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The Respiratory System Presented by Mary Antonuccio, Jocelyn Robertson, Claire Locker and Laura Davies.

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Presentation on theme: "The Respiratory System Presented by Mary Antonuccio, Jocelyn Robertson, Claire Locker and Laura Davies."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Respiratory System Presented by Mary Antonuccio, Jocelyn Robertson, Claire Locker and Laura Davies

2 Basic Overview The Respiratory System is the system that involves your lungs and breathing. It is responsible for keeping your cells alive.

3 The Respiratory System and it’s functions When you breathe, the alveoli in your lungs absorb the oxygen which is then distributed into the rest of your body. Cells cannot survive longer than a few minutes without Oxygen.

4 Lungs supply oxygen to cells so they survive. The lungs help remove CO 2 from body which keeps the body PH at the correct level.

5 Organs involved, roles and relations The lower respiratory system: Therasic cage Intercostals The Diaphragm Bronchial tree Upper system: nose and mouth. Inhalation Muscles Exhalation Muscles

6 The Diaphragm Inhalation: The Diaphragm contracts = pulls down to open the lungs. Exhalation: The diaphragm relaxes = the elastic lungs spring back pushing out air.

7 Lungs Diaphragm

8 Pulmonary Vein

9 How it interacts with other systems The respiratory system is one of the most dominant systems. For instance, it is responsible for the life of your heart which is responsible for the life of you and all your other systems. Intimately related with the cardiac system. The whole right side of heart pumps blood to the lungs, which pump oxygenized blood cells to the rest of your body.


11 Recent Contributions by Australian Scientist. Professor Sandra Anderson She investigated and found that exercise induced asthma increased as the inspired water content of the air decreased. The drier the air the more that exercise causes asthma. This discovery contributed to more research towards asthma and effective treatments for EIA (Exercise Induced Asthma).

12 Bibliography

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