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The Use of iPads in Therapeutic Recreation Practice Dr. Lynn Anderson, CTRS, CPRP Deana Moore, CTRS.

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Presentation on theme: "The Use of iPads in Therapeutic Recreation Practice Dr. Lynn Anderson, CTRS, CPRP Deana Moore, CTRS."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Use of iPads in Therapeutic Recreation Practice Dr. Lynn Anderson, CTRS, CPRP Deana Moore, CTRS

2 Learning Outcomes  Demonstrate the ability to use apps in the therapeutic recreation process: assessment, planning, implementation, documentation, and evaluation  Demonstrate the ability to use apps in each domain: leisure, social/communication, physical/sensory, cognitive, and psychological/emotional  Identify ways you will use iPads in your own practice

3 Why the iPad?  Communication options  “Cool”  Self expression  Mastery  Rapport building  Confidence building  Decrease in anxiety  Autonomy  Empowerment  Self direction  Ease of use  Lots and lots of APPS!

4 Basic iPad Operations



7 Built-in Accessibility

8 iPad Accessibility Features  VoiceOver screen reader  Zoom magnification  Large Text  White on Black  Speak Selection  Speak Auto-text  Mono Audio and balance  AssistiveTouch  Support for braille displays  Playback of closed-captioned content

9 Adaptations for the iPad

10 Braille Displays

11 Face Time and Closed Captioning






17 Use of iPad to create and share forms  Fill-in PDFs  Dropbox

18 Break!

19 iPad and APIE  Medical abbreviations  Medical forms  Online surveys and forms

20 Survey apps  Assessment  Planning  Documentation  Evaluation

21 Use of iPad in functional domains  Social/communication  Psychological/emotional  Physical/sensory  Cognitive  Leisure

22 Social Functioning  Socialization  Communication

23 Social functioning includes things like  Being able to interact with others  Forming friendships  Understanding social norms  Communicating effectively

24 Variations in social functioning could be due to  Mental illness  Attention deficit disorder  Autism  Other developmental disabilities  Traumatic brain injury  Etc.

25 Communication includes things like  Verbal  Nonverbal  Expressive  Receptive

26 Variations in the ability to communicate could be due to  Cerebral palsy  Stroke  Intellectual disability  Autism  Other…

27 Apps for Communication

28 Apps for Social Skills

29 Psychological/Emotional Functioning  Emotions  Self image  Self esteem

30 Psychological/emotional functioning includes things like  Experiencing enjoyment and other positive emotions  Coping with stress; relaxing  Feeling good about oneself  Being mindful  Savoring life  Optimism and hope  Etc.

31 Variations in psychological/emotional functioning could be due to  Mental illness  Attention deficit disorder  Traumatic brain injury  PTSD  Etc.

32 Apps for Psychological and Emotional Functioning

33 Lunch!

34 Physical Functioning  Physical  Sensory

35 Physical functioning includes things like  Walking  Lifting  Moving  Balancing  Grasping  Muscular control  Fine motor skills  Etc.

36 Variations in physical functioning could be due to  Spinal cord injury  Amputation  Stroke  Obesity  Multiple sclerosis  Muscular dystrophy  Spina bifida  Cerebral palsy  Arthritis  Parkinson’s disease  Etc.

37 Sensory functioning includes things like  Hearing  Seeing  Touching  Integrating sensations  Etc.

38 Variations in sensory functioning could be due to  Blindness  Deafness  Hearing impairment  Vision impairment  Color blindness  Autism  Etc.

39 Apps for the Sensory Domain

40 Apps for Physical Skills

41 Apps for Physical Fitness

42 Cognitive Functioning

43 Cognitive or intellectual functioning includes things like  Learning  Processing information  Memory  Problem solving  Paying attention  Reading  Writing  Following directions  Etc.

44 Variations in cognitive functioning could be due to  Intellectual disability  Autism  Learning disability  Other developmental disabilities  Traumatic brain injury  Alzheimer’s  Etc.

45 Apps for the Cognitive Domain

46 Use of iPads in TR Practice  Guest Speakers:  Kristina McGowan, B.A.,TRS  Judy Dravucz, Diploma, RecT  Alberta Health Services  Carewest Fanning Centre


48 Break!

49 Leisure Functioning

50 Apps for Leisure Resources

51 Apps for Leisure Skills & Interests: Art and Music

52 Apps for Leisure Skills & Interests: Home Crafts

53 Apps for Leisure Skills & Interests: Outdoor Adventure and Travel

54 Apps for Leisure Skills & Interests: Sports and Games

55 Sharing Apps

56 How will you use the iPad in your practice?

57 Wrap-up and Evaluation  Evaluation form on your iPad  QR code (and web link)for handouts and resources  CEU certificate

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