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Closing the Achievement Gap Twelve Powerful Words Twelve Powerful Words Reading Mnemonic Reading Mnemonic Math Mnemonic Math Mnemonic.

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Presentation on theme: "Closing the Achievement Gap Twelve Powerful Words Twelve Powerful Words Reading Mnemonic Reading Mnemonic Math Mnemonic Math Mnemonic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Closing the Achievement Gap Twelve Powerful Words Twelve Powerful Words Reading Mnemonic Reading Mnemonic Math Mnemonic Math Mnemonic

2 Twelve Powerful Words By knowing these words students are able to think at the highest possible level. These words often trip up students on standardized tests who know the correct answer. Knowing these words can help relieve test anxiety Exposure to these words can be extremely beneficial.

3 Trace List in steps Analyze Break Apart Infer Read between the lines Evaluate Judge Formulate Create Describe Tell All About Support Back Up with Details Explain Tell How Summarize Give me the short version Compare All the ways they are alike Contrast All the ways they are different Predict What will happen next

4 Total immersion into the 12 Powerful words works best. Make these words a part of everyday vocabulary. The more teachers use them the greater the results. Some suggestions are: Have a word of the day or word of the week. Display a poster of the words so the students will see them daily. Put these on your classroom tests and quizzes. Students create their own test questions using these words. Students make classroom posters using their own synonyms. Students create their own song using the words. Use them on a spelling test. Students write a story using the 12 powerful words. Design artwork using the words.

5 (To the tune of Oscar Mayer Weiner) My vocabulary has 12 words that help me do my best Infer, Analyze, Evaluate, and Formulate comes next Oh, I love to Describe them everyday They Support me while I Explain and say Summarize, Compare, Contrast, Predict, and Trace with skills that last!

6 Tune - Calendar Girl Trace – outline and list the steps Analyze – break it down, we’re not done yet Infer – means you gotta read between the lines Evaluate – judge and look at both the sides (Chorus) Yeah, yeah, my brain’s in a whirl I love, I love, I love, those 12 little words They’ll help me, they’ll help me pass the test Formulate – create and come up with a plan Describe – paint a picture, show you understand Support – give examples, prove it, back it up Explain – tell about it, who, when, why and what (Chorus) Yeah, yeah, my brain’s in a whirl I love, I love, I love, those 12 little words They’ll help me, they’ll help me pass the test Summarize – the bottom line, in a nutshell Compare – how things are the same, oh please do tell Contrast – things are different, you can tell us how Predict – what do you think will happen now (Chorus) Yeah, yeah, my brain’s in a whirl I love, I love, I love, those 12 little words They’ll help me, they’ll help me pass the test

7 12 Words Song – tune Are You Sleeping? (Introduce 1 word at a time; then build to it) Can you __________? (word) Yes we can. SynonymSynonym We can __________. (word) Example: Can you trace? Example: Can you trace? Can you trace? Yes we can. Follow the steps. We can trace. To the tune of “The Adams Family” We trace and analyze Infer and evaluate, We formulate, describe We use the Twelve Words Chorus Twelve Words (snap, snap) Twelve Words, Twelve Words Twelve Words (snap, snap) Support it and explain it Compare it and contrast it Summarize and predict it We use the Twelve Words

8 THE POWER (WORD) POKEY ‘Ya trace and descri-ibe Explain and infer-er (pause) Share your thoughts (clap) And then move on ‘Ya do the power (word) pokey Trust me, it ain’t hokey That’s how ‘ya build your skills ‘Ya evaluate (pause) and formulate (pause) (pause) Ana ly y y yze and support ‘Ya do the power (word) pokey Trust me, it ain’t hokey That’s how ya build the skills ‘Ya summarize (pause) and compare (pause) (pause) co o o o o ontrast and predict ‘Ya do the power (word) pokey Trust me it ain’t hokey That’s how ya build the skills!

9 12 Power Words Hand Motions Trace – Outline Make box w/finger Formulate – Build and create Hand on top of hand Analyze – Tear down/take apart Undo hands from top to bottom Infer – Read between the lines and make a guess Draw lines on hand Evaluate – Judge/check Hit hand w/fist and then make a check mark w/finger Describe – tell about it Make talking motion w/hand Support – Back up w/details Place hands on shoulders and take several steps backwards Explain – List in steps Make list w/fingers 1-3 Summarize – Short version Left hand is flat and right hand makes a small book with thumb on bottom and pointer and middle finger are together on top Compare – Alike Two hands side by side Contrast – Different Hands are one in front of the other Predict – Think about the future And make a guess and point forward Put pointer finger on side of head (think about the future) then point finger straight ahead (make a guess) For each one, say word and then do hand motion as you speak

10 12 Word Cheer When I say: Trace You say: Outline Trace Outline Trace Outline When I say: Analyze You say: Breakdown Analyze Breakdown Analyze Breakdown… The 12 Wonderful Words I can trace, infer, and summarize Support ideas and analyze And I think to myself What 12 wonderful words. I compare, contrast and formulate Predict, explain…evaluate As I describe to myself The 12 wonderful words. The words that I describe and contrast in my mind Will help me to explain, infer and analyze I can trace, summarize, predict and formulate Support, compare…evaluate. We will reach for the stars Our scores will grow We’ll learn so much more Than you’ll ever know. They will help us achieve The 12 wonderful words They will help us achieve The 12 wonderful words Oh..yeah

11 Martin Luther King Jr. Comprehension Quiz, Tic-Tac-Toe Directions: Select three questions to make a tic-tac-toe for the quiz (vertical, horizontal or diagonal). On a separate sheet of paper, answer those questions using details and examples from your nonfiction essay about Martin Luther King Jr. Each answer should be at least one complete paragraph with a main idea and supporting details. Compare… Compare life for northern blacks to life for southern blacks in 1965/66. Compose… Compose a letter Dr. King might have written to the president about the U.S. involvement in Vietnam. Trace… Trace the events you read about in a Timeline. Predict… Predict what life would be like for all people today if Dr. King had not made a stand. Decide… Decide if you could have done the same thing as Dr. King. Support your answer with examples. Evaluate… Evaluate Dr. King’s support of nonviolent protest. Tell why you do or do not support his nonviolent stand. Explain… Explain why Dr. King kept giving speeches. List his most famous ! Support… Support the notion of our federal holiday for Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Summarize… Summarize the most important contribution that you think Dr. King made to our country.

12 Reading Strategy Mnemonic ► U nderline title ► N ow predict passage ► R un through and number the paragraphs ► A re you reading the questions ► A re the important words circled ► V enture through the passage ► E liminate ► L et the questions be answered, and write the paragraph # where you found the answers

13 U- Underline the Title ► Read the title as you underline it. ► It will help you know what the selection is about. N- Now Predict the Passage ► Use Prior Knowledge from similar passages. ► Use the pictures, graphs, etc. R-Run Through and Number the Paragraphs ► This will help you locate the answers later. ► It makes it easier to organize your thoughts. A- Are you Reading the Questions? ► So you know what to look for. ► The questions usually explain the whole passage. ► Do NOT answer anything yet. A- Are the Important Words Circled? ► These are usually “answers”. ► Write one or two words that tell what they mean. V – Venture (Read) Through the Passage ► Read Carefully through the passage. ► If you don’t understand something, reread it. E – Eliminate and Obviously Wrong Answerers. ► Cross out any silly answers. ► Do not try to find the exact answer yet. L- Let the Questions be answered. ► Write the paragraph and line number where you found the answer(or inferred answer) next to the question.

14 These Are Often Answers The authors often give you the answers. Circle these words anywhere you see them! ► Bold ► Dates ► Places ► Captions ► Bulleted ► Italicized ► Underlined ► Highlighted ► Defined ► Repeated ► In parentheses ► In brackets ► Capitalized ► Proper nouns ► A big word ► A “power verb” ► A key word ► A different color ► A different size font ► Part of the title part of question ► In the margin ► Has an asterisk ► Has an illustration ► You do not know the meaning ► Broken down phonetically ► Transitional words such as consequently, therefore, first, in other words, etc.

15 UTitle______________________ N Prediction: R Paragraph #First few words... ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ AQuestion? ____________________________________ AImportant WordMeaning ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ VSummarize the selection: WhoWhat?When?Where?Why?How? EThe “silly” answers I choose to eliminate are: L The correct answer is:___________________________ I know this because it can be found in paragraph ___line___.

16 Ideas That Work All, 4, 3, 2, 1 First day conduct with entire group Second day groups of 4 Third day groups of 3 Fourth day groups of 2 Fifth day individually Write eight questions on board. Place students in small groups. Students write a story that goes with the questions. 1½ X ¾ 1) Same length of time as actual test with same length of passage 2) Double length of passage with ¾ time 3) 1 ½ length of passage with ¾ time 4) When test is here the passages will seem easy

17 UNRAAVEL the Passage To the tune of the “Lion Sleeps Tonight” U N R A A V E L (slow) the Reading passage, the test cat’ll sing tonight… Underline (fast) the title, predict the passage, you’ll get it right, So right Bah weem …….UNRAAVEL it right away (repeat) Run through the questions, number them so well, Circle those cool words… Take the venture, right through the passage, And eliminate the bull(hey hey hey) Bah weem ….. UNRAAVEL it right away (repeat) U N R A A V E L (slow) the Reading passage, the test cat’ll sing tonight… Underline (fast) the title, predict the passage, you’ll get it right, So right Bah weem …….UNRAAVEL it right away (repeat) Run through the questions, number them so well, Circle those cool words… Take the venture, right through the passage, And eliminate the bull(hey hey hey) Bah weem ….. UNRAAVEL it right away (repeat) Chorus Bah weem bow way Bah weem bow way… (DOUBLE CHECK your work) Bah weem bow way Bah weem bow way… (DOUBLE CHECK your work) Repeat all again Chorus Bah weem bow way Bah weem bow way… (DOUBLE CHECK your work) Bah weem bow way Bah weem bow way… (DOUBLE CHECK your work) Repeat all again UNRAAVEL the “_________________” (Sung to the tune of the “Brady Bunch” tune) Draw a line, under the title Take your best guess what it’s all about Put a number next to each paragraph To help you find the answer Take some time, and read the questions Circle all, the very important words Write down what each word means And now its time to read Chorus UNRAAVEL (ing) UNRAAVEL (ing) This is how we UNRAAVEL the “__________” Cross out all the wrong answers Pick the best of all that remain Paragraph numbers will prove you know the answers Now double check your work (Chorus)

18 The wheels in my head go round and round Round and round, round and round The wheels in my head go round and round As I UNRAAVEL I underline, predict, and number Predict and number, predict and number I underline, predict and number As I UNRAAVEL I read the questions and circle the words Important words, important words I read the questions and circle the words As I UNRAAVEL I venture through the passage Venture through, venture through I venture through the passage As I UNRAAVEL I eliminate by crossing out The wrong answer, the wrong answer I eliminate by crossing out As I UNRAAVEL I write the number where I found it Found it, found it I write the number where I found it As I UNRAAVEL I let the question be answered Answered, answered I let the question be answered As I UNRAAVEL The wheels in my head go round and round Round and round, round and round The wheels in my head go round and round As I UNRAAVEL

19 Math Strategy Mnemonic  U nderline the question  N ow predict what you think you need to do to solve the problem  R ead the word problem  A re the important words circled? (especially clue words)  A pply the step(s) you chose to solve the problem  V erify your answer (is it reasonable; does it make sense?)  E liminate wrong answers  L et the answer stay or rework the problem Double check your work

20 WAYS TO MAINTAIN YOUR SANITY: 1. At Lunch Time, Sit In Your Parked Car With Sunglasses on and point a Hair Dryer At Passing Cars. See If They Slow Down. 2. Page Yourself Over The Intercom. Don't Disguise Your Voice. 3. Every Time Someone Asks You To Do Something, Ask If They Want Fries with that. 4. Put Your Garbage Can On Your Desk And Label It "In." 5. Put Decaf In The Coffee Maker For 3 Weeks. Once Everyone has Gotten Over Their Caffeine Addictions, Switch to Espresso. 6. In The Memo Field Of All Your Checks, Write " For Smuggling Diamonds" 7. Finish All Your sentences with "In Accordance With The Prophecy." 8. Don't use any punctuation 9. As Often As Possible, Skip Rather Than Walk. 10. Order a Diet Water whenever you go out to eat, with a serious face. 11. Specify That Your Drive-through Order Is "To Go." 12. Sing Along At The Opera. 13. Go To A Poetry Recital And Ask Why The Poems Don't Rhyme? 14. Put Mosquito Netting Around Your Work Area And Play tropical Sounds All Day. 15. Five Days In Advance, Tell Your Friends You Can't Attend Their Party Because You're Not In The Mood. 16. Have Your Co-workers Address You By Your Wrestling Name, Rock Bottom. 17. When The Money Comes Out The ATM, Scream "I Won!, I Won!" 18. When Leaving The Zoo, Start Running Towards The Parking lot, Yelling "Run For Your Lives, They're Loose!!" 19. Tell Your Children Over Dinner. "Due To The Economy, We Are Going To Have To Let One Of You Go."

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