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Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one’s definition of your life, but define yourself. Harry S. Firestone.

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Presentation on theme: "Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one’s definition of your life, but define yourself. Harry S. Firestone."— Presentation transcript:

1 Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one’s definition of your life, but define yourself. Harry S. Firestone


3 Studies show that 80% of children with disabilities are bullied at some point during their school career


5 What is Bullying? Any gesture, written, verbal or physical act, or any electronic communication, whether it be a single incident or a series of incidents, that takes place on school property, at any school-sponsored function or on a school bus or off school grounds as defined in N.J.S.A. 18A:37-15.3, that substantially disrupts or interferes with the orderly operation of the school or the rights of other students and that: 1.Is motivated by any actual or perceived characteristic, such as race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or a mental, physical or sensory disability; or 2.By any other distinguishing characteristic; and 3.A reasonable person should know, under the circumstances, that the act(s) will have the effect of physically or emotionally harming a pupil or damaging the pupil’s property, or placing a pupil in reasonable fear of physical or emotional harm to his/her person or damage to his/her property; or 4.Has the effect of insulting or demeaning any pupil or group of pupils in such a way as to cause substantial disruption in, or substantial interference with, the orderly operation of the school; or 5.Creates a hostile educational environment for the student by interfering with a pupil’s education or by severely or pervasively causing physical or emotional harm to the student.

6 Peer Abuse Direct Bulling Hitting Kicking Shoving Spitting Name Calling Threatening Obscene Gestures Indirect Bulling Spreading Rumors Getting Someone Else to Bully Social Isolation Cyber-Bulling Bullying Prolonged Intimidation Imbalance of Power and Strength Aggressive Behavior

7 Effects of Being Bullied Lower self-esteem Depression & anxiety Absenteeism & lower school achievement Aggression Illness Thoughts of suicide

8 Health Consequences of Bullying BulliedNot Bullied Headache 16% 6% Sleep Problems 42% 23% Abdominal Pain 17% 9% Anxiety 28% 10% Depression Moderate 49% 16% Strong 16% 2%

9 Effects of Bullying on School Climate Creates climate of fear and disrespect Interferes with student learning Students may feel insecurity and not like school as well Students may perceive lack of control/caring

10 WHO

11 Drink Alcohol, Smoke and/or Do Drugs Carry Weapons Steal, Vandalize Property 5Xs More Likely to Become Adult Criminals Injured in Fights Get Into Frequent Fights Title Children Who Bully Report Poor Academic Achievement, Are Often Truant, Drop Out of School May Have Low Self-Esteem Often From Abusive Homes

12 Family Risk Factors for Bullying Lack of parental warmth and involvement Lack of parental supervision Overly-permissive parenting Harsh discipline/physical punishment


14 Cautious Sensitive Quiet Withdrawn Anxious Insecure Low Self-Esteem Physically Weaker Fewer Friends Easier to Associate with Adults Share Some Characteristics With Bullied Children Children Who Bully Less Effective Bully Cause Irritation Attract Negative Attention Characteristics of Bullied Students Research Suggests that there are two categories of bullied children PassiveProvocative

15 Olweus Bullying Prevention Program

16 Developed by Dan Olweus First systematic research on bullying conducted in early 1970 OBPP part of Norway’s national campaign against bullying in early 1980s Several studies conducted in the United States All studies show evidence of positive outcomes ranging from 8%-70% over the course of the first year of implementation

17 Reduce existing bullying problems among students Prevent the development of new bullying problems Increase positive social skills Conclusion 1 2 3 4 Achieve better peer relations at school Goal of the OBPP

18 Is Not Time-limited: Requires systematic efforts over time A Curriculum A Peer Mediation Program An Anger Management Program Is Designed for all students Focused on changing norms and restructuring the school setting Part of the school culture Research-based OBPP

19 OBPP Materials OBPP School-Wide Guide CD of Written Materials DVD: Overview of OBPP OBPP Teacher Guide CD of Written Materials DVD: Six Scenarios for Class discussion Quit It! (Grades K-3)

20 School-Wide Classroom Individual Community Program Components

21 School-Wide

22 School-Level Components Establish Bullying Prevention/School Safety Committee Administer Bullying Questionnaire One day training for all school staff Develop policy on bullying School slogan Anti-Bullying Rules for every classroom Teacher packet with training materials, students materials, incentives and resources Hold regular class meetings Provide opportunities for student groups Inform and include parents and the community Hold Kick-Off event to launch the program

23 District Responsibilities HIB Coordinator – Janene Askins –Coordinate and strengthen the school’s district policies to prevent, identify, and address HIB of student –Collaborate with district anti-bullying specialists, BOE, and superintendent to prevent, identify and respond to HIB of students.

24 District Responsibilities HIB Specialists – Lisa Handville & Lisa Arabea –Chair the school safety team –Lead the investigation of incident of HIB in the school –Act as the primary school official responsible for preventing, identifying, and addressing incidents of HIB in the school.

25 District Responsibilities School Safety Teams –Develop, foster, and maintain a positive school climate by focusing on the on-going, systemic process and practices in the school and to address school climate issues such as HIB. –Bullying Committee/School Safety Team –Receive any complaints of HIB of students that have been reported to the principal –Review and strengthen school climate and the polices of the school in order to prevent and intervene with HIB students –Educate the community, including students, teachers, administrative staff, and parents, to prevent and intervene with HIB students –Collaborate in the collection of district-wide data and in the development of district polices to prevent and address HIB students.

26 District Responsibilities Week of Respect – First Week of October –In order to recognize the importance of character education, the district will annually observe a “Week of Respect” beginning the first Monday of October, which will provide age-appropriate instruction focusing on the prevention of HIB. The district will also provide on-going age-appropriate instruction on preventing HIB in accordance with the core curriculum content standards throughout the school year. Staff will include SEL curriculum in lesson plans Weekly meetings as outlined in Olweus Program

27 Procedure For Incidents The following procedures shall be implemented when an incident involving harassment, intimidation, and/or bullying is reported:

28 Tier I (Teacher and Case Manager) 1. Student or staff member reports a suspected HIB Incident.* 2. Student(s) are engaged in dialogue regarding acceptable behaviors. 3. The incident is documented in the HIB Observation Log. 4. Referral is made to the Case Manager. *All incidents must be reported to the Principal on the same day the report is received. Investigations must be initiated by the Principal within one day of receiving the report.

29 Tier II (HIB Specialist & Principal) 1. Case Manager provides report to HIB Specialist. 2. HIB Specialist completes Report Section of HIB Form. 3. Principal is notified of the incident, and an investigation is initiated. 4. Parents are notified of the incident. 5. Teacher continues to monitor using HIB Observation Log. 6. Principal reviews case with HIB Specialist. 7. HIB Specialist and Principal complete the Investigation Section of the HIB Form. 8. Principal determines consequences as appropriate. 9. Parents are contacted to inform them of the incident, investigation and outcome. 10. Behavior interventions are put in place to encourage appropriate behavior. 11. Conflict resolution/peer mediation is provided as needed. 12. Teacher, Case Manager, HIB Specialist and Principal monitor situation to determine if improvement has been made

30 Tier III (Superintendent & Board of Education 1. Superintendent is notified of the results of the investigation within two days of the completion of the investigation (no later than ten days from the date of the written report of the incident). 2. Board of Education is notified of the incident at the next regularly scheduled meeting. Procedure 5131.1 Adopted Dec. 21, 1993, Reviewed January 26, 2009, Amended August 22, 2011

31 Factors for Determining Consequences An appropriate consequence will be determined after meaningful consideration of these factors. Consequences for a student who commits an act of HIB shall be varied and graded according to the nature of the behavior, the developmental age of the student and the student’s history of problem behaviors and performance, and must be consistent with the BOE approved code of student conduct and NJAC 6A:16-7 Factors for Determining Consequences: The developmental and maturity levels of the parties involved; The levels of harm; The surrounding circumstances; The nature and severity of the behavior(s); Past incidences or continuing patterns of behavior; The relationships between the parties involved; and The context in which the alleged incidents occurred.

32 HIB Observation Form Forms are used by staff to determine HIB Forms can be found by going to school web- site under forms or by clicking the link below. HIB Observation Form

33 The Olweus Bullying Questionnaire The district will develop assessments to collect district-wide data to determine: Locations of hotspots Patterns for girls and boys Insights into school climate Information to assess supervision Adult and student attitudes about bullying Impact of bullying on students Valuable planning tools

34 Current District Data


36 Classroom

37 Classroom-Level Components Post and enforce school-wide rules against bullying Hold regular class meetings Create and maintain positive relationships with parents

38 School Rules About Bullying We will not bully others. We will try to help students who are bullied. We will try to include students who are left out. If we know that someone is being bullied, we will tell an adult at school and at home.

39 Maintain Positive Classroom Management OBPP is not a classroom management program BUT, helping teachers hone behavior management skills will help to implement the program Use of the Classroom Management Checklist

40 BPCC Support for Classroom Build time for class meetings and give support to staff Staff development Topic ideas Integrating messages across curriculum Monitor progress

41 Supportive Materials for the Classroom School-Wide Guide Teacher Guide Teacher Guide DVD Numerous CD-ROM Handouts Quit It! (K-3) Training Handouts Teacher Packets – Ideas for Class Meetings

42 Why Hold Class Meetings? Teach students about bullying, rules, related issues Help students learn more about themselves, feelings, reactions Build a sense of community Help the teacher learn more about classroom culture Provide a forum for addressing and following up on bullying issues

43 Individual

44 Individual-Level Components Supervise student activities Ensure that all staff intervene on-the spot when bullying occurs Develop individual intervention plans for involved students

45 On-the-Spot Intervention: The “Teachable Moment” 1.Stop the Bullying 2.Support the student who has been bullied 3.Name the bullying behavior & refer to the school rules 4.Empower the bystanders 5.Impose immediate and appropriate consequences 6.Take steps to ensure the bullied student will be protected from future bullying

46 Follow-Up Interventions 1.Report the incident to key adults 2.Identify who will meet with students 3.Hold separate talks with parties 4.Implement supports for bullied child 5.Impose consequences for the children who bully 6.Talk with parents 7.Check-In later

47 Working with Parents of Involved Students Contacting parents - Of bullied children - Of children who bully others - Of bystanders Working with parents who contact the school

48 When There Are Suspicions of Bullying Intensify your observations of the child Confer with colleagues Talk to or survey students Collect information from students Contact parents

49 Take-Home Message Stopping bullying takes a team effort Approach the process in steps Change happens in small increments

50 District Policy Review Please Click on Link Below to Review District Policies: Procedure 5131.1 Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying 5131.1 Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying


52 References: This presentation is based on the work of Dan Olweus, PhD The Atlantic County Special Services School District Online Board Policies were last modified: August 29, 2011 2007Susan Limber, PhD; Vicki Fierre, PhD: Nancy Mullin, Med; Jane Riese, LSW; and Mariene Synder, PhD

53 Complete and Submit Anti-Bullying Forms Click on link below to complete and submit forms to Debi Malone by Friday, September 16 th Completed Anti-Bullying Training Link

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