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Sixth Grade Orientation 2014 Team Supreme. Schedules  6-day cycle, 9 periods  Exploratories 9 week classes (MP 1,2,3,4) (Tech. Ed., Music, Family Consumer.

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Presentation on theme: "Sixth Grade Orientation 2014 Team Supreme. Schedules  6-day cycle, 9 periods  Exploratories 9 week classes (MP 1,2,3,4) (Tech. Ed., Music, Family Consumer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sixth Grade Orientation 2014 Team Supreme

2 Schedules  6-day cycle, 9 periods  Exploratories 9 week classes (MP 1,2,3,4) (Tech. Ed., Music, Family Consumer Science, Art) 12 Week Classes (T = Trimester 12 week classes) (Health, Keyboarding, Phys. Ed)  2 week transition period (1 st wk=training, 2 nd wk=practice)

3 Daily Procedures  A.M. Prep. restroom, pencils, library, office, nurse, excuses, late bus, appointments  Assignment books – all homework on boards and online, please check on a daily basis. Thanks for your support!  Period 9 – pack up before coming into homerooms, during period 9 Q.S.T./ ZONE/ Extra Gym/ Clubs (Chess, Drama, Math Counts) Day 1 & 4 = chorus Day 1, 3, & 5 = band/orchestra

4 Homework Policy  Overnight homework is due at the beginning of school the next day  Points will be deducted for incomplete and missing assignments (Homework Pass opportunities will be provided throughout the school year.)  After 10 misses (in a quarter) a letter will be sent home for a parent signature.  Please contact your child’s exploratory teachers with any concerns regarding exploratory classes.

5 Homework (cont.)  Assignment book should be used daily  Parents, please check for Incompletes in the assignment book.  Long term assignments/projects handed in late result in a 10% deduction of the total points per day.  Read, read, read!!!

6 Online Grades   Grading timeline  E=excused and I=incomplete

7 Grade Tracking  Parents and students are strongly encouraged to go online and check student grades.  Students are responsible for organizing and keeping all graded papers throughout each quarter.  Students are responsible for submitting all papers to their homeroom teacher at the end of each quarter.

8 Progress Reports & Parent Conferences  Posted online at mid-term to show current progress Four times a year : October, December, February, May  Conferences occur twice a year November and February Not required ; based on parent or teacher requests All parents will receive a conference form outlining details, which must be signed and returned.

9 Classroom Management  Main goal is to catch students being good (Super Loot)  Students expected to follow rules at all times  Wipeouts & Consequences 1 warning, each week starts off fresh Think Sheets, parent phone calls, and administrative referrals are used

10 Special Events  Extra gym, if earned  Perfect homework parties each marking period  Student of the month parties  Field trips (volunteers with clearances)  6 th grade activity nights (TBA)  Homeroom activities (volleyball & kickball)  End of year picnic for 6 th grade

11 Reading  Prentice Hall: Literature Standards based  Independent reading requirements (ZONE)  Novels (lit. circles)  PSSA’s in Spring

12 Language Arts  Glencoe: Writer’s Choice  Various styles Expository, descriptive, argumentative/persuasive Grammar lessons - covering the basic parts of speech  Revising/editing and journal practice

13 Science Concepts  Process Skills  Metric System and Measurement  Matter and Energy  Scientific Method  Force and Motion  Geology

14 Science (cont.) Expectations  Be prepared for class with binder, pencil, and textbook (when needed)  Participate in class discussions  Complete assigned homework  Review notes when homework is not assigned  Always put forth Supreme effort!

15 Science (cont.)  Studying will be very important for science this year. Organization is also important with the science binder. During each unit we will work on many labs. Technology will be incorporated within the classroom.  GRADING SYSTEM Based on total accumulated points during nine week marking period Grades consist of labs, quizzes, tests, journals, D.S.R., graded assignments, open notebook quizzes, homework, and class work. (optional ~ current events) Student’s responsibility to make up missed work due to absence

16 Math  Holt McDougal: Mathematics Course 1  Topics covered: Whole Numbers, Decimals, Fractions, Ratios & Proportional Relationships, Expressions & Equations, Geometry, and Statistics & Probability Problem solving is ongoing

17 Math (cont.)  Daily Instruction: Homework Daily concept/lesson Group and independent practice  Assessments: Quizzes, Tests, Projects, Graded Assignments, and homework

18 Social Studies  Prentice Hall: The Ancient World (accessible online)  We will study the culture, geography, and histories of six civilizations; meanwhile, focusing on 5 essential questions. What historical accomplishments is each civilization known for? How did physical geography affect the growth of ancient civilizations? What were the beliefs and values of ancient people? How did ancient peoples develop governments? How did ancient peoples earn a living?

19 Social Studies (Tentative Plan)  Map and globe skills  Introduction to Ancient Civilizations  The Fertile Crescent  Ancient Egypt and Nubia  Ancient India  Ancient China  Ancient Greece  Ancient Rome

20 Social Studies (Possible Projects)  Survivor Map Project  Chicken Mummification (Class Project)  Egyptian PowerPoint  Greek Project  Caesar Video Project *Grading: quizzes, tests, projects, graded assignments, warm-ups, and homework *Optional ~ current events

21 Communication  Assignment book  Newsletters  Homework/Calendar  Trip forms and excuse blanks  Email is best  Contact exploratory teachers directly Team Supreme @ LMMS  Note: In case of an emergency and you need to contact us, please call the main office during school hours. (for example: early dismissal)

22 Miscellaneous  Lockers: we will help the students with their combinations. Locker space is limited, please keep this in mind with your personal belongings.  Dress guidelines: refer to student handbook the first week of school.

23 Last Minute Reminders  Stop by to get your 6 th grade photo ID  You can pre-order your team t-shirt  Sign up for team electronic newsletter outside your homeroom.  Visit the school store, HIVE  Check out information tables in the lobby  Add money to your lunch account

24 Thank you!  We’re looking forward to a Supreme year!!  We appreciate you taking the time to come in and learn about your child’s 6 th grade year!

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