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Additional Selection Questions

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1 Additional Selection Questions
1. Key Idea: Leisure According to Anna Quindlen, why don’t children have enough leisure time? Possible answer: Children don’t have enough leisure time because they are swamped with all sorts of scheduled activities. . . .continued

2 Additional Selection Questions
2. Recall Argument How does the title of this essay summarize Quindlen’s argument? Possible answer: Quindlen argues that children need downtime because it gives them a chance to think and to develop their creativity. In this sense, doing “nothing” (as it relates to participation in structured activity) is really doing “something” (that is, achieving something worthwhile). . . .continued

3 Additional Selection Questions
3. Key Idea: Leisure According to Quindlen, why are children harmed by a lack of leisure time? Possible answer: Leisure time provides an opportunity for children to develop their creativity. Without leisure, such development is “systematically stunted” (line 74). . . .continued

4 Additional Selection Questions
4. Analyze Argument Whom does Quindlen blame for the shortchanging of children? How does she support that view? Possible answers: Quindlen blames adults, for adults often schedule children’s activities to keep them out of trouble, to compete with other parents, or to keep their children supervised while adults work. . . .continued

5 Additional Selection Questions
5. Distinguish Fact from Opinion Express the main idea of lines 127–144 in the form of an opinion. Possible answer: It is a shame that today’s children have such structured summers that they do not know the simple summertime pleasures that I enjoyed as a child. . . .continued

6 Additional Selection Questions
6. Analyze Argument In Quindlen’s view, how does “a culture of adult distrust” (line 90) contribute to the lack of downtime for children? Possible answer: According to Quindlen, adults enroll their kids in numerous activities out of fear that, without such activities, their kids will spend their free time getting into trouble. . . .continued

7 Additional Selection Questions
7. Key Idea: Leisure How have Quindlen’s feelings about leisure changed from her feelings as a child? Explain. Possible answer: As a child, Quindlen felt that leisure was boring (lines 15–23 and 132–133). Now, however, she recognizes that such “boredom is really the quiet moving of the wheels inside that fuel creativity” (lines 27–29). . . .continued

8 Additional Selection Questions
8. Distinguish Fact from Opinion Quindlen writes: “Try as we might to suggest that all these enrichment activities are for the good of the kid, there is ample evidence that they are really for the convenience of parents ” (lines 111–117). Is this a fact or an opinion? Defend your answer. Possible answer: Although Quindlen expresses herself in an authoritative way, she is stating an opinion. She provides no facts to support her generalization; rather, she makes only a vague reference to “ample evidence.”

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