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This PowerPoint is meant to be shown to students working on their “Heart Parks” after they’ve already brainstormed ideas for their parks and their parks’

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Presentation on theme: "This PowerPoint is meant to be shown to students working on their “Heart Parks” after they’ve already brainstormed ideas for their parks and their parks’"— Presentation transcript:

1 This PowerPoint is meant to be shown to students working on their “Heart Parks” after they’ve already brainstormed ideas for their parks and their parks’ attractions. Before starting page 6 of the packet, consider showing them this PowerPoint show. Simply drawing a heart and calling that their “Heart Park’s” shape is not the most creative approach here. Encourage their creativity with this PowerPoint.

2 When I say “heart,” which shape do you see first in your brain? or…

3 I will show you a series of images. Discuss with a partner and rank each image on a scale of 1 to 10 based on how creatively the heart shape is used. 1 = not creative - 5 - incredibly creative = 10 Have a partner? Ready to discuss? Understand the task?

4 I will show you a series of images. Discuss with a partner and rank each image on a scale of 1 to 10 based on how creatively the heart shape is used. 1 = not creative - 5 - incredibly creative = 10 Compare it to this…and rank both.

5 I will show you a series of images. Discuss with a partner and rank each image on a scale of 1 to 10 based on how creatively the heart shape is used. 1 = not creative - 5 - incredibly creative = 10 Compare it to this… and rank both.

6 I will show you a series of images. Discuss with a partner and rank each image on a scale of 1 to 10 based on how creatively the heart shape is used. 1 = not creative - 5 - incredibly creative = 10 How about…?

7 I will show you a series of images. Discuss with a partner and rank each image on a scale of 1 to 10 based on how creatively the heart shape is used. 1 = not creative - 5 - incredibly creative = 10 How about…?

8 I will show you a series of images. Discuss with a partner and rank each image on a scale of 1 to 10 based on how creatively the heart shape is used. 1 = not creative - 5 - incredibly creative = 10 How about…?

9 I will show you a series of images. Discuss with a partner and rank each image on a scale of 1 to 10 based on how creatively the heart shape is used. 1 = not creative - 5 - incredibly creative = 10 How about…?

10 I will show you a series of images. Discuss with a partner and rank each image on a scale of 1 to 10 based on how creatively the heart shape is used. 1 = not creative - 5 - incredibly creative = 10 Compare it to…

11 I will show you a series of images. Discuss with a partner and rank each image on a scale of 1 to 10 based on how creatively the heart shape is used. 1 = not creative - 5 - incredibly creative = 10 Compare it to…

12 Your Heart Park must take Map Form. Somehow a heart must inspire the shape/layout of your map. These images were meant to inspire your creativity. Can you apply the heart-shape creatively to geography?

13 Your Heart Park must take Map Form. Somehow a heart must inspire the shape/layout of your map. These images were meant to inspire your creativity. There are endless creative possibilities here!

14 Your Heart Park must take Map Form. Somehow a heart must inspire the shape/layout of your map. These images were meant to inspire your creativity. There are endless creative possibilities here! What will yours be?

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