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Audio Programming in Java

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1 Audio Programming in Java
A presentation for the Vancouver Island Java Users’ Group Kevin Matz

2 Topics Sound basics Java Media Framework (avoid) Java Sound API
Playback Real-time capture and processing MP3 playback with JLayer What is a .MOD player… …and how do you build one? Photo credit: Louise Docker,

3 What is sound? Vibrations propagated through the molecules of the air are detected by your eardrums and interpreted and perceived by your brain as sound Sound waves, as plotted on a Cartesian plane, are graphical representations of the patterns of high and low air pressure in a travelling sound wave:

4 Properties of sound waves

5 Mixing waveforms To play multiple sounds simultaneously, you can mix the waveforms together by simply adding them together Scale the output back to the standard volume to avoid clipping/distortion Basically: take the average of samples from all channels at each point in time

6 Recording and reproducing sound
A microphone contains a diaphragm that vibrates when struck by sound waves, which vibrates a magnet within a coil to electromagnetically convert mechanical vibrations into an electrical signal with a varying amplitude “voice-shaped currents” (Alexander Graham Bell) In a loudspeaker, the electric signal causes an electromagnet to vibrate a diaphragm or speaker cone, which pushes the surrounding air out in the same pattern, reproducing the sound waves

7 Representing sound recordings digitally
Levels of electrical impulses quantized using an ADC (analog-to-digital converter)  “Pulse-Code Modulation” Properties of raw PCM recordings: Sampling rate determines how frequently the analog signal is to be sampled (e.g., Hz) Bits per sample (e.g., 8 or 16) Little-endian vs. big-endian storage for more than 8 bits Signed vs. unsigned Channels: Mono vs. stereo Encoding: Uncompressed linear amplitudes (Linear PCM) vs. logarithmic dynamic range compression (μ-Law, A-Law) e.g., CD audio: Hz, 16 bit, stereo, linear

8 Audio in Java: Java Media Framework (JMF)
Pretty much dead API not updated since 1999 Sporadic maintenance (periods of years without updates) JMF website full of broken links Supports few modern media formats Add-on to the JRE; separate download and install needed Windows, Linux, Solaris supported, but not Mac MP3 decoder/encoder removed in 2002; decoder only made available as additional plug-in in 2004

9 Java Sound API (javax.sound)
Part of the Java SE runtime environment since 1.3 (May 2000) javax.sound.sampled Playback, capture, mixing of sampled audio Natively supports .WAV, .AU, and .AIFF formats Service provider interface (SPI) allows extensibility for new audio devices and sound file formats javax.sound.midi MIDI music synthesis and control of MIDI devices Not covered in this presentation

10 javax.sound: Interfaces
Line An element of the “digital audio pipeline” that can carry audio data open(), close() LineListeners can be registered to monitor open/start/stop/close events Port extends Line Representations of jacks for output to or input from audio devices e.g., microphone, CD player, line in, speaker, headphone, line out Mixer extends Line A representation of any audio device with one or more input and/or output lines Can be a software implementation of a mixer, i.e., a device that combines input from multiple input lines onto a single output line

11 javax.sound: Interfaces
DataLine extends Line Provides start(), stop(), available(), drain(), etc. to control audio data playback/capture SourceDataLine extends DataLine To output sound data, you write to a SourceDataLine via write() Called “source” as it is intended to be an input to a mixer TargetDataLine extends DataLine To capture incoming sound data, you read it from a TargetDataLine via read() Called “target” as it is intended to be an output of a mixer Clip extends DataLine A data line that can have data pre-loaded prior to playback Supports looping

12 javax.sound: Classes AudioFormat AudioFileFormat
Describes a format in terms of sample rate, bits per sample, sample encoding, channels (mono/stereo), etc. AudioFileFormat Describes format of an audio file (e.g., .WAV, .AU, .MP3) + an AudioFormat AudioInputStream extends InputStream An InputStream with a specific audio format (suitable for reading from audio files) Note: no AudioOutputStream! AudioSystem Main entry point to audio resources Query and get mixers (audio devices) available on system Or, get lines directly without dealing with mixers Default mixer (audio device) for various line types determined by system properties, or can be specified in file lib/ in JRE directory Open audio files (returns AudioInputStream)

13 javax.sound: Security Playback generally always permitted Recording
Always prohibited for applets Prohibited for applications running under a security manager (e.g., WebStart apps), but can be overridden by user or admin by editing policy file Permitted for applications with no security manager

14 Demo 1: Playing a clip
Simple playback of a .WAV file Simple Swing app using threads for simultaneous playback of multiple clips

15 Demo 2: Capturing and processing audio in real time Demo that captures microphone input and plays it back, adding an echo effect with a one-second delay

16 JavaZoom open-source projects
JLayer Library for playing MP3 files GNU LGPL license Has its own API separate from Java Sound jl1.0.1.jar is 106k MP3SPI A Java Sound SPI plug-in so that Java Sound API treats .MP3 files like any other already-supported format VorbisSPI A Java Sound SPI for Ogg Vorbis files Note: See

17 Demo 3: Playing an MP3 song in the background with JLayer Demo using JLayer’s Player class in a separate thread to play back an MP3 song in the background

18 Tracked music and the .MOD format
“Tracker” programs allow composition of music by entering notes in a spreadsheet-like grid .MOD format originated on the Amiga with Karsten Obarski’s Ultimate Soundtracker (1987) and derivatives such as Protracker (shown below) Image credit: Wikipedia

19 .MOD format Main features:
15 or 31 eight-bit samples (instruments) 4 channels Song consists of patterns (64 rows) arranged in an order Effect commands Arpeggio, portamento (slide up/down), vibrato, … Change speed, jump to pattern, … Variations on the .MOD format, and later formats (ScreamTracker .S3M, FastTracker .XM, Impulse Tracker .IT) expanded the number of channels and samples, added effects, and added more control over instruments

20 Writing a .MOD player We need to solve two major issues:
How do we play multiple sounds simultaneously? Easy: Just add the waveforms together Or even easier: Use Java’s mixer functionality If we have a single recording of an instrument at a certain pitch (Middle C), then how do we reproduce the same instrument sound at a different pitch (e.g., an A in octave 5)? Thankfully, this is also easy!

21 How do you play a sample at a different pitch?
.MOD file assumes samples are recorded such that playing the sample at 8287 samples/sec will render the sample as a middle C To play a sample at a different pitch, i.e., at a different frequency… we simply play the sample at a different frequency! Play the sample faster to get a higher pitch Play the sample slower to get a lower pitch But by what factor should we scale a sample to get a particular note?

22 Table of frequencies for notes
Octave 3 Octave 4 Octave 5 C 262 Hz Middle C 523 Hz 1047 Hz C# 277 554 1109 D 294 587 1175 D# 311 622 1245 E 330 659 1319 F 349 698 1397 F# 370 740 1480 G 392 784 1568 G# 415 831 1661 A 440 880 1760 A# 466 932 1867 B 494 988 1976 Frequency ratio (interval) between two consecutive semitones is the 12th root of 2 = = e.g. 880 Hz * = 932 Hz

23 Playing individual samples at different frequencies while maintaining a constant output frequency

24 Playing a .MOD song (1 of 2) Keep track of position in “order” list and look up pattern number Keep track of current row position in the current pattern Keep track of song speed (tempo), which is controlled by two settings: “Tick speed” setting determines how many “ticks” each row is divided into Beats per minute (BPM) determines how much time is spent per tick Time per tick = 2.5 sec / BPM setting; e.g., 2.5 sec / 125 = 0.02 sec per tick So BPM = 125 and tick speed = 6 means each row is played for 0.02 * 6 = 0.12 sec; a pattern with 64 rows will take 0.12 * 64 = 7.68 sec to play For each channel, keep track of: Instrument/sample Note  corresponding frequency Current position in sample Skip/stutter parameters Volume Effect (if any)

25 Playing a .MOD song (2 of 2) For each row in a pattern:
For the number of ticks according to the “tick speed”: If this is the first tick: For each channel: Update each channel with new instrument, note, and/or effect Execute “one-time” effect commands Set up parameters for “continuous” effects Else: Update continuous effects Generate audio data for this tick by rendering the sample for each channel and mixing the channels into a single output channel Send the audio data to the playback buffer

26 Demo 4: Roarcore .MOD player

27 Any questions?

28 Thanks! By the way… I’m looking for volunteers to take a survey about adding a new type of commenting construct to the Java language!

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