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1 Pelvis Sectional Anatomy Radt 2272 Tanya Nolan Special Thanks to Terri Jurkiewicz 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Pelvis Sectional Anatomy Radt 2272 Tanya Nolan Special Thanks to Terri Jurkiewicz 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Pelvis Sectional Anatomy Radt 2272 Tanya Nolan Special Thanks to Terri Jurkiewicz 2012

2 2

3 3

4 4

5 5 Psoas M IVC Ureters Intervert Disc Rt/Lt Common Iliacs

6 6 Intervert Disc Sacrum 1 Psoas Descending Colon Ureters Psoas Ilium Cecum

7 7 Sacral Canal SI Joints Rt Iliacus Muscle Ureters Lt. External Iliac Lt. Internal Iliac Lt Common Iliac Sacral Foramina

8 8 Bladder Small Bowel Sigmoid Colon Iliacus Muscle Rt Ureter Lt Ext Iliac Lt Ureter

9 9 Bladder Rectum Lt Ureter Lt Ext. Iliac V Lt Ex. Iliac A

10 10 Femoral Head Rectum Coccyx Lt Femoral A & V Rt Femoral A & V

11 11 Male Pelvis Rt/Lt Pubis Lt Femoral A & V Lt Seminal Vesicle Lt Pelvic Diaphragm Rectum Rt/ Lt Ischiorectal Fossa Rt Ischium Rt Femoral Head

12 12 Pelvic Diaphragm Rectum Prostate Ischial Tuberosity Spermatic Cords Symphysis Pubis Rt Pubis Lt Femoral A & V Femoral Neck Obturator Foramen Male Pelvis

13 13 Corpus CavernosumLt/Rt Spermatic Cord UrethraCorpus Spongiosum Rt Ischial ramus Lt Femur Lt Femoral A & V Male Pelvis

14 14 What are the arrows pointing to??? normal

15 15

16 16 normal

17 17 Same tumor different window Prostate Germ Cell CA normal

18 18 Cecum Rt Ilium Rt SI Joint Lt Ureter Descending Colon Lt Common Iliac V Lt Vertebral Foramen Sacral Canal Female Pelvis

19 19 Bladder Rt Ilium Rectum S 5 Sigmoid Colon c Feces Lt Ureter Lt ext iliac A & V

20 20 Bladder Pubis Pelvic Diaphragm Body of Uterus Rectum Lt femoral A & V Tip of Coccyx Rt ischium Rt femoral head

21 21 Ischial Tuberosity Femoral Neck Pubis & Symphysis Rectum Ischiorectal Fossa Pelvic Diaphragm Cervix of Uterus Obturator foramen

22 22 Vagina Ischiorectal fossa Rectum Pelvic Diaphragm Pubic Ramus Ischial Ramus

23 23 Femoral Shaft Pelvic Diaphragm Vagina Ischiorectal fossa

24 24 Rt/Lt Common Iliac Art. Sm. Bowel Sig. Colon Bladder Fem. Head Labia Majora R. Iliacus M Psoas Female Patient Ant. to Post.

25 25 Spine Iliac A & V Sig. Colon Bladder Vagina Labia Maj Uterus Body Sm Bowel Femur

26 26 Labia Maj Vagina Cervix Fundus Sm Bowel Rt Iliac A & V Spine Sig Colon Bladder Hip

27 27 Anal Sphincter Rectum Sm Bowel Sig Colon Ischiorectal fossa Bladder

28 28 SI jointsVert Foramen Sacrum Ischiorectal Fossa Pelvic Diaphrgm Rectum Anal Sph

29 29 Look at the Ilium normal Female patient

30 30 Has calcifications within it

31 31 Female Patient

32 32 Tumor of Cervix Normal cervix

33 33 Ovarian CA with Ascites Normal Ovary

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