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Hecto Grow Launch Evaluation
Case Study Hecto Grow, a growing up milk (GUM) product, was launched into the Joka market in April Y3. As the brand’s manager, you are required to assess Hecto Grow’s performance, chalk out plans and initiatives, and set objectives and targets for the brand for the next financial year. The questions to address include: How effective was the brand’s launch and what is its market potential? What needs to be done to further grow the brand and enhance its equity?
Background: Growth Opportunities for Hecto Grow
White Malt Drinks Market
Growing Up Milks – some basic market measures
Year 3
Launch of Hecto Grow Launch Evaluation
Advertising Spend – Growing Up Milk
Year 3 Media Spend: $ 17.3M (All Growing Up Milks) Media (%) TV Spend (%)
Advertising Awareness
End Year 3 (Dec Y3) Share of Voice (% $ spent) Y3 (full year) % 28% 28% 19% 12% 5% Share of Voice is the brand’s advertising weight (in terms of $ expenditure) expressed as a percentage of relevant market (i.e. category or segment). Other common measures of advertising weight include GRP (Gross Rating Points) and TRP (Target Rating Points). See explanation of Share of Voice in notes below
Brand Awareness % End Year 3 (Dec Y3)
Value Share
Hecto Grow Packs – Sales in Kg in Supermarkets and Hypermarkets
Supermarket / Hypermarket - Sales (kg) Weeks 14 to 47 of Year 3 Week 32 Deep price off at leading Supermarket Wk41 Y3: Hecto Grow GUM 400gm + Hectomalt 400gm C.Storage: FP: $9.50
Hecto Grow: Source of Growth in volume
Gain-loss analysis (% volume) Jan -Jun Y3 vs Jul-Dec Y3 All Others Gain 18.5% 11.6% Pediasure 6.9% Hecto Grow 48.4% 5.4% Dumex Grow 6.5% 2.7% Neslac Nespray
Gains (Interaction) index of Hecto Grow with Neslac, Dumex and Gain
Jan -Jun Y3 vs Jul-Dec Y3. Hecto Grow: % Switching Gain (volume) Gain Index 245 198 41
Hecto Grow: Ever Tried (based on Households buying Growing Up Milks)
Trial (%): Cumulative Penetration as % of Category Buyers
Repeat Buyers: % trialists who repeat buy
Hecto Grow % conversion from trial to repeat purchase
Repeat Buying Rate (RBR) for Hecto Grow
Repeat Buying Rate for Hecto Grow (GUM%) Buying Index = 105% RBR(4)= 34.3%? The average consumer who tried the new product purchases 34.3 units of product for every 100 units of the product category, on the 4th purchase interval, after trial. period after initial trial Refer notes pane for explanation
What consumers dislike about Hecto Grow
What (if anything) do you dislike about Hecto Grow? (open-ended question) Total Lapsed Buyers Repeat Buyers Product (any) Child does not like taste Limited choice of flavours Too malty Child prefers regular brand Child not like sweetness level Does not dissolve easily Not as nourishing as regular brand 40% of total (Lapsed + Repeat buyers) said they disliked some aspect about the product. Similarly 60% lapsed buyers said they disliked some aspect about the product, and one out of four repeat buyers said they disliked some aspect about the product. The most frequently stated reason for dissatisfaction was that the child did not like the taste. It was noted in the study that children drive brand choice, but most mothers need to be persuaded on nutritional aspects of growing up milks. Expensive / Regular brand is cheaper Nothing Refer notes pane for explanation
Hecto Grow and Hectomalt
To what extent does it help grow Hecto heritage and brand equity
Perceptions of Hecto’s range of drinks, after launch of Hecto Grow
“prefer Hecto drinks more now” “meets child’s nourishment needs better” “healthier now” “better health throughout life” “better suited for growing children” “confused by what Hecto stands for” % Strongly Agree Agree Neither agree, nor disagree Hecto Grow was an extension to the Hectomalt brand, and its launch was intended to enhance the equity of the Hecto range of children’s drinks as a whole. In the studies that were conducted after the brand’s launch, one of the objectives was to ascertain whether respondents’ perceptions have changed. Those respondents who were aware of Hecto Grow were asked to rate the following statements on a 5-point scale varying from “strongly disagree” to “strongly agree”: I prefer the Hecto range of drinks more now. Hecto meets my child’s nourishment needs better now. I consider Hecto healthier now. Hecto drinks provide better health throughout life. Hecto is better suited for growing children. I am confused by what Hecto stands for. Disagree Strongly Disagree Refer notes pane for explanation Base : All who are aware of Hecto Grow
Health Food Drinks and Growing Up Milks
Brand Equity Indices Health Food Drinks and Growing Up Milks Health Food Drinks Growing Up Milks NA
Top of mind awareness – for Hectomalt in Health Food Drinks over the years
Hectomalt: Top of Mind Awareness in Health Food Drinks Y(-3): 3 years before Y0
Hecto Grow and Hectomalt Drinkers – Usage Overlap Analysis
Year 3 Duplication Analysis Hecto Grow 37% Hectomalt 78% Duplicators 63 15 22 Base: All households consuming Hectomalt/Hecto Grow Hectomalt & Hecto Grow = 100%
Hectomalt and Hecto Grow Malt Drinkers Demographic profile
Year 3 (full year analysis) Hectomalt Hecto Grow * Demographics (Index) Total Chinese Race Other S$4,000 & below H/H Income S$4,001 & above Young Family Life Stage Mixed Family Older Family Adult Households Young family – Families with children aged below 10 years Mixed family – Some children aged below 10, some above 10 Older family – Families with children aged above 10 years * small base 1
Growing Up Milk Brands bought by Hectomalt Drink buyers
What brands of Growing Up Milks do Hectomalt buyers purchase? Cross-Purchase analysis: Jul-Dec Y3 % buying % share Base: Hectomalt buyers in homes with one or more child aged below 10 years
Evaluation of Hecto Grow’s launch
Plans and Initiatives to strengthen Hecto Grow
Objectives and Targets for Y4
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