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Bill 138 Bill Greenhalgh CEO, HRPA Claude Balthazard, Ph.D., CHRP Director, HR Excellence and Registrar J. Scott Allinson Director, Public Affairs.

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Presentation on theme: "Bill 138 Bill Greenhalgh CEO, HRPA Claude Balthazard, Ph.D., CHRP Director, HR Excellence and Registrar J. Scott Allinson Director, Public Affairs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bill 138 Bill Greenhalgh CEO, HRPA Claude Balthazard, Ph.D., CHRP Director, HR Excellence and Registrar J. Scott Allinson Director, Public Affairs

2 Bill 138 On November 23rd, 2010, the government of Ontario introduced Bill 138 the “Registered Human Resources Professionals Act, 2010” which will replace the existing “Human Resources Professionals Association of Ontario Act, 1990”. HRPA members have long asked for seat at the table, as a credible participant. As business practices, economic conditions and workforce composition and employee expectations all become more complex and interrelated, HRPA’s members are at the centre of this rapid change. It is vital that HRPA members have a vehicle to evolve and deliver credible HR management that will create and foster success in Ontario workplaces. The government of Ontario also believes this, and wants to see HRPA and its members evolve into credible, trustworthy advisors to them and stakeholders. Bill 138 represents their testament to the credibility and professionalism of our members.

3 Bill 138 Not Something that Happened Overnight But this evolution did not take place overnight, it is a process and the steps in that process are outlined in our strategy. Two years ago, the HRPA Board created a strategy that was completely focused on supporting members’ careers by building the credibility of HRPA, our members and the profession with all stakeholders. That strategy has been reviewed in many meetings, posted on the website, and communicated with Chapters and members. The strategy for obtaining a “Public Act” to came alive in the fall of 2009, when lobbying began in earnest with the creation of the HR LNX grassroots advocacy program, a chapter and member engagement initiative that focused on lobbying for a “Public Act”.

4 Bill 138 HRPA Strategy 2008-2010 as published on the HRPA web site

5 Bill 138 Misconceptions Bill 138 received first reading in the Legislature on November 23, 2010 Unfortunately, there have a number of incorrect or misleading statements made about Bill 138 since then that have fueled concerns about the Bill This presentation aims to correct the most important misconceptions about Bill 138

6 Bill 138 Concerns Is there a need for a new Act? Consultation Transportability of the designation Powers

7 Bill 138 A Tier 2 Profession Make no mistake about it, HR is a ‘second class citizen’ within the regulated professions HRPA is a regulatory authority (ref. Ontario Labour Mobility Act, 2009), but we are in the second tier (or Group 2 as the MTCU puts it) We are in the same group as Road Supervisors, Translators and Interpreters, Graphic Designers, Interior Designers, Home Inspectors, Property Standards Officers, Veterinary Technicians, Professional Planners, and Music Teachers

8 Bill 138 A Public Act is the Only Way Becoming a Tier 1 profession would have many benefits for members of the Association (and the public) The only way of moving up to a Tier 1 profession is to get a public act We simply cannot get there with our current Act

9 Bill 138 Not a Licensing Act Section 2 of the proposed Registered Human Resources Professionals Act states: “This Act does not affect or interfere with the right of any person who is not a member of the Association to practise in the field of human resources.”

10 Bill 138 Why Regulation is Needed Given Why is regulation needed given that HR is not going to be licensed? We are not currently a licensed profession yet we are regulated by virtue of our current act Not all Tier 1 professions are licensed Regulation is a matter of credibility not licensure

11 Bill 138 Consultation Some believe that members of the Association should have been consulted in working out the details of the Act

12 Bill 138 The Bundle We asked the Government to bump us up to a Tier 1 profession They agreed and offered us the ‘Tier 1’ package Government looks at Tier 1 professional regulation as a bundle It cannot be that we would get all the benefits of Tier 1 regulation without the obligations

13 Bill 138 No Interest in ‘Unbundling’ The Government was not open to negotiating the authorities and obligations included in the Act (‘not a buffet’) The Government was not interested in a custom act for HR professionals From the perspective of Government, the profession is but one stakeholder in the process

14 Bill 138 Members Will Have Last Say Although the Government is not interested in a custom act for HR professionals, many of the provisions in the Act are to be implemented according to the by-laws By-laws must be ratified by the membership This is where significant consultation will occur

15 Bill 138 Transportability There have been rumors and innuendo that somehow Bill 138 would make the CHRP designation not transportable either from Ontario to other provinces, or from other provinces to Ontario That is simply not true In fact, Bill 138 provides for some exceptions that are not provided for in our current Act

16 Bill 138 HRPA’s Policy on Mutual Recognition “HRPA will recognize any individual who has been granted the CHRP designation in any other province as qualified for certification by HRPA without additional material training, experience, examinations or assessments.”

17 Bill 138 Powers The powers that would be granted to us are no different than the ones granted to other Tier 1 professions (the powers come with the bundle) It is also the case that most of the powers of regulation are already in the Human Resources Professionals Association of Ontario Act, 1990

18 Bill 138 Checks and Balances There would be three Lieutenant Governor-in- Council appointees on HRPA’s Board All of our proceedings would need to be up to the standards of the Statutory Powers Procedures Act, 1990, which protect the rights of members We would be required to abide by the Fair Registration Practices Code being Sections II and III of the Fair Access to Regulated Professions and Compulsory Trades Act, 2006.

19 Bill 138 A Matter of Choice HR professional who do not want to be regulated by HRPA have the choice of not becoming members of the Association Employers and clients have the choice to hire regulated or unregulated HR professionals

20 Bill 138 Increased Value In other professions, such as accounting, more robust regulation has not decreased the value or career opportunities of their members To the contrary, more robust regulation has increased the value and career opportunities for their members We cannot have a strong profession without a strong regulatory body

21 Bill 138 Added Costs To the Association, Members? - No – Much of the machinery of regulation already in place at HRPA – Being self-regulated means that much of the regulatory work is done by members who are volunteers To Organizations? – No – Today, organizations hire Certified Professionals in all functions because hiring the best qualified people is a vital Talent Strategy – They represent a investment in the organization’s future, its growth and risk mitigation

22 Bill 138 Why Are We Doing This? Bill 138 represents a significant breakthrough for the HR profession in Ontario It will be good for our members careers It will allow us to better compete as a profession It will increase the influence of the HR profession in matters of governmental policy

23 Bill 138 Questions

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