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Vision: Every child in every district receives the instruction that they need and deserve…every day. Oregon Response to Intervention Vision: Every child.

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Presentation on theme: "Vision: Every child in every district receives the instruction that they need and deserve…every day. Oregon Response to Intervention Vision: Every child."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vision: Every child in every district receives the instruction that they need and deserve…every day. Oregon Response to Intervention Vision: Every child in every district receives the instruction that they need and deserve…every day. Oregon RTI Project

2 Oregon Response to Intervention Before we begin

3 Oregon Response to Intervention Before we begin Please switch seats

4 Oregon Response to Intervention The only person who likes change is a wet baby!!!

5 Oregon Response to Intervention Targets Develop your awareness around the phases for systems change Build conceptual understanding of some strategies and ways of thinking that can create effective change

6 Oregon Response to Intervention A scholar’s thoughts on change


8 Oregon Response to Intervention Three Phases Needed for Systems Change

9 CONSENSUS Communication during implementation is MORE important than during consensus.

10 Oregon Response to Intervention Consensus to Infrastructure & Implementation Consensus does not happen naturally, it is intentionally created Consensus leads to ownership Initial consensus is established when your staff moves from asking why questions to asking how and what questions?

11 Ready-Fire-Aim You will never be as “ready” as you would like to be Belief Behavio r “It is not rhetoric that persuades us, but evidence at a personal level.” - Doug Reeves

12 Oregon Response to Intervention Managing Complex Change CHANGE Vision Skills IncentivesResources Action Plans ++ + +

13 Oregon Response to Intervention Creating Effective Change

14 Creating Real Change Direct the Rider: The rational side Motivate the Elephant: The emotional side Shape the Path: Show them the way Taken from Switch: How to change things when change is hard by Chip Heath & Stan Heath, 2010

15 Oregon Response to Intervention Managing Complex Change Vision Skills IncentivesResources Action Plans CONFUSION ++ + +

16 Point to the Destination What is the final goal? Where are you heading? Create a destination postcard:

17 Point to the Destination What is so crucial to your success that you are willing to work on it, possibly for years without seeing results? A Vision is... –Visible –Vivid –Viable Water the Bamboo, Greg Bell, 2009

18 Vision VISIO N = Change initiative

19 Vision VISIO N = Change initiative

20 Oregon Response to Intervention Find the feeling Acknowledge that change is hard –Expect some difficult times –People want to hear the music

21 RTI

22 Oregon Response to Intervention Find the feeling School Culture can stop change in it’s tracks –People can be perceived as irrational –Decisions can be made poorly –Personalities can get in the way –Initiative fatigue

23 Oregon Response to Intervention Climate = Relationship People will work harder for people who they like and trust People will perceive you as an object until you get to know them. Real change does not happen on the macro level, it happens over and over at the personal, micro, level.

24 Oregon Response to Intervention Vision Statement all students Our school district and community are committed to high expectations and high standards. We proactively work together to provide skills, knowledge, and resources thus ensuring a fully supportive environment for excellence in education for all students. XYZ School District

25 Oregon Response to Intervention Provide Clarity of the vision

26 Oregon Response to Intervention Share 1 thing you will do to make your district’s vision clear. Consider how you will direct the rider, motivate the elephant or shape the path. Taller partner share first. Talk Time

27 Oregon Response to Intervention Managing Complex Change Vision Skills IncentivesResources Action Plans ANXIETY ++ + +

28 Find the Bright Spots Much of the knowledge and skills you will need already exists within your district Your job is to locate it and cultivate it

29 Staff Survey I use Treasures. I use other materials. My program needs further development. Skill/Strategy/Concept Phonemic awareness: Phonemic awareness is auditory and does nor involve words in print (Heaviest emphasis at K) matching or grouping words with similar and dissimilar sounds (mat, mug, sun) blend and splitting syllables (f oot) blending sounds into words (m_a_n) segment a word as a sequence of sounds (e.g., fish is made up of three phonemes, /f/, /i/, /sh/) manipulating sounds within words (change r in run to s) Phonics (K-2) letter/sound sequence of introduction word blending and word building activities

30 Paraprofessional Staff Survey

31 Oregon Response to Intervention Grow your people Your task is not to create an RTI system in your district Your task is to create people in your district who understand how to develop and implement an RTI system Learning is the work!

32 Oregon Response to Intervention It all comes down to people

33 Grow your people Professional development should always be in place. –There is a difference between won’t and don’t know how.

34 Oregon Response to Intervention Build Habits “Almost everyone wants schools to be better, but almost no one wants them to be different” Raymond McNulty We have to build routines for teachers to make the different easier “First different, then better”

35 Oregon Response to Intervention Building Habits in Schools Regular meetings with an agenda Consistent decision rules Daily schedules with instructional blocks Expectations for core instruction –Fidelity

36 Oregon Response to Intervention Share 1 thing you will do to help develop the skills of the people in your district. Consider how you will direct the rider, motivate the elephant or shape the path. Shorter partner share first. Talk Time

37 Oregon Response to Intervention Managing Complex Change Vision Skills IncentivesResources Action Plans RESISTANCE ++ + +

38 Oregon Response to Intervention Incentives Show change will make their job more effective and efficient Work smarter not harder Show staff the pay off for the students –Staff will not be “compliant” unless they believe it good for them and their students.

39 Oregon Response to Intervention School Results

40 Incentives Our professional work is our personal work

41 Oregon Response to Intervention Rally the Herd

42 Oregon Response to Intervention Doing good work “rallies” us “Everything we know about motivation tells us that deep excitement comes from doing something worthwhile, doing it well, and getting results.” ~Michael Fullan, Change Leader, 2011, p. 76

43 Oregon Response to Intervention Tweak the Environment What looks like a people problem, is often a situation problem

44 Oregon Response to Intervention Tweak the Environment Build systems that help us support each other –Time to collaborate –Staffing supports & Materials –Professional development and ongoing coaching support Put your staff in situations where they can be successful together

45 Oregon Response to Intervention Option #1 for teachers 1.Go to DIBELS database homepage 2.Log in using username and password 3.Click on Reports 4.Click on Class Reports 5.Click on Class List Report 6.Under Report, select PDF 7.Under School, make sure your school is selected 8.Under Grade, make sure your grade is selected 9.Under Year, select the current school year 10.Click on Continue 11.Under Assessment Period, click on Beginning 12.Under Assessment, click on DIBELS Next 13.Under Need for Support, click on Former Goals 14.Click on Continue 15.Under Class, make sure your class is selected 16.Click on Download PDF file 17.Print out Class List Report PDF file. 18.Come to grade level meeting (Wednesday 2:30 – 3:30) with Class List Report PDF file. Option #2 for teachers 1. Pick up your Class List Report PDF from your box 2. Come to Grade level meeting (Wednesday, 2:30 – 3:30) Tweak the environment: Prep for Data Meetings

46 Oregon Response to Intervention Share 1 thing you will do to help develop the incentives for the people in your district. Consider how you will direct the rider, motivate the elephant or shape the path. Taller partner share first. Talk Time

47 Oregon Response to Intervention Managing Complex Change Vision Skills IncentivesResources Action Plans FRUSTRATION ++ + +

48 Oregon Response to Intervention Avoiding the Shiny Objects Focus on what you have and be sure that it is working before you get more.

49 Oregon Response to Intervention Script the Critical Moves Avoid Analysis Paralysis The more choices we have, the less likely we are to act Continuing with current practice is easier because there are no decisions to be made

50 Script the Critical Moves







57 Grade Level appropriate Intensity of need Money and training

58 Grade Level appropriate Intensity of need Money and training

59 Grade Level appropriate Intensity of need Money and training

60 Script the Critical Moves Universal screener Core Curriculum with strong instruction Decision rules and protocol Progress Monitoring Interventions

61 Oregon Response to Intervention Share 1 thing you will can do to help people understand how resources are allocated within your district. Consider how you will direct the rider, motivate the elephant or shape the path. Shorter partner share first. Talk Time

62 Oregon Response to Intervention Managing Complex Change Vision Skills IncentivesResources Action Plans FALSE STARTS ++ + +

63 Point to the Destination Simon Sinek

64 What would this look like if we really meant it? Point to the Destination “If you aim at nothing, you will hit it every time.” ~Attributed to Zig Ziglar


66 Oregon Response to Intervention Shrink the Change Break down the change into manageable steps. We do not want to spook the elephant.

67 Shrink the Change Universal screener Core Curriculum with strong instruction Decision rules and protocol Progress Monitoring Interventions

68 Strong core instruction

69 Common Instructional Strategies

70 Oregon Response to Intervention Share 1 thing you will do to put the action steps into motion. Consider how you will direct the rider, motivate the elephant or shape the path. Taller partner share first. Talk Time

71 Oregon Response to Intervention Managing Complex Change CHANGE Vision Skills IncentivesResources Action Plans ++ + +


73 Oregon Response to Intervention Closing Thoughts “Progress is built, in effect, upon the foundations of necessary failure” –Matthew Syed, Bounce

74 Closing Thoughts

75 Oregon Response to Intervention As you go back to your districts remember how you felt when we asked you to change seats. Change is hard. We are building the bridge while walking on it

76 Oregon Response to Intervention Thank you for the slides adapted/used for this presentation: Dave Tilly, Wendy Robinson, IDM Development Team Heartland AEA11 George Bastche, Michael Curtis, & Clark Dorman, PS/RtI Project, DOE/University of South Florida Amelia Van Name Larson, Pasco County Florida Jim Knight, University of Kansas Ray McNulty, International Center for Leadership Education

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