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Respiratory Anatomy
Muscles of Inspiration
Inspiration is a graded activity quiet forced How does inspiration take place? All Muscular Thorax expansion (vertical expansion)-Diaphragm
Primary Muscle of Inspiration
Diaphragm: Completely separates abdominal and thoracic cavities Large inverted bowl Attach at inferior boundary of rib cage, xiphoid process & posterior vertebral column Intermediate region- central tendon (aponeurosis) Muscle contracts muscle fibers shorten diaphragm pulls central tendon down & forward
Diaphragm Sternum Central Tendon Diaphragm Diaphragm Vertebral
Diaphragm Vertebral Column Sternum Central Tendon Central Tendon
Position when Contracted
Diaphragm Diaphragm Esophageal Hiatus Central Tendon L3 L4 Right Crus
of Vertebral Attachment Left Crus of Vertebral Attachment
Diaphragm (Superficial)
Primary Muscle of Inspiration
Diaphragm: Innervation (nerves): phrenic nerves (from cervical plexus; C3, C4, C5) primary control by the autonomic nervous system (no choice) voluntary control (holding breath) bilateral innervation
Accessory Muscles of Inspiration
Anterior Thoracic External intercostals Interchondral portion, internal intercostals Posterior Thoracic Levatores costarum (brevis & longis) Serratus posterior superior Muscles of Neck Sternocleidomastoid Scalenus Trapezius
Accessory Muscles of Inspiration
Muscles of the Thorax, Back, and Upper limb Pectoralis major Pectoralis minor Serratus anterior Subclavius
Accessory: External Intercostals
Run from lower border of one rib to the upper border of the rib below. Fills the outside of the 11 spaces between the ribs (spareribs) Pull all lower ribs toward the first rib-elevates rib cage Second most important muscle of inspiration Function to increase cavity size Account for the A-P dimensional change in thorax
Accessory: Internal Intercostal (Interchondral Portion)
Mostly muscle of expiration BUT… Chondral portion (parasternal) active during forced inspiration Protective barrier for lungs & heart
Accessory: External intercostals
Internal Intercostals External Intercostals
Accessory: External intercostals
Accessory: Levator Costarum & Serratus Posterior Superior
Levatores Costarum Serratus Posterior Superior Latissimus Dorsi
Accessory: Levator Costarum
Rib elevators Series of 12 small muscles Each insert into rib just below the vertebrae from which it originates Pulls up on ribs-weak (size, points of insertion gives poor leverage) Brevis- “brief” originate transverse process of C7-T11 (12 total) (Inserts into next rib down) Longis- originate transverse process of T7-T11 (by passes next rib down to insert into 2nd rib down from insertion) Both course obliquely down & out
Accessory: Serratus Posterior Superior
Flat muscles, slanting down from neck Originate from spinous process of C7 & T1-T3 and insert into 2nd-5th ribs Course down & laterally Larger than levatores, better angle of insertion Lifts upper ribs Stabilizes thorax for pull of external intercostals
Accessory: Latissimus Dorsi
Doubted involvement in respiration Large flat muscle from upper arm to insert into lower back vertebrae Some fibers insert into lower ribs humerous movement contracts rib fibers & assists in expanding lower thorax
Accessory: Levator Costarum & Serratus Posterior Superior & Inferior
Accessory Neck Muscles: Sternocleidomastoid
Broad, thick muscle Lies superficially in the lateral part of neck Two head origination: anterior surface of manubrium sternum, sternal end of clavicle Extends posteriorly & superiorly to insert in skull behind ear (mastoid process & temporal bone) Function: Balance head & elevate sternum and raise anterior rib cage
Accessory: Sternocleidomastoid
Scaleni (Posterior) Subclavius Scaleni (Anterior) Scaleni (Middle)
Accessory: Scaleni Originate from cervical vertebrae & insert into 1st and 2nd ribs Head balance, major force for raising & stabilizing the upper chest (ribs) of inhalation Facilitate neck rotation, potential to increase superior-inferior dimensions of thorax
Accessory: Upper Arm & Shoulder: Pectoralis Major
Major- Fan-shaped muscle Originates from 2 heads: sternal head (attached to sternum); Clavicular head (attached to front of clavical) Inserts into the humerous of the upper arm When fixed it assists in drawing sternum & ribs upward Increases transverse dimension of rib cage
Accessory: Upper Arm & Shoulder: Pectoralis Minor
Fan shaped Lies deep to the pectoralis major Courses superiorly & laterally Originates from scapula; inserts into 2nd-5th ribs Function is to elevate the rib cage
Accessory: Serratus Anterior
Large; originates from scapula & inserts into the upper nine ribs Elevates ribs Serratus= “sawlike” Coursing upward
Accesory: Pectoralis Major
& Minor Pectoralis Minor Pectoralis Major Serratus Anterior
Accesory: Pectoralis Major & Minor
Sternocleidomastoid Pectoralis Minor
Accessory: Serratus Anterior
Accessory: Subclavius
Courses under the clavicle obliquely & medially Originates from inferior margin of the clavicle & inserts into superior surface of the first rib Small muscle Elevate first rib during inspiration
Accessory: Subclavius
Accessory: Trapezius Massive muscle; Upper back & neck
Originating from spinous process of C2 to T12 and insert into scapula and superior surface of clavicle Function to elongate the neck and head control Respiratory function; stability & balance for respiratory system
Accessory: Trapezius Trapezius
Reading/Assignments Seikel: Ch.3 (Pgs. 80-98)
Dickson: Ch.3 (Pgs )
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