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WEB 2.0. What we are speaking about… Transformation of WEB, the WEB 2.0 –New generation of websites… –Importance of Open Data… –Importance of Users… –Web.

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Presentation on theme: "WEB 2.0. What we are speaking about… Transformation of WEB, the WEB 2.0 –New generation of websites… –Importance of Open Data… –Importance of Users… –Web."— Presentation transcript:

1 WEB 2.0

2 What we are speaking about… Transformation of WEB, the WEB 2.0 –New generation of websites… –Importance of Open Data… –Importance of Users… –Web as application platform… –Web 2.0 hard to define… Web technolologies –Client and server, HTTP, HTML, CSS –Static and Dinamic web pages Web 2.0 technologies –RSS, AJAX and the others…

3 Have you heard about them? Some new websites was born in the last couple of years. They are –„somehow different” –„not just plain” websites but services –giving a „Rich User Experience” –Wikipedia,, Facebook, Google services (Mail, Maps, Docs), Youtube, Flickr, and more and more others, probably you have heard about them…

4 Web 1.0  Web 2.0 Tendencies Britannica Online --> Wikipedia personal websites --> blogging publishing --> participation content management systems --> wikis directories (taxonomy) --> tagging ("folksonomy") --> BitTorrent Screen scraping --> web services Stickiness --> syndication

5 Websites as Applications Rich Internet Applications – more than a book or a computer program. Rich User Experience Instead a desktop PC program you can use Internet services for your daily work (text and image editing, watching movies) You can access your data and programs from everywhere of the world. A Web 2.0 as platform

6 Participating Create not just consume Community Living on the web… Social networking User Ranking Tagging Blogging

7 Tagging example

8 Open Data Open standards ( to obey = understandable content for everybody Data ownership –Don’t steal my data, dont lock me in New copyright regulations (?) Content independent from the way of visualization and the place of creation „No more secret”

9 © Tim O'ReillyTim O'Reilly

10 Web technologies – Client and server Server Client

11 Basic Communication of WEB Web server Browser (the client) HTTP req. HTTP ans. HTML

12 Web communication – Static Web Browser (the client) HTTP req. HTTP ans. HTML Web Server File system static files HTML, JPG, …

13 Browser (client) HTTP req. HTTP ans. HTML Web server program File system: programs also Pl. PHP Database server SQL req. DATA Web communication – Dynamic Web

14 Technologies: RSS Really Simple Syndication (RSS 2.0)

15 Technologies: AJAX Asynchronous JavaScript and XML It’s not ONE (new) technology, but more technlolgies together: –XHTML és CSS (to visualize the standardised content); –Document Object Model (Dinamic view and interacivity) –XML és XSLT; (Data transfer and data handling) –XMLHttpRequest; –JavaScript, the glue…

16 Ajax solves… (?) A Web is good to display html but can it be used as a program? Interactivity? What do you do while the webserver creating the page to your request? Waiting? Do you have to see when the browser makes a connection to the server?

17 Differences - Modell

18 Differences - Communication

19 Who uses AJAX? „Paractical” examples (not in a „laboratory”): –Google services (Gmail, Google Groups, Google Maps, BodyBrowser, Picasa…) –Google Documents – text editor, office programs –Flickr – photos – - bookmark –Youtube – media –Facebook – social –Wikipedia

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