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W. McConnell 2004 Kinross High School The Body In Action (B) The Need For Energy.

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1 W. McConnell 2004 Kinross High School The Body In Action (B) The Need For Energy

2 W. McConnell 2004 Kinross High School 1. Bicarbonate indicator is used to show the presence of carbon dioxide. What colour is the Bicarbonate indicator at the start of the experiment ? What colour is the Bicarbonate indicator at when carbon dioxide is present? red yellow

3 W. McConnell 2004 Kinross High School 2. Below is a table comparing the composition of exhaled and inhaled air. Complete the table! Oxygen20 79Nitrogen 4Carbon Dioxide

4 W. McConnell 2004 Kinross High School 3. The Carbon Dioxide in our exhaled air is produced by the chemical reaction called respiration. Oxygen + …………….. ……………. + CO 2 + ……….. Complete the respiration equation above. glucose energy water

5 W. McConnell 2004 Kinross High School 4. Why is cartilage needed in the windpipe? To prevent it collapsing when air is breathed out.

6 W. McConnell 2004 Kinross High School 5. Name the 2 sets of breathing muscles Intercostals Diaphragm

7 W. McConnell 2004 Kinross High School 6. Complete the statements below. The air sacs have many …………. ……………. surrounding them. The air sacs are filled with mucus so that gases can ………………. Oxygen diffuses into the blood because the oxygen concentration in the air sacs is ………. dissolve. capillariesblood higher.

8 W. McConnell 2004 Kinross High School 7. Name the 2 ways in which air can be cleaned before entering the lungs. Hairs in the nose filter the dust Mucus lining the windpipe traps dust and germs.

9 W. McConnell 2004 Kinross High School 8. What is the function of the cilia? They waft the germ-laden mucus up to the back of the throat where it is swallowed into the acid of the stomach to kill the germs.

10 W. McConnell 2004 Kinross High School 9. Which side of the heart carries de- oxygenated blood? The right side of the heart.

11 W. McConnell 2004 Kinross High School 10. How many times does the blood pass through the heart when it makes one complete circuit of the body? Twice

12 W. McConnell 2004 Kinross High School 11. What name is given to the heart muscle? What name is given to the circulation from the heart to the lungs? What name is given to the circulation which supplies food and oxygen to the heart muscles? Cardiac muscle Pulmonary circulation Coronary circulation

13 W. McConnell 2004 Kinross High School 12. What is the function of the bicuspid valve in the heart? It prevents the blood from the left ventricle flowing back into the left atrium.

14 W. McConnell 2004 Kinross High School 13. Which type of blood vessel …. Carries oxygenated blood away from the heart? Carries de-oxygenated blood back to the heart? Supplies oxygen to the cells and collects carbon dioxide from the cells? Artery Vein Capillary

15 W. McConnell 2004 Kinross High School 14. Using the words artery, vein, capillary, give the correct order in which the blood flows through the blood vessels. From heart ……….. To heart artery capillary vein

16 W. McConnell 2004 Kinross High School 15. Where are red blood cells made? What is the function of red blood cells? Where are red blood cells broken down? In the bone marrow of long bones In the liver and spleen To carry oxygen in the haemoglobin

17 W. McConnell 2004 Kinross High School 16. Give the 2 main functions of white blood cells. Producing antibodies Engulfing bacteria

18 W. McConnell 2004 Kinross High School 17. What is the function of the platelets in the blood? They clot the blood.

19 W. McConnell 2004 Kinross High School 18. Who discovered the circulation of the blood? William Harvey

20 W. McConnell 2004 Kinross High School 19. Name the substance in red blood cells which combines with oxygen Haemoglobin What does this substance become when combined with oxygen? Oxyhaemoglobin

21 W. McConnell 2004 Kinross High School 20. The plasma carries lots of substances in solution. Complete the following table. kidneys kidneys, lungs liver all cells lungs liverkidneys all cells lungs, kidneys small intestine liver

22 W. McConnell 2004 Kinross High School 21. When gas exchange takes place in the lungs, which gas enters the air sacs? Carbon Dioxide

23 W. McConnell 2004 Kinross High School 22. When gas exchange takes place in the tissues, which gas enters the body cells? oxygen

24 W. McConnell 2004 Kinross High School Did you manage to answer all the questions correctly? These revision questions will automatically run again. If you want to return to the list of revision topics click on the back browser button on your toolbar.

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