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Introduction to the Compound Light Microscope Chuck Hesbacker April 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to the Compound Light Microscope Chuck Hesbacker April 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to the Compound Light Microscope Chuck Hesbacker April 2010

2 Introduction to the Compound Light Microscope 1.Label the parts of the CLM 2.Learn the function of the parts of the CLM 3.Operate the CLM CLM = Compound Light Microscope Objectives:

3 Introduction to the Compound Light Microscope Warm up exercise: Write down at least 5 things you know about the microscope in your class journals.

4 Introduction to the Compound Light Microscope 1.In 1590, Zaccharias Janssen and his father Hans invented the first microscope. 2.Galileo added a focusing device. 3.Anthony Leeuwenhoek was called the “Father of Microscopy” because he could obtain magnifications of 270X. 4.Leeuwenhoek was the first to see bacteria, yeast, and blood cells. 5.Robert Hooke was called the “English Father of the Microscope” because he made improvements to the microscope.

5 Introduction to the Compound Light Microscope

6 Handout: Diagram of the Microscope Don’t label the diagram yet!

7 Introduction to the Compound Light Microscope Fill out the blanks as we proceed through the lesson.

8 Introduction to the Compound Light Microscope The body tube separates the objective and the eyepiece. Copy this into your lab manual. Body Tube

9 Introduction to the Compound Light Microscope The revolving nosepiece holds two or more objective lenses and can be rotated to change power. Body Tube Revolving Nosepiece

10 Introduction to the Compound Light Microscope The 10x objective magnifies the image 10 times. It is the lowest power objective. Body Tube Revolving Nosepiece 10x Objective

11 Introduction to the Compound Light Microscope The 43x objective magnifies the image 43 times. It is the medium power objective. Body Tube Revolving Nosepiece 10x Objective 43x Objective

12 Introduction to the Compound Light Microscope The 97x objective magnifies the image 97 times. It is the high power objective and requires oil immersion. Body Tube Revolving Nosepiece 10x Objective 43x Objective 97x Objective

13 Introduction to the Compound Light Microscope The stage clips hold the slides into position and prevent sliding. Body Tube Revolving Nosepiece 10x Objective 43x Objective 97x Objective Stage Clips

14 Introduction to the Compound Light Microscope The diaphragm controls the amount of light that passes through the object being viewed. Body Tube Revolving Nosepiece 10x Objective 43x Objective 97x Objective Stage Clips Diaphragm

15 Introduction to the Compound Light Microscope The illuminator is a steady light source that illuminates the slide. Body Tube Revolving Nosepiece 10x Objective 43x Objective 97x Objective Stage Clips Diaphragm Illuminator

16 Introduction to the Compound Light Microscope The eyepiece lens is the lens at the top that you look through. They are usually 10X or 15X power. Body Tube Revolving Nosepiece 10x Objective 43x Objective 97x Objective Stage Clips Diaphragm Illuminator Eyepiece Lens

17 Introduction to the Compound Light Microscope The arm supports the tube and connects it to the base. Body Tube Revolving Nosepiece 10x Objective 43x Objective 97x Objective Stage Clips Diaphragm Illuminator Eyepiece Lens The Arm

18 Introduction to the Compound Light Microscope The stage is the flat platform where you place your slides. Body Tube Revolving Nosepiece 10x Objective 43x Objective 97x Objective Stage Clips Diaphragm Illuminator Eyepiece Lens The Arm The Stage

19 Introduction to the Compound Light Microscope The course focus is the larger knob that is first used to focus because it makes large adjustments to the focus. Body Tube Revolving Nosepiece 10x Objective 43x Objective 97x Objective Stage Clips Diaphragm Illuminator Eyepiece Lens The Arm The Stage Coarse Focus

20 Introduction to the Compound Light Microscope The fine focus is the smaller knob that makes small adjustments to the focus. Use the coarse focus first and then use the fine focus. Body Tube Revolving Nosepiece 10x Objective 43x Objective 97x Objective Stage Clips Diaphragm Illuminator Eyepiece Lens The Arm The Stage Coarse Focus Fine Focus

21 Introduction to the Compound Light Microscope The base supports the microscope. Body Tube Revolving Nosepiece 10x Objective 43x Objective 97x Objective Stage Clips Diaphragm Illuminator Eyepiece Lens The Arm The Stage Coarse Focus Fine Focus The Base

22 Introduction to the Compound Light Microscope

23 Go to your laboratory station and setup your microscope. Setup slides on microscopes. Examine the 8 slide set and identify in book. Body Tube Revolving Nosepiece 10x Objective 43x Objective 97x Objective Stage Clips Diaphragm Illuminator Eyepiece Lens The Arm The Stage Coarse Focus Fine Focus The Base

24 Introduction to the Compound Light Microscope Return to your desk and label the parts of the microscope for a grade.

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