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Tim Leyson First Year Advisor, Symmes Hall EDL 301 Spring 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Tim Leyson First Year Advisor, Symmes Hall EDL 301 Spring 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tim Leyson First Year Advisor, Symmes Hall EDL 301 Spring 2011

2  Where do values come from?  Where do your residents values come from?  How can you learn your residents’ values  Can you think of any group values your corridor or hall might have?

3  Ethics ◦ A set of principles of right conduct; a theory or a system of moral values. The rules or standards governing the conduct of a person or the members of a profession (The American Heritage College Dictionary, 1993).  Moral ◦ Pertaining to man’s natural sense of what is right and proper (Webster’s, 1924). That which is good or right, such as a good person or a right action (Thiroux, 1986).  Principle ◦ A basic truth, law, or assumption. A rule or standard, esp. of good behavior. A quality or an element determining intrinsic nature or characteristic behavior (The American Heritage College Dictionary, 1993).  Value ◦ That which is worthy of esteem for its own sake; that which has intrinsic worth (Oxford English Dictionary). A principle, standard, or quality regarded as worthwhile or desirable (Webster ’s II New Riverside University Dictionary, 1984).

4  Check it at the door!  Know yourself  Difficult Residents  Balance

5 It’s time for……………………..

6  Read the prompt  Rank  Discuss as a group Who’s to blame?

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