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Group Projects for an Energy Symposium Fred Loxsom Eastern Connecticut State University.

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Presentation on theme: "Group Projects for an Energy Symposium Fred Loxsom Eastern Connecticut State University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Group Projects for an Energy Symposium Fred Loxsom Eastern Connecticut State University

2 American College & University Presidents’ Climate Commitment

3 Climate Action Plan

4 Green Campus Committee

5 Energy Research

6 Campus and Community Outreach  Earth Day Activities  Speaker Series  Student Clubs  Recycling Program  Service learning in the community

7 Campus as Laboratory

8 Submetering and Energy Dashboard

9 Institute for Sustainable Energy  Statewide energy efficiency programs  Energy Education programs for secondary schools  Employs energy students as interns

10 Center for Sustainable Energy Studies  Endowed Chair in Sustainable Energy Studies  Environmental Earth Science Department  Position has separate budget, reduced teaching load, and excellent teaching and research space in a new science building.

11 Sustainable Energy Studies  General Education Courses:  Global Climate Change  Sustainable Energy  Sustainable Energy Lab  Minor in Sustainable Energy Studies  Sustainable Energy concentration in Environmental Earth Science B.S. Major

12 Sustainable Energy Course  General Education – “Science and Society”  250 students in 6 sections  Climate change as main indicator of environmental impact.  Emphasis on electricity and transportation alternatives.

13 Emphasis on Solutions

14 Instruction Mode  Lecture  Discussion  Group Activities  All sections now taught by adjuncts  One online section

15 Group Project  Campus Sustainability Symposium  Poster  Solutions not Problems  Posters tested in class  Three to Five per Group

16 First Year  Posters  PowerPoint Presentations  Other Formats  Pamphlets  Digital Posters  Song

17 Second Year  Posters only for introductory class  PowerPoint presentations for advanced classes

18 Poster Topics Water Conservation Water Purification Social Marketing & the N2N Challenge Layered Curriculum for Climate Change Truth in Bio-Degradable Product LabelingWind Power in the Education system Sustainable Energy Ideas for Schools How Sustainable Energy is Portrayed in Media

19 Poster Topics (continued) Building Energy Efficiency Energy Efficient Living High Mass Thermal Heating DIY Home Energy Efficiency Residential Geothermal Heating Carbon Sequestration Geologic Carbon Sequestration Energy Under Our Feet: Geothermal Power

20 Poster Topics (continued) America Runs on Oil Environmental Impacts of Fossil Fuels The Clean Air Act Why Biofuel? Electric Avenue (The Electric Car) Tesla, The New American Dream (Car) The Long Road Ahead Gas Powered Cars vs Electric Cars

21 Poster Topics (continued) Pros and Cons of Ethanol as a Renewable Fuel Alternative Hydroelectric Power Tidal Power Genetically Modified Food Up, Up and Away Methane Hydrate Structure Methane Hydrate Resources Methane Hydrate and Climate Change

22 The Symposium Part of an extended Earth Day Celebration Posters available in the morning Students at their posters in the afternoon Judging in the afternoon PowerPoint Presentations by advanced students in the afternoon Keynote address Award Presentations

23 Poster Presentations


25 Poster Judging

26 Symposium Speaker

27 Award Presentations

28 Student Evaluation Instructors distributed anonymous questionnaire to all students. Request evaluations from judges and faculty. Looked for comments in course evaluations. Not a single negative comment about symposium. A few negative comments about working in groups. All students (to varying degrees) enjoyed the symposium and believed the experience was worthwhile.

29 Faculty Evaluation Met with the instructors to discuss Symposium and the group work required to prepare for it. All instructors agreed that the effort and time was worthwhile because students were enthusiastic about the projects and seemed to learn a great deal from the experience. All instructors wished to repeat the Symposium each year.

30 A New Group Project Currently piloting “Energy Kit” group project. Group of students given an energy kit. Group learns to use the kit. Gives class presentation based on the kit. Then, gives community presentation based on kit.

31 Energy Kits Lighting Efficiency Kit (home made) Trash Audit (home made) Wind Turbine Solar Electricity

32 Questions?

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