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February 14, 2012 Presented by Members of the GOAL Review Team.

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1 February 14, 2012 Presented by Members of the GOAL Review Team

2  Consisted of Cross Representation of the District ◦ Elementary Teachers (K – 5) ◦ Secondary Teachers (6 – 12) ◦ Gifted Teachers (K- 12) ◦ Speech & Language Pathologists (Elementary & Secondary) ◦ School Counselors (Elementary, Middle & High School) ◦ Principals (Elementary, Middle & High School) ◦ School Psychologist

3  Assistant Superintendents  Supervisor of Special Education  Building Principals/ Representatives (3)  Master Teacher of the Gifted Program  School Psychologist  Grade Level Facilitator  Coordinator of Academic Technology

4  Adapted the North Allegheny School Curriculum Review Manual to structure the program evaluation process  Began November 2009 and concluded May 2011  Examined the existing program  Studied empirical research  Attended presentations and lectures by experts in the field  Conducted surveys  Reviewed other high performing school districts across the Commonwealth and the United States

5  Assigned members of the GOAL Program Review Team to Subcommittees ◦ Each Subcommittee consisted of representatives of the general and gifted education teachers by level (elementary, middle and high school), a school counselor and a speech pathologist  Assigned Subcommittee Leaders from the GOAL Management Team to facilitate the work of the Subcommittee and to organize the reporting of the Subcommittee's findings to the whole GOAL Review Team

6 Strengths of the Current Program  Aligned to Chapter 16 and Gifted Guidelines  Number of students participate in GOAL and/or GOAL activities  Number of Independent Options  IOWA Acceleration Scale (K-8)  Collaboration with their intellectual peers  Teachers representing the GOAL Department

7 Questions Needing Answers of the Current Program  Additional information related to the strategic plan  Clearly articulated philosophy: creativity, critical thinking, problem-solving, communication skills; New regulations require technology, foreign language, music/arts and leadership  Screening/Identification  Time to collaborate with general and gifted teachers  Differentiated Instruction  Referral rate and the number of students who qualify

8 Opening Activity with the GOAL Review Team Topics  Professional Development  Program Delivery by Levels  Differentiation/Regular Education  Program Implementation/Delivery  Screening Process/ Identification  Use of Matrices Topics  Collaboration with Regular and Gifted Education Teachers  Process to Differentiate (Connect) Curriculum  Philosophy  Review Research and Best Practice  Program Delivery

9  Best Practices/Empirical Research  Data Analysis  Site Visitation/Exemplary Programs  Philosophy  File Review


11 Each child should come to school to stretch and grow daily. Schooling should be as an escalator on which students continually progress, rather than a series of stairs, with landings on which advanced learners consistently wait. (Van Tassel Baska)

12 1. Methodology 2. Program Delivery 3. Social/Emotional 4. Underachieving

13  Grouping  Differentiation  Acceleration

14  Cluster  Pull out  Full time  Cross grade  Self grouping

15  Product  Process  Content  Environment

16  Content that is relevant to their lives.  Activities that cause them to produce important ideas at a high level.  Products that cause them to grapple with meaningful problems and pose defensible solutions.  Pacing in response to the student’s individual needs – acceleration or depth of topic. An understanding of ‘supported risk.’ Teacher invites, cajoles and insists on risk-but in a way that supports success. (Tomlinson )

17  Resource room  Integrated Curriculum  Pull-out  Self Contained  Cluster group  Cross grade placement  Full-time  Compacting  Differentiated classroom  Academic Competitions/Individualized Options

18  Working with like peers.  Create safe environment to work at pace. commensurate with ability.  Teachers who work with gifted students have an understanding of their psychological needs.

19  Occurs when a student performs more poorly than would be expected, given his/her abilities or potential for academic achievement.  Early identification is a necessity.

20  Student Self-Assessment  Parent Interviews  Team Evaluation and recommendations  Action Planning which includes:  Identifying Appropriate Learning  Developing Study Habits  Setting Goals and Managing School Work  Dealing with Personal Issues


22  Elementary GOAL students in Grades 2-5 participate in a weekly pull-out session for a unit time (ranges from 80 to 90 minutes per week depending on scheduling). They also participate in a 45 minute per week Individualized Option session.  Elementary GOAL students in Grade 1 participate in two 45 minute sessions a week or a total of 90 minutes a week.

23  Every Building, Each Grade Level- "Assured Experiences" in class.  Additional "Optional Units"- As time permits.  Individualized Options (IO's)- 95% of IO's are attended by all 3 schools, most often together.  Select IO's are available only to one school.  Sometimes other school based activities prevent participation.

24  Some shared experiences- Chain Reaction, JETS, KMO, etc.  More experiences that are unique to the buildings- Open Heart Surgery, Physics Team, etc.  NAI- Focus is more on career exploration.  NASH- Continues career exploration but also does college preparation\visits.

25  GOAL teachers are responsible for teaching the Communication Arts Plus (CAP) and First Grade Early Readers enrichment program for grades 1-5. Time per grade level per week varies between buildings and between grade levels based on scheduling availability--time ranges from 35 minutes per week to 60 minutes per week.  CAP Numbers: In 2010-11, approximately 385 students qualified for CAP across the District. About 56% of these students are GOAL students as well.

26 Medical History/Health RecordsReadiness/Developmental Tests *Achievement TestsAbility Tests *Group IQ TestsAnecdotal Information Portfolio/Subject AssessmentsSyllabus-based Examination CBA’sCollege Aptitude Test PSAT/SATExtra-Curricular Academic Performance *Rating ScalesInterest Inventories Cumulative RecordsEnrollment Records Parent Inventories*Report Cards * current NA screening areas

27 District Analysis:  267 students were evaluated during the 2009-10 school year. Ten fewer students were tested than in the 2008-09 school year.  The overall qualifying rate of 50% is 10 percentage points lower than the 2008-09 rate. Historically, the range of qualification rates has been 55-63%. QualifiedDNQTOTAL% Qualified 2007-200812210122355% 2008-200916611127760% 2009-201013413326750%

28 Conclusions:  The qualification rate of all referred students was 50%, which is a decrease from 2008 – 2009. The previous five year range was 55 – 63%. There was a 300% increase in the number of parent referrals. Parent referrals had an overall qualification rate of 50%.  Among the elementary buildings, there are no specific patterns in qualification rates from building to building or from year to year.  Students tested multiple times had a significantly lower qualification rate than in previous years. The overall qualification rate for students tested 2, 3, or 4 times is 10% compared to a 50% qualification rate for all referrals. The more frequently a student is tested, the less likely they are to qualify.

29 In 2010-11, 84 students in Grades 2-5 participate in the Advanced Academic Math Program. 81% of these students are GOAL students.

30 95% of Elementary GOAL Students participate in Band, Chorus, or Orchestra at school.

31 94.5 % of Middle School GOAL students participate in Band, Chorus, or Orchestra. 5.5% Take General Music. All Middle School students take Unified Arts classes as part of the standard curriculum.

32 79.56% of gifted students in 9th grade are taking courses in the Arts. 68.33% of gifted students in 10th grade are taking courses in the Arts. When the current 10th graders were in 9th grade, 70.83% of gifted students took courses in the Arts.

33 61.16% of gifted students in 11th grade are taking courses in the Arts. When the current 11th graders were in 10th grade, 71.07% of gifted students took courses in the Arts. When the current 11th graders were in 9th grade, 69.42% of gifted students took courses in the Arts.

34 61.07% of gifted students in 12th grade are taking courses in the Arts. When the current 12th graders were in 11th grade, 70.23% of gifted students took courses in the Arts. When the current 12th graders were in 10th grade, 79.39% of gifted students took courses in the Arts. When the current 12th graders were in 9th grade, 74.81% of gifted students took courses in the Arts.

35 NASH- 238 of 262 students are taking at least one Honors class (91%)  15% are taking 1 Honors course  18% are taking 2 Honors courses  23% are taking 3 Honors courses  15% are taking 4 Honors courses  10% are taking 5 Honors courses  10% are taking 6 Honors courses

36 NAI- 273 of 275 students are taking at least one Honors class (99%)  3% are taking 1 Honors course  6% are taking 2 Honors courses  15% are taking 3 Honors courses  17% are taking 4 Honors courses  21% are taking 5 Honors courses  36% are taking 6 Honors courses

37 NASH- 221 of 262 students at NASH are taking at least one AP Course (84%)  16% are taking 1 AP course  13% are taking 2 AP courses  20% are taking 3 AP courses  18% are taking 4 AP courses  10% are taking 5 AP courses  7% are taking 6 AP courses

38 Reading/Math: 9 Proficient 290 were advanced Writing: 14 Advanced 91 Proficient 4 Basic


40  Fairfax County Public Schools  Fox Chapel School District  Garnet Valley School District  Naperville Community Unit District 203  Cumberland Valley School District  Upper Dublin School District  Central Bucks School District  Lewisburg Area School District

41 School DistrictIdentified Gifted StudentsTotal Gifted Population Total District Population Gifted % of District Elem.Mid.H.S. Fairfax County Public Schools 11,390 78,721 5,610 20,194 N/A 50,514 17,000149,42911.4% Fox Chapel170 1,932 83 1,031 204 1,425 4574,38810.4% Garnet Valley School District 160 1,867 127 1,140 121 1,400 4084,4079.3% Naperville Community Unit District 203 Top 2% N/A18,072≈ 2% Cumberland Valley School District 84 2,800 108 1,800 182 2,600 3747,2005.2% Upper Dublin121 4,478 98 1,006 8 1,467 3276,9514.7% Central Bucks700 13,000 N/A 5,110 1,232 Grs.7-12 598 Participates 4,913 1,93223,0238.4% 5.6% Lewisburg Area School District 87 890 44 444 56 575 1871,9099.8% Gifted Student Population/District Population Statistical Analysis

42  Students exhibit exceptional ability in: ◦ Intellect/Academics ◦ Creativity ◦ Art ◦ Leadership

43  Programs for highly able learners should include:  Differentiated Curriculum.  Acceleration, enrichment, and individualization at all educational levels.  Higher level thinking skills emphasis.  Creativity.


45  Video Presentation (Gwynn)  What do we want our philosophy to look like?  Considerations:  Elements of video presentation  Audience  Length  Legality of what is in print  Review gathered philosophies  Considerations:  What do we like?  Which ideas match our data and research?  Write rough draft of philosophy  Finish rough draft  Complete final copy  Submit work plan  Submit final copy of philosophy

46 Exemplary Schools Reviewed (Local, Statewide and National)  Naperville Community Unit  Unionville - Chadds Ford  New Hope - Solebury  Central Bucks  Cumberland Valley  North Penn  Clarke County  Mt. Lebanon  Pine-Richland  Parkway  Shaler

47  North Allegheny's Gifted Education Program reflects and extends our Mission Statement to appropriately challenge and prepare our advanced learners to live productively in our changing society. While providing enrichment and a broad spectrum of educational opportunities, the gifted education program encourages the individual learner to develop personal responsibility, task commitment, self-discipline, independent learning skills, respectful conduct, and social/emotional balance. The development of critical thinking, problem solving, communication skills and creativity is shared collaboratively among the gifted learner, the parents, and the North Allegheny educational community.

48  Shared report with Assistant Superintendents and Superintendent of Schools.  Reconvene GOAL Management Review Team to begin the process of prioritizing recommendations and developing a plan.

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