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As you come in…  Sign in (in back) and pick up  Badge  Name Card – write your first name LARGELY on back  Any questions? (of any kind)  Put on index.

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Presentation on theme: "As you come in…  Sign in (in back) and pick up  Badge  Name Card – write your first name LARGELY on back  Any questions? (of any kind)  Put on index."— Presentation transcript:

1 As you come in…  Sign in (in back) and pick up  Badge  Name Card – write your first name LARGELY on back  Any questions? (of any kind)  Put on index cards, drop in box (up front)  Log in:  Launch/Start Alice  Open a web browser, log in at http://piazza.com Check your email for invitation

2 Agenda (modify?)  Review  Alice: Conditional execution with if statements  Online Textbook and Teacher Companion Site  Peer Instruction Example  If Statements  Break  Project Participation options for 2013-2014  Alice: Nested Loops  Programming Problem

3 Vocabulary Review  Object  Instruction / Tile  Method  Parameter  Loop (aka Counted Loop)

4 Vocabulary Review Object Instruction/Tile Method Parameter Loop (aka Counted Loop)

5 Code Together (Day 1 Part  If Statements: Conditional Execution  Sometimes code happens and sometimes it doesn’t  Ice Skater moves forward a random amount between 1 and 5 meters  Change behavior  Penguin only celebrates (jump combination) when his distance to ice skater is < 1  Add an “else” – what should happen when he isn’t “close” (< 1 meter away)  Penguin say “I’m so sad”

6 Online “Textbook”  Approach: We “explore” new concepts in programming  Start with a visual observation  We “guide” students in reading and thinking about the text  Embedded questions  Answers on teachers’ companion site

7 Module 8: Choosing your Path (If statements)  Main page: Learning Outcomes, Vocab  Discover: Videos  Exploration: Guided creation of videos  Discover is “seeing something”  Exploration is getting a closer look at how it works  NOTE: This builds on the world from the previous module – so it’s not as challenging for students as it is for you!

8 Goal: Ability to analyze computer programs (not JUST to write/build them)  The “Peer Instruction” pedagogy 1) Individual Thinking, Vote 2) Group Discussion (with 1-2 other students) 3) Group Vote Pre-Class preparation Quiz/Incentive/Feedback Class-wide discussion Student-led/Instructor Modeling/Mini-lecture

9 What would happen when this code executes? Assume height: Angel is 1.7 m, Egyptian 2 m A. The Egyptian says “I’m taller” B. The Angel says “I’m taller” C. They both say “I’m taller” D. Neither says anything

10 Take Aways  If statements allow for “conditional execution”  Code that is executed sometimes, but not others. It depends on some condition The condition is “boolean” and evaluates to true or false  If the condition evaluates to true Do the code (possibly more than one instruction) right under the “if”  If the condition is false Do the code (possibly more than one instruction) under the else  In ONE EXECUTION it is not possible to do both the code under the if and the code under the else

11 ComPASS Project Participation: pre-view  Benefits:  Summer “pedagogy” PD  Compensation for teaching course  Clickers for your students  Weekly support calls  Online QandA support  Students “passing” course get credit at UCSD and SDSU

12 ComPASS Project Participation: pre-view  Selection Preferences  Administrative support (principal, etc.) Start the process of talking to them, we’ll ask ~4 weeks  Can you teach it Fall 2013? Somehow modify master schedule? Already planned? Swap out material in a course is Oked More advanced: Use this first, then into your content

13 Summer PD Planning  We need to know when you can make it (if you think there’s ANY chance you will teach next year)

14 Nested Loops: Bunny Square Dance  We want to direct the bunny to hop in a square pattern. The “length” of each side of his square should be 5 hops.  Let’s watch  Break down the problem:  Create “one side” of square  Create turn  Repeat that whole thing…

15 Nested Loops: Bunny Square Dance  We want to direct the bunny to hop in a square pattern. The “length” of each side of his square should be 5 hops.  Let’s watch  Here’s the structure of our code, what numbers would you put in for each missing number?

16 Outer Loop countInner Loop countTurn parameter A45.25 B451 C54 D541 Goal: Hop in a square, 5 hops on each side

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