInternational Patent Protection requires separate patent application yMany different rules ySeldom worthwhile Ownership of patents Enforcing a patent

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