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Multi-Model Digital Video Library Professor: Michael Lyu Member: Jacky Ma Joan Chung Multi-Model Digital Video Library LYU9904 Multi-Model Digital Video.

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Presentation on theme: "Multi-Model Digital Video Library Professor: Michael Lyu Member: Jacky Ma Joan Chung Multi-Model Digital Video Library LYU9904 Multi-Model Digital Video."— Presentation transcript:

1 Multi-Model Digital Video Library Professor: Michael Lyu Member: Jacky Ma Joan Chung Multi-Model Digital Video Library LYU9904 Multi-Model Digital Video Library

2 Outline Works of First Semester Progress and New Feature Evaluation

3 Works of First Sem

4 System Model Building Video Databases Indexing the Video Contents Breaking the Video into Segments Retrieving Video

5 JMPlayer Standalone Java Application Play video files over network Synchronized script Practice for playback of video

6 Our Progress & New Feature

7 Applet Browser-enabled Integrate with browser’s Chinese environment Thumbnail Library Interface Streaming playback of video Build upon functions of JMPlayer

8 Query Panel An interface for user query and searching Under construction Will have full-text script search keyword search title search metadata search catagory

9 Library Panel An interface for user to choose a video among the query result Features Thumbnails MouseOver description Similarity Scoring

10 Player Panel The interface for video playback Features Synchronized script Play control Sound control Video infomation

11 JMF Platform-neutral multimedia solution Support different network protocols Support for capturing and storing media data Support sending or receiving media streams in real-time Customizable Data Source and Controller

12 Query Server Use XML to keep the records Use JAXP’s DOM model to implement the data structure Load XML records when the server starts Multi-threaded to handle multiple requests

13 XML Plain Text Data Identification Inline Reusabiliy Easily Processed Hierarchical Usage Traditional data processing Document-driven programming Archiving Binding

14 JAXP XML supplies a universally portable structured data format, and Java technology supplies universally portable code JAVA API for XML Parsing (JAXP) provides basic functionality for reading, manipulating, and generating XML documents SAXParserFactory and DocumentBuilderFactory that give you a SAX parser and a DocumentBuilder

15 SAX processes XML data like a text stream and alerts the application whenever something interesting comes along read-only system event-driven protocol takes little memory tends to be fast simply reacting to things, one at a time, as they come along lack of an in-memory data structure

16 DOM A Document Object Model is a garden-variety tree structure, where each node contains one of the components from an XML structure document builder reads the XML data and then constructs a DOM

17 XML tree structure of data plain text format easy to maintain and debug fields and attributes video and id title keyword script line and time iconsrc videosrc

18 System Overview Applet XML Query Server User Video Library Database Use browser to run, Input query Send query to JAXP read the XML, ready for request send from client server Video records Video Icons shown click one of the icon Retrieve the video video playback

19 Evaluation

20 JMF vs. Quicktime Choose JMF instead of QuickTime as our tool for video playback: Platform Independence –QuickTime is mainly for Macintosh and Windows Difficult for integration with other Java tools –Java tools not support QuickTime, but JMF is a package of Java Consideration of Time to Study QuickTime Disadvantage of JMF –The JMF API is not included by Java Runtime Environment, Java plug-in is needed

21 Database vs. XML XML is plain text Client/Server and Server/Server communication is easy and convenient by sending the whole XML file between the two objects Much difficult for the communication of two database servers XML is vender independent

22 Problem Chinese Capability Low performance Machine may not have smooth video playback

23 Works to be finish 70+ video clips in library Fully functional demo Fine-tuned user interface Bug-Fix!

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