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Blood Pressure and Sound (2)

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1 Blood Pressure and Sound (2)
Dept. of Biomedical Engineering YOUNHO HONG

2 IBP ( Invasive BP ) measurement
catheter Blood vessel Pi pill up with some liquid (ex.saline) diaphragm strain gages cable Po t Pi If we choose sticky and dense liquid, We can’t get the signal of Pi just like the graph. To get the signal, We should concern with distance, diameter of a catheter and liquid, air- bubble inside a catheter. t Po

3 IBP ( Invasive BP ) measurement
# Equivalent Circuit Model Of Catheter-Sensor System (1) Resistance L A resistivity P1 P2 R viscosity

4 IBP ( Invasive BP ) measurement
(2) Capacitance or Compliance (3) Inductance or Inertance

5 IBP ( Invasive BP ) measurement
multi physics Electric Circuit Fluid Mechanics voltage current charge pressure flow volume

6 Equivalent Circuit Model of IBP
Vi Compliance of diaphragm + Vo - i catheter Pi liquid diaphragm strain gages cable Po damping ratio natural frequency

7 Equivalent Circuit Model of IBP
(1) Frequency Transfer Function

8 Equivalent Circuit Model of IBP
w |H| Wn w -π/2 ∠H

9 Equivalent Circuit Model of IBP
Methods to solve 2nd order ODE

10 Steady State Freq. Response
-4/π -1.8π ∠H |H| f f1 f2 K 0.5

11 Unit Step Response In reality, We need a unit step function for a starting point. For example, should be input signal underdamping critical damping overdamping

12 Transient Step Response
bulb balloon saline underdamping critical damping overdamping

13 Example (7.1) A 5mm-long air bubble has formed in the rigid-walled catheter to a Statham P23Dd sensor. The catheter is 1m long, 6 French diameter, and filled with water at 20 ℃. Plot the frequency-response curve of the system with and without the bubble. log f 1.34 1.95

14 Example (7.2) By changing only the radius of the catheter, redesign the (no-bubble) catheter of Figure 7.9 to achieve the damping ratio ζ=1. Calculate the resulting natiral frequency fn. 1.46 log f

15 Thank you.

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