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Understanding Agriculture: New Directions for Education AGED 3203.

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1 Understanding Agriculture: New Directions for Education AGED 3203

2 Factoids  1917 - 1/3 of population lived on a farm  1986 - 2.2 million lived on farms  < 5% of high school students enroll in ag ed  75% of Ag Ed students are in FFA  Over half of all ag teachers teach alone  35% of all programs are in 13 southern states  Ag Ed attracts few minorities  Enrollment peaked in 70’s

3 Factoids  85% of all black farmers live in south  Female enrollment varies from school to school.  Many rural school districts to not offer ag ed.

4 Selected Sections  Some teachers are unduly driven by a desire to help students excel in production-oriented programs and place less emphasis on classroom instruction.  In some communities the high school program is known as the FFA program and the teacher as the FFA teacher.  The principal focus of class time is on preparing students to compete in traditional, production oriented FFA contests.

5 Selected Sections  Program content has failed to keep up w/ modern agriculture, the program is much like it was when the Voc Ed Act of 1963 was passed.  1986 - 41% of ag ed programs were characterized as production.  Current programs that have changed little, prepare students for a rather limited and generally shrinking part of the job market.

6 Selected Sections  Good programs attract a cross section of the student body.  Ag Ed programs are costly, but not the most expensive.  Because the FFA influences Ag Ed so greatly, some changes within the FFA is needed. The curriculum should drive the youth organization, not the reverse.

7 Selected Sections  High quality programs = extensive contact between teacher and student and a diversity of rewarding SAE opportunities.  Good programs are expensive, poor programs tend to cost nearly as much or more on a per student basis.  Some communities continue to support weak programs because of long standing commitments.

8 Selected Sections  Many successful ag ed programs have dropped the word “vocational”.  High quality SAEs=involved teachers, planned experiences, adequate resources, and student placement.  The emphasis of SAE should be on learning with an appreciation for earning.

9 Recommendations  Major revisions are needed within vo-ag.  The quality of vocational agriculture programs must be enhanced, in some cases substantially.  Establish specialized magnet high schools for the agricultural sciences in major urban and suburban areas.  Teachers should seek out and share high-quality computer software and instructional methods.

10 Recommendations  As a goal, all students enrolled in agricultural education programs should participate in worthwhile SAEs.  The FFA should change its name and revise its symbols, rituals, contests, awards, and requirements for membership to reflect a more contemporary image of agriculture.

11 Recommendations  Teachers should seek out and share high- quality computer software and instructional methods.  As a goal, all students enrolled in agricultural education programs should participate in worthwhile SAEs.  Each program needs an active advisory council.

12 Recommendations  A broad range of SAEs should be encouraged.  Summer SAEs should be encouraged.  Encourage students to enroll who will not take 4 years of ag ed.

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