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Edmodo #: vg5q2d (Post Your Favorite Apps)

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1 Edmodo #: vg5q2d (Post Your Favorite Apps)

2 Working on Writing Listening to Reading Working with Words Read to Self Read with Someone Presented By: Shanda Edwards Lorrie Rollins NCTIES 2014

3 App Attack on the Daily Five: Read to Self, Listening to Reading and Reading to Someone MeeGenius Highlights text as student reads; good for vocabulary development; student hears fluent reader without being read too fast; not distracted by animation, just simple picture support; can read to student or student read text; comes with 6 free books and can receive an additional free book when creating an account. iStoryBooks Some books are free and others are premium; Spanish, fiction and nonfiction, biographies, folk tales books are available. SparkleFish Allows you to record creative words in your own voice for playback inside ad-lib stories. Similar to Mad Libs. Comes with 5 stories for free.

4 App Attack on the Daily Five: Working on Writing Popplet Lite Used as a mind-map, Popplet helps students think and learn visually. Students can capture facts, thoughts, and images and learn to create relationships between them. Word Magnets Lite Word Magnets lets you make up sentences by moving around magnets on the screen. Penzu Free online journaling tool that allows you and your students to keep track of their experiences throughout the school year in a creative and personalized way. Looks and feels like a paper journal but has the added benefits of multimedia and being accessible online and via mobile devices. Journals are private by default, but can also be shared.

5 App Attack on the Daily Five: Working with Words Fill the Gap Works with filling in missing letters in all positions; students apply phonics; can choose word length; not free for android ($2.55) Hang on Man Play free this original version of the popular Hangman game while you learn vocabulary. The app include 10,000 most frequently used English words and their meanings, separated into 41 lists sorted by frequency of use. Vocabulary Spelling City A fun way to learn spelling and vocabulary words by playing engaging learning games using any word list.

6 App Attack on the Daily Five: Web Resources Storyline Online.netThe Screen Actors Guild Foundation records well-known actors reading children’s books and makes graphically dynamic videos so that children around the world can be read to with just the click of a Storyline Online video book image. NCWISE Owl EBSCO eBooks Over 1,115 Ebooks for K-8 grades Password: wiseowl Children's Storybooks OnlineChildren's books with quizzes and phonics Barnes & NobleFree online story time where students can listen to animated stories. You can choose from lots of popular books and it’s all free. Readworks Passages with question sets for building comprehension.

7 App Attack on the Daily Five: Raffle Premium Membership * Includes 25 student licenses

8 App Attack on the Daily Five: All Winners A free 30 day trial of VocabularySpellingCity Code: TEACHNC

9 Edmodo #: vg5q2d Questions??? (Post Your Favorite Apps)

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