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Building A Stronger Workplace At InterGlobe Presentation of Findings June, 2010.

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1 Building A Stronger Workplace At InterGlobe Presentation of Findings June, 2010


3 3 % Responded % Did not Respond BUs Survey Response Target Sample Size Response Rate Indigo 1501244861% IGT 1442223265% ITQ 33239285% IGAT 23839460% IGE 698284% IGH 54 100% Total 3636560265% Gallup Global Average participation for first administration: 82% Gallup Average participation for India: 88% Gallup Global Average participation for first administration: 82% Gallup Average participation for India: 88% 85 Responded to the survey 362 399 498 2252 InterGlobe OverallBy Band 27 13 Survey Participation Rate With the larger BUs and bands showing a low participation, the overall participation rate at InterGlobe aggregates to be lower than Gallup Average. Band 4 participation particularly low for Indigo while Band 1 is low for Indigo, IGT and IGAT

4 4 %5 %4+%5 %1+%2 Majority of participants are optimistic about actions being taken based on the feedback provided. Need to optimize upon the opportunity. N = 3636 Gallup India Avg. 66 Benchmarks %4+%5 IndigoIGTITQIGATIGEIGH 150114423322386954 625863566874 Figures in blue are significantly higher and figures in red are significantly lower than InterGlobe Overall

5 Q 12 ® Engagement Hierarchy What do I get? What do I give? Do I belong? Growth How can we grow? Teamwork Managerial Support Basic Needs Opportunities to learn and grow Progress discussion in last six months Best friend Co-workers committed to quality Mission/purpose of company My opinions count Encourages development Supervisor/someone at work cares Recognition last seven days Do what I do best every day Materials and equipment I know what is expected of me at work 5

6 6 Overall Snapshot 1 Experience on rational as well as emotional touch-points needs to be enhanced Managers are the key to building engagement, need to develop strong people managing capability for sustaining the growth. Confidence reposed on the leadership team’s ability, pride levels high. However, leaders are expected to demonstrate values more manifestly. High dissatisfaction displayed with PMS

7 Overall Measures While about half of the employees exhibit a positive sentiment on overall measures, there seem to be gaps experienced by the other half. 7 %5 %4+%5 %1+%2 N = 3636 Gallup India Avg. 66 Benchmarks %4+%5 69 66 IndigoIGTITQIGATIGEIGH 150114423322386954 574954506551 595363587453 584857547153

8 8 The engagement picture reflects inconsistency in the experience being delivered across key parameters especially ‘Managerial Effectiveness’. Trusting relationships seem to be working relatively well. Q12® Grand Mean – 3.53 N = 3636 Mean 3.57 3.20 3.61 3.66 3.71 3.32 3.29 3.41 2.92 3.73 3.78 4.16 India Avg. 3.85 3.54 3.88 3.94 4.04 3.71 3.62 3.76 3.29 3.91 4.30 India Avg. Grand Mean – 3.81

9 9 Line represent the percentage of teams with a Grand Mean in the range marked on the horizontal axis. % of workgroups <=25 th %tile26 th -49 th %tile50 th – 74 th %tile> = 75 th percentile % of teams 43%27%23%8% Grand Mean 4.20 Gallup India 75 th %ile Grand Mean 3.83 Gallup India 50 th %ile Range in Q12 ® Performance Majority of the workgroups are sub-optimized, need to enhance the managerial capability Grand Mean 3.47 Gallup India 25 th %ile

10 10 Gallup Q12 ® Engagement Index Need to understand the cause of dis-engagement and address it. The large proportion of ‘Not Engaged’ employees need to be focused at. 3.31:1 1.00:1 The target should be to reach a 5.3:1 ratio of engaged : actively disengaged Engagement ratio calculated for groups with a sample of more than 100 2.60:1

11 11 By Businesses 2 Variance in the experience being driven across BUs, need for stronger integration. - Managerial competence a challenge across BUs - IGH seems to be grappling with teething issues Currently IGE engagement levels are much stronger as compared to BUs. - Stronger experience on resource enablement, talent utilization, recognition, opinions being valued, connect with the mission and growth opportunities With the perception of leadership’s ability being high across BUs, the inspirational quality needs to be utilized in strengthening the connect and better integration of group companies

12 12 Q 12 ® - By BUs The experience at IGE seems to be positively different from that of the BUs. The concerns of the BUs need to be understood well and addressed effectively N = 3636693321442150123854 Significantly higher/lower compared to InterGlobe Overall %iles – Gallup Global %iles 21 st 40 th 29 th 23 rd 18 th 13 th

13 Support from Corporate Office All business units need to handled according to their business module. Like IGAT is GSA in Aviation. At present is changing face under current market scenario. Still has lots of potential. If we need full output then need to remove insecure feelings. Need better coordination between IGH/HO to avoid the delays in timely completion of projects. The Corporate leadership goals must be driven in a appropriate manner. And they should know the pain of ground level. I think InterGlobe as a whole is the Best Place To Work but at the same time it should be more prompt and efficient as we are growing day by day. The support required from the HO should be more prompt so that their shouldn’t be any delay. The HO staff, Consultants and the Site Staff should work at the same platform to avoid delays and reworks. De-centralization of authority Company independence Employee Speak

14 Recognition Rewards and recognition should be given to the right person and also every one should know on what basis they have been rewarded. This should not be like rotational method as one person for this quarter and another one person for another quarter. To recognize the actual performers of the company and be rewarded for the same at the right time but not look at them once they have resigned and then try and keep them back by offering them a better pay package and other perks. Advise leadership team to at least praise the guys once in a while rather than always figuring out faults in something or the other. Development Organization should think about investing in the developmental needs of the employees at all levels. Growth Plan path for an employee should be designed to give a clear direction so that a focus is set and this will also enable an organization to grow professionally. Focus on developmental needs through regular soft skill trainings, this enhances skills & is a good platform to interact & be exposed to best practices adopted by others in the group through discussions. Employee Speak 14

15 Opinions Count To actively and openly hear the needs of the employees, giving empowerment to the local leadership team to make appropriate decisions that would be good for the employees and the company. Our opinions somehow do not seem to be considered. we are always at receiving end. There is not much say we have in the company as their own ideologies are forced onto us. Participative management is key to success. Align organizational goals with self goals Equal chance to each member of a group/department to perform and express their views freely and moreover fair opportunity to lead as well to boost up morale. Progress Discussion Improve genuine employee feedback mechanism & give them more opportunities to grow. Ensure that same rules/standards/benchmarks are applicable to all without bias. Company should have well defined career progression based on qualification & quality of performance of individuals, specially for young people of Indian Origin. Employee Speak

16 16 Q 12 ® - By BU Currently, personal relationships seem to be driving the engagement for most BUs Gallup Global %iles InterGlobe Overall IGEITQIGTIndigoIGATIGH N = 3636693321442150123854 Grand Mean 3.533.813.663.563.473.463.36 Global %ile 21 st 40 th 29 th 23 rd 18 th 13 th Learn and grow 3.573.993.623.513.623.493.42 Progress discussion 3.203.313.433.353.013.182.79 Best friend 3.613.683.753.633.623.373.36 Co-workers Quality 3.663.813.753.773.513.693.79 Mission Alignment 3.714.073.813.633.773.593.43 Opinions Count 3.323.723.583.403.163.363.15 Encourages Development 3.293.533.503.353.163.333.18 Care 3.413.723.693.513.243.403.43 Recognition 2.923.523.193.062.732.872.65 Role Fitment 3.734.073.833.713.733.703.58 Materials & Equipment 3.784.173.733.723.873.583.81 Role Clarity 4.16 >=60 th Percentile >=41 st - 59 th Percentile <=40 th Percentile

17 17 % of teams<=25 th %tile26 th -49 th %tile50 th – 74 th %tile> = 75 th percentile Indigo 44%33%22%1% ITQ 37%20%37%6% IGT 43%29%18%10% IGAT 47%11%32%11% InterGlobe Overall 43%27%23%8% Range in Q12 ® Performance - By BUs Managers are the key to building and driving engagement. Need to provide support to enhance the people managing capability across BUs

18 18 Though IGH seems to be dissatisfied across most parameters, pride levels and confidence in leadership are relatively strong. The perception on PMS is significantly low for Indigo (%4+%5) InterGlobe Overall IGEITQIGTIndigoIGATIGH N = 3636693321442150123854 PRIDE Pride 61786954666159 LEADERSHIP Confidence in leadership 63806155716061 Actions consistent with the values 51735745554846 CUSTOMER ORIENTATION Enabling systems & procedures 58714754655246 Inter-departmental cooperation 52695951 5535 COMMUNICATION Feel well informed 51555149563526 Sharing best practices / knowledge 52 5448593923 Leadership seeks feedback 47575045474531 PMS & DEVELOPMENT Fair and transparent 39564641334630 Distinguish superior performance 41604642364736 Recognizes strength & development needs 48625251435143 Receive training to do job better 656163597549 Inputs to enhance leadership abilities 48594945523827 CULTURE Fair resolution of problem 4763534449 32 Fun & humor at workplace 53566252535429 Figures in blue are significantly higher and figures in red are significantly lower than InterGlobe Overall

19 19 By Bands 3 Leadership team not role-modeling engagement, need to walk the talk With their opinions being valued and a stronger connect with the mission of the organization, Band 6 seems to be operating at higher engagement levels – Need to cascade down the experience A weak employee experience at middle management level is challenging their ability to engage the larger organization

20 20 Q 12 ® - By Band The Leadership team needs to step up and role model engagement for the larger organization to follow suit. N = 36361327853623994982252 Significantly higher/lower compared to InterGlobe Overall %iles – Gallup Global %iles 21 st 23 rd 46 th 22 nd 17 th 19 th 16 th 24 th

21 21 Bands Q 12 ® - By BUs The positively different experience being delivered at Band 6 for Indigo, on some critical dimensions, needs to be cascaded down. Sharp disconnect between Band 5 and Band 4 at ITQ needs to be seized. Grand Mean InterGlobe Overall IGEITQIGTIndigoIGATIGH N = 3636693321442150123854 Overall3.533.813.663.563.473.463.36 LT3.553.36----- Band 63.89---4.143.48- Band 53.54- Band 43.453.993.303.343.473.423.48 Band 33.483.693.253.363.603.683.28 Band 23.423.733.673.35-3.323.39 Band 13.574.183.823.693.443.50- Figures in blue are significantly higher and figures in red are significantly lower than InterGlobe Overall Concerns shown on ‘Managerial Effectiveness’, trusting relationships and progress discussions Relatively better experience on resource enablement and talent utilization

22 22 Q 12 ® - By Band With leadership team exhibiting mis-match of expectations in their experience, building and sustaining engagement at InterGlobe will be a challenge. The experience of Band 6 is relatively stronger which it doesn’t seem to be transferring to its teams Gallup Global %ile s InterGlobe Overall LTBand 6Band 5Band 4Band 3Band 2Band 1 N = 36361327853623994982252 Grand Mean 3.533.553.893.543.453.483.423.57 Global %ile 21 st 23 rd 46 th 22 nd 17 th 19 th 16 th 24 th Learn and grow 24 th 33 rd 50 th 22 nd 24 th 20 th 16 th 27 th Progress discussion 18 th 5 th 19 th 12 th 10 th 16 th 15 th 19 th Best friend 42 nd 41 st 46 th 32 nd 25 th 39 th 34 th 49 th Co-workers Quality 23 rd 29 th 61 st 28 th 22 nd 19 th 21 st 24 th Mission Alignment 30 th 42 nd 70 th 31 st 32 nd 23 rd 30 th Opinions Count 26 th 50 th 78 th 48 th 27 th 33 rd 28 th 23 rd Encourages Development 20 th 26 th 28 th 19 th 16 th 19 th 17 th 21 st Care 15 th 26 th 20 th 12 th 17 th 14 th 15 th Recognition 20 th 22 nd 18 th 15 th 18 th 17 th 22 nd Role Fitment 31 st 32 nd 52 nd 40 th 33 rd 23 rd 32 nd Materials & Equipment 31 st 37 th 57 th 31 st 25 th 24 th 36 th Role Clarity 26 th 8 th 57 th 20 th 26 th 20 th 31 st >=60 th Percentile >=41 st - 59 th Percentile <=40 th Percentile

23 Recruiting the right people for the organization who think about InterGlobe rather than themselves. This allows for their actions to be in consonance with IGE's goals/objectives rather than serving their short term needs. A good performance management system which differentiates performers from not so good performers. Walk the talk. Run the company entirely professionally and not as a promoter/owner-run organization I would invest into future growth and profits and not be so focused on short term profits. Focus on New Learnings (information update) and Sharing There should be better leadership i.e. equality, communication, direction, encouragement, recognition. Effective Governance Employee Speak: Leadership Team

24 24 The most vociferous challenges experienced by Leadership team at InterGlobe seem to be around professional functioning between departments along with avenues for knowledge sharing and honing leadership skills of the employees which are concern areas for all bands. (%4+%5) InterGlobe Overall LT Band 6Band 5Band 4Band 3Band 2Band 1 N = 3636 PRIDE Pride 6175817066635362 LEADERSHIP Confidence in leadership 6358777367645264 Actions consistent with the values 5150746353544351 CUSTOMER ORIENTATION Enabling systems & procedures 5855656062584560 Inter-departmental cooperation 5242675346554853 COMMUNICATION Feel well informed 5158594344494454 Sharing best practices / knowledge 5225483648464157 Leadership seeks feedback 4760634944454148 PMS & DEVELOPMENT Fair and transparent 3950804544394036 Distinguish superior performance 4170754742403940 Recognizes strength & development needs 485064554446 49 Receive training to do job better 6550585161564972 Inputs to enhance leadership abilities 4825484045433552 CULTURE Fair resolution of problem 4758655449 4447 Fun & humor at workplace 5358674450514855 Figures in blue are significantly higher and figures in red are significantly lower than InterGlobe Overall

25 Key Strengths  Employees have expressed confidence in the leadership team’s ability to lead the organization to success.  Employees exhibit a sense of pride in being associated with InterGlobe  Advocacy currently seems to be driven out of the pride  Personal relationships seem to be working well and primarily driving the engagement currently  The experience being driven across IGE and Band 6 seems to be relatively better and needs to be built upon further.  Majority of employees are positive that issues arising out of this survey will be actioned upon 25

26 Key Areas of Opportunity  Need to develop strong people managing ability for optimizing the ability of employees and sustaining the business growth  The current experience of the Leadership team is a serious challenge and needs to be focused upon.  Create common avenues for knowledge sharing/best practices amongst group companies. This will also strengthen the connect with the brand.  Drive a participative culture, actively seeking feedback from employees  PMS needs to be relooked into with a stronger focus on transparency and meritocracy. 26


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