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Just Equity: Movements Forward The Empowered Urban Mathematics Educator GROUP II Christopher Jett Angela McCreery Kasele Mshinda Jena M. Rainey.

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Presentation on theme: "Just Equity: Movements Forward The Empowered Urban Mathematics Educator GROUP II Christopher Jett Angela McCreery Kasele Mshinda Jena M. Rainey."— Presentation transcript:

1 Just Equity: Movements Forward The Empowered Urban Mathematics Educator GROUP II Christopher Jett Angela McCreery Kasele Mshinda Jena M. Rainey

2 Agenda Identification and Inquiry Conceptual Framework Engagement Impact

3 IDENTIFICATION AND INQUIRY Is equity an urban issue? White Flight Bussing/ Redistricting “Urban” redefined Is equity an issue? 1849 Roberts v. the City of Boston 1954 Brown v. the Board of Education 1964 Civil Right Act Is equity an issue for the urban mathematics educator? NCTM 1989NCTM 2000The Diatribe

4 “We don’t just have a major educational problem on our hands, we have a major civil rights crisis unfolding before our eyes.” -Christopher Swanson Research Center Director Education Week

5 CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK Matthew’s EUE Model Point of Departure: “Just Equity”Just Equity Explores development, relevance, and complexities of school mathematics from perspective of equity. 2000 NCTM definition of equity Equitable experiences must include social justice Mathematics is a civil right

6 ENGAGEMENT Current equity NCTM’s Equity Principle: Excellence in mathematics education requires equity- high expectations and strong support for all students. Worthwhile opportunities, accommodating differences, and resources and support for all students

7 ENGAGEMENT Existing research “Although mathematics educators have worked in various ways to promote equity, little literature exists that documents efforts to teach mathematics as a specific tool for equity and social justice” (Gutstein, 2003, p. 39).

8 “JUST EQUITY” Up for discussion Civil Rights issue EUMEs

9 Impact “No individual speaks a well-defined language.” Chomsky

10 JUST Equity

11 Forward Movements Educational Policies: The good for the country comes before the good for the student. Research: The relationship between conceptual and procedural learning is dialectic. Community Issues: Students’ background is not as significant when schooling is strong. A school must open up the narrow horizons of its students. Students’ Social Identity: Schooling has a blinding effect on a student’s view of self. Teaching Practices: Student’s growth is as important as their performance as measured by scores.

12 “The suffering of men must never be a silent residue of policy.” Foucault

13 Matthew’s Empowered Urban Educator (EUE) Model

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